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Family History

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Mr. Rampagingbunny

Lived in Era 14 and got 3 heir(s) (Carrot Fever, Carrot Fever, Carrot Fever).

Out of nowhere came the Rampaging Horde, lead by a fearsome creature that resembled some kind of bunny. Their leaders name was "Rampaging-Bunny".

He had white eyes and no sign of a pupil inside then, his gaze was empty as if he lost his sanity. his skin was glowing an eerie kind of fluorescent green and was unnaturally tough, as if it was enchanted with some sort of dark magic.

He was the last of the "Were-Rabbits" and was send into this world by the clan-elders through a magic portal. His only task is to destroy this world and create a habitat for his race. And so the story of Rampaging-Bunny begins.

After setting up his basetown, he send out scouts to look for potential allies in the near vicinity of his town. After many days only a few scouts returned, most of them had been mutulated and close to their deaths.

What kind of world was this, Rampaging-Bunny thought, most of my scouts have died or are about to die and the only news I get out of them is that there are enemies everywhere. Suddenly another scout arrived, unharmed and exceptionally cheerfull. He had found an ally, he had found "The Medieval Dogs Of War".

After joining up with them, it was time to prepare for battle, to secure his territory, to secure the survival of his brethren, to secure the survival of his newfound allies. The time has come upon him to let his destiny meet his fate.

Sir Carrot Fever

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Nethersage) and was a member of Anti Fowl Alliance

His father, Rampaging-Bunny, came from another dimension, at least that is what the historicans seem to have written. But for Carrot Fever all that matters is this world and the urge to conquer it entirely...

Thus Carrot Fever remained in his fathers kingdom, but he already noticed that many of the other members of the ancient kingdom had passed away or had sided with others...

Then a messenger arrived, King Stalin is no more, the kingdom is in chaos, no heir to the throne at all. The messenger also stated that just before the King went to better places, he adviced to join FOWL...

"So be it..." Carrot Fever said to his messenger "as of now we will follow the orders of the Fowl-Kingdom, send out word to the ones around us that we're now following a new leader, may we be more glorious then my father was in his past"...

not knowing there had already been send armies carrying the COW-banner to attack his cities, Carrot Fever vowed his alligiance to the Throne of Fowl...

Fierce battles followed the next few days, the first city of Carrot Fields fell into enemy hands. The survivors settled in the midst of three mountains, aptly naming the newfound city "Cave Trolls"...

Gathering strenght, the new city grew strong and was now able to produce armies, Carrot Fever ordered his smithies to heat up the fires. The time to retake their lost capital was upon them. An endless stream of vulonteers poured over the enemies that had taken over Carrot Fields and at last, the city was retaken. Carrot Fever stood amongst his men, looking at the remnants of his capital city, a city that was torched and ransacked by the enemy. "They will pay for this insulence and cowardice, WE WILL HUNT THEM DOWN!!!" Carrot Fever spoke to his army...

Days passed by and the forces of Carrot Fever grew stronger and more powerfull. Armies took control of a small village to the east of the Cave Troll city and then moved further to the south and the east. A small town governed by an old soldier was conquered with great ease and turned into a farmingcommunity.

Then one day a messenger arrived with news of an escaping COW-army. "What do you mean it's heading our way?" Carrot Fever yelled at the messenger "I thought you said it was fleeing the area! Very well then, get me the general of the Dark Shroud army...AT ONCE!!!" and the messenger ran out of his royal quarters...

"The army is ready, my liege. The fleeing army won't survive this little ambush we've prepared" The Dark Shroud general spoke to Carrot Fever. "Very well then General, let's get this onslaught started and over with, give the signal for the attack!". Minutes after the Carrothian horn was sound, thousands of Hobgoblins engulfed the mesmerized enemy army. Severely outnumbered, the enemy soldiers dropped to the ground, dead, injured and even soiling themselves with fear. "Payback is such a sweet thing, served when least expected. Round up the survivers and...execute them General...that should teach them not to ransack a capital city!" Carrot Fever spoke and then left the battlefield.

Days later a multitude of scouts returned to report about the surroundings of the evergrowing Carrothian-empire. "There are more cities located across the lake and near the mountains and forests behind it? Very well then, mobilize the additional armies, it's time to expand our borders!" Carrot Fever spoke to his most trusted group of generals.

