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Sir Scythruler

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Scythlord) and was a member of Evolution

Man, in the time before time, Scythruler wandered alone.
Knowing no one, his friends dead or captured, he was all that was left of his starnge and unusual mercenary army.
Jonny Bacardi was the leader. Oh, what a man, He slew hundreds by the time he died.
being third in command, I had my own squad and everything.
Then one day, something went wrong.
We where fighting for a man known as king Neptunius. He was clearing out a rather large rebellion group, and offered us a nice sum to help out.
We are, as you might have guessed, not a small and.
Five thousand men where under our comand.
We fought, and we saw the enemy break.
The entire field charged.
They ran over a hill, we followed.
Then we stopped.
The armies of king neptunious fled at the sheer site of it.
The largest host I have ever seen in my life was gathered over that hill.
We stood there, and waited for them to charge, before we knew it, we where surounded.
Jonny yelled "This is it men, we're going down right here. All of us. But I say, if we have to go to hell, we take every man we can with us, so that the way is cleared for us!"
The men gave a mighty cheer, and rushed at the enemy.
It was a sight to savor.
The mercenary army fought like mad men, and some of us made it to the woods.
I was with a party of us, there where 10, I think, we made it in, and about 100 yards in, I heard us being followed, i waved them on, and hid behind a tree.
Sure enough, 20 or so men rushed by me.
I killed the last one, and slipped into his armor real quick,a nd ran the other way.
I still ahd my pay, so i bolted.
I made it, but, I'm not proud.
That, is my story.

King Scythlord

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Jonny Bacardi) and was the leader of Bacardi Mercenary Unit

Scythruler, my father, was a brave and powerful man.
Our family was small, i was the youngest, during the time between eras, our family got into trouble.
my fathers men, and my brothers, where all slaughtered in a raid.
Only i survived, and now, i lead.
My first test was to slay my fathers kilers, and, i did just that.
Just before the era of Saint Paul came in, me and my men went out, and had a battle.
We founf the mercs, but, they where strong, and very powerfull.
We had a full scale battle, in which i earned the respect of my men, and, i slew my first man.
In hand to hand battle, I slew the leader, his men became outraged, and they attacked us.
I slew 27 men that day, my second in command, Gianni Forello, and my good friends Joeymaimone, Tonymaimone, TwistedTwist, Open_Sesame, JP, Reagy, and lots of others.
They slew half, and the rest slew most of the others.
We returned home just as the new era started,
Here is how the era went:
17:22:54: Valar has declared war upon us!
--Going to go make an armory city so I can help out my kingdom
--15:23:12: Our Rebellions Militia army fought and won over the Kentas lifeguards army from Kentas. We lost 7 Farmers, 2 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 10 of our men got injured.
--04:17:12: Our Rebellions Militia army have surrendered to the army of Sujungsiu from Pisau. We lost 7 Farmers, 2 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 10 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
--07:01:09: Our Scout army have surrendered to the army of Geert lifeguards from Geert. We lost 2 Farmers, 1 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 3 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
--18:32:17: Haha lead by Mr. Mythyis attacked and took over Bacardi Mines. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
18:32:17: Our Rebellions Militia failed to defend Bacardi Mines. Haha lead by Mr. Mythyis attacked and took over Bacardi Mines. We lost 33 Farmers, 10 Slingers, 1 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
18:32:18: All troops in Rebellions Militia have died
--16:03:39: Merlex lead by Sir Xuaron have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 27 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 16 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
16:03:39: Our Scythlord lifeguards failed to defend Bacardi Realms. Merlex lead by Sir Xuaron have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 301 Farmers, 164 Slingers, 17 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 5 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
16:03:39: All troops in Scythlord lifeguards have died!
_-_-_-_-_-_==Abydos will die, i promise that==_-_-_-_-_-_-_
--13:28:17: Our Hells Legends army have surrendered to the army of Btk VI from Bill Thomas Killman. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 1 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
14:38:24: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Cali of Kind Regards all across our lands.
--15:17:36: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Cali of Kind Regards all across our lands.
--18:01:24: Geert lifeguards lead by Sir Geert attacked and took over Kind Regards. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Bacardi Realms. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
18:01:24: Our Exploring Bacardi Unit failed to defend Kind Regards. Geert lifeguards lead by Sir Geert attacked and took over Kind Regards. We lost 33 Farmers, 13 Slingers, 6 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
18:01:24: All troops in Exploring Bacardi Unit have died!
--06:04:28: Arrsebandit lead by Sir Arrsehole have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
--23:01:14: Our Abydos Killers army have surrendered to the army of Men from Mythyis. We lost 130 Farmers, 34 Slingers, 7 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 178 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
--23:02:41: Scout lead by Sir Mythyis now has our Bacardi Realms under siege. We lost 13 Farmers, 4 Slingers, 2 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 1 Adventurers in the battle.
23:02:41: Our Abydos Killers failed to defend Bacardi Realms. Scout lead by Sir Mythyis have begun a siege of Bacardi Realms. We lost 3 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 3 of our men got injured.
--20:59:52: Dire Wolves lead by Viceroy Drakos have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 135 Farmers, 38 Slingers, 14 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 14 Adventurers in the battle.
20:59:52: Our Abydos Killers failed to defend Bacardi Realms. Dire Wolves lead by Viceroy Drakos have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 30 Farmers, 5 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
20:59:53: All troops in Abydos Killers have died!
-- Wtf lead by King Osiris have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
--03:05:51: South lead by Lady Odin attampted to turn Evolution Compl into a vassal city. We lost 287 Farmers, 150 Slingers, 4 Pony riders, 28 Illusionists and 36 Adventurers in the battle.
13:38:07: South lead by Lady Odin have turned Evolution Compl into a vassal city. We lost 384 Farmers, 200 Slingers, 6 Pony riders, 36 Illusionists and 49 Adventurers in the battle.
--20:27:12: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Bradwardine Cruel of City of IE all across our lands.
--02:02:15: Section A lead by Sir Pascov attacked and took over Bmu Mining King. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Bmu Farmer. We lost 173 Farmers, 240 Slingers, 145 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
02:09:21: We got a message from Pascov.
04:00:53: Our adventurers found a magic ring! It increased the magic level within our realm.
06:56:40: Our DA Bmu Scouter failed to defend Deathpit. Section A lead by Sir Pascov have turned Deathpit into a