Weeks passed and the armies conquered the surrounding cities. Among the cities was one of particular interest to Carrot Fever. The city was called "Majestydale" and the spoils of war had a special prize, it contained a fair maiden, a princess, a bride...

The marriage was followed by the birth of an heir to the throne of Carrothia and the unstoppable warmachine of the Horde. During the childhood of their firstborn, the empire grew strong and powerfull but was becoming more peacefull and diplomatic as the child grew older.

Carrot Fever teached his son all he knew about the arts of war and diplomacy, as it was soon to be his sons empire, the Carrothian empire under the rule of Nethersage.

Sir Nethersage

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Darkmyst) and was a member of Abydos

It was on a dark night with a heavy thunderstorm haunting the skies, on which Nethersage stepped though the portal onto the new world called Fantasia. Nethersage was dressed in dark clothing, with glimmering white skulls and bones attached to it for decorative purposes. In his left hand he held an staff with a green crystal on top. The staff itself seemed to eminate an eerie green glow, which resembled the green glow his grandfather Rampaging-Bunny eminated. The right hand was holding an old parchment, which he found amongst his grandfathers belongings.

"Soooo...this is what my grandfathers world looked like?! well then, let's see what it has to offer for our people..." Nethersage mumbled to himself "General? We're setting up our town right here, right NOW!" he yelled at the man standing at a distance behind him. The general commanded the peasantry to start building up the town as fast as they could. He knew from previous generals that it was unwise not to follow Nethersage's orders, as their skulls and bones are now the decoration of his masters clothing.

The aptly named city of Gateway was build shortly after Nethersage gave the command. Now it was time to explore the surroundings and perhaps create more small settlements in order to have a better chance of survival. "General, I assume you have the scouting parties ready?! If so, then send them into every direction right away" Nethersage said. The general followed the orders given and a few days later a messenger from one of the scouting parties returned with a message from a distant kingdom named "Abydos".

"Abydos you say? Hmmm interesting to find them here on Fantasia, they've helped my father Carrot Fever when he was on Mantrax" Nethersage mumbled as he read the message "...well then...messenger?! deliver this reply to King Osiris, The Carrothian Horde will be joining Abydos!" he continued. And so The Carrothian Horde became a member of the powerfull forces of Abydos.

After a few days things became more clear about the world of Fantasia. It seemed that war was the path to follow if you wanted to survive, so NetherSage ordered his faithfull general to commence with the training of the armies. After a few days the first troops have been trained well enough to stand a chance in actual combat and Nethersage ordered them to take over the surrounding possibly hostile cities. The first city on the list to be conquered was Grow, followed by Hello and Rhun. Not wanting to get his troops to spread too thin, NetherSage gave his armies a few days rest to regain their strenght as well as increase their numbers by recruiting in the conquered cities.

After a few weeks passed, the Carrothian Empire grew bigger and bigger. Then one night, NetherSage had a dream, a dream about magic fire raining from the skies. The fire set whole fields ablaze and torched any kind of creature that was unprotected in the open. The dream suddenly became darker, slowly turning into a nightmare. He saw a gigantic army of Nazguls heading towards the capital city, then he saw himself, something was different. NetherSage seemed not to be scared of the huge army heading his way and in his dream his eyes suddenly began to emit a bright green glow as he chanted some ancient words. Suddenly he witnessed that the Nazgul army was being torched, one after the other got burned, smitten, annihilated by the fire raining down upon them and with a bright flash NetherSage woke up from his weird dream, screaming the word MAGIC!

The following day, he ordered his best mages to teach him the ways of the magical path. At first the mages were reluctant to open the secret books, only known to their order, but after NetherSage told them about his nightmare, they decided that they would try to teach him. Many weeks later, he had learned how to slow down objects thrown at him, how to turn invisible and even how to conjure ghostly warriors. The Elder Mages didn't expect their ruler to be this adept with the use of magic and so they decided to teach him one of the most powerfull spells known to them...the Rain of Fire spell. The spell he witnessed in his own nightmare, the spell that torched hundreds of Nazguls within minutes.

A month later, NetherSage was taking a break from his magical studies and decided to go for a little walk in the fields at the foot of the Gateway-mountains. When suddenly he got ambushed by a group of human bandits. A few of them jumped on top of him and held him down while another held a knife to his neck. The leader of the group was about to take his valuables, when suddenly NetherSage's eyes started to glow green with anger. Chanting a few words, the group of bandits got pushed back with a huge force and NetherSage turned invisible. The group of Bandits were screaming in terror and tried to flee the scene when a group of ghostly figures emerged out of thin air and attacked two of them, tossing them up into the air and tore the flesh from their bones as they dropped back onto the ground. The remaining bandits ran for the hills as fast as they could, but they found out that they could not quite move as fast as they thougth they could when NetherSage appeared a few hundred meters in front of them with his eyes now radiating a pulsating green glow. The bandits screamed with terror as they witnessed that the sky turned red and flames seared down onto their bodies, burning them to a crisp.

Lord Darkmyst

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Nightfury) and was a member of Abydos

Following his father's footsteps, Darkmyst emerged from the shadowrich forests of Shadowlock. His trusty general and his troops followed just a few steps behind. "General, it's time we set up our base" Darkmyst spoke to him. "Yes, my liege, we will do as you asked" the General replied. A few hours later the camp was up and running, troops started training to enhance their battle skills, whilst others started the construction of houses. "Lord Darkmyst, our troops seem to have grown quite fond of this area, perhaps we should not only set up camp here, but..." and before the general had finished his scentence, Darkmyst interupted him. "I guess you're trying to tell me that we should construct a city here?" Darkmyst continued. "Yes, milord! that was what I was going to talk to you about" was the General's reply. "Well then, since our troops are either enhancing their warrior skills, or are building houses at this time, go right ahead and give the order to start planning the city of Shroudshock" Darkmyst answered with a pleased grin on his face.

A few days later Darkmyst walked through the city to look at what his soldiers had constructed. The city of Shroudshock was quite nicely set up, roads towards the mines in the mountains and the forests, as well as a few newly plowed farmlands near the river. However this utopian view would not intervene with the plans of Darkmyst, the men might love it, but he'd rather go to battle and secure his newfound lands. "General get overhere!" he yelled at his most trustworthy follower "General, I need you to start the construction of an armory in the vincinity of Shroudshock, right away!". The General obeyed the command and gathered a group of men to set up the armory. The time had come for him to prove he's worthy of his title, the time to prepare for war had last!

A week later, DarkMyst went out to inspect his army and the newly created cities in his Carrothian province. His General was quite pleased with the kind words his ruler spoke to him when he was done with the inspection. Especially the words "glory through conquest" made the General smile. The next day the Carrothian General moved out with the Dark Mage army with the specific order to capture the city of Lazarus. After days of preparing the General succesfully sieged the city and cut off it's supplies. When the messenger arrived at DarkMyst's palace, he told DarkMyst that the city was well defended with a gigantic wall. "A wall you say? This will take more time then we actually care to waste on a city, go get me my Grandmage!" DarkMyst spoke to the messenger. Few moments later the Carrothian Grandmage arrived "My Liege?! What can I do for you?" the Mage spoke, "Well now Grandmage, it seems my General is in need of your help, so I'm wondering if the Dark Mages of Abydos are ready yet". "Hmmmm...ready yes, but they need to have their own area, not to be impolite milord, but Shroudshock is giving us too much interference, making us unable to concentrate on our spells" the Grandmage spoke with a slight hesitation in his voice, knowing that DarkMyst has hanged his followers before, just for being "Well actually, I was thinking about giving you and your mages an area in the west. That way you can study, improve and concentrate on the spells needed to aid my armies in the future. How does that sound to you?!" DarkMyst spoke with a smile on his face. "Milord! this is a great thing! I'll inform my mages immediately!" A few days later, the Tower city was build up and the mages only started to chant their spells and the walls of Lazarus started to crumble into piles of dust, Lazarus was no more then a playing field for the Carrothian General. Not soon after word of victory was brought to DarkMyst.

Days, Weeks, Months passed by and the Carrothian Horde grew stronger and more powerfull, slowly turning the surrounding villages into colonies or slavecamps for the Empire. DarkMyst was very pleased at what his people had accomplished so far, however it was time for something to be taken more seriously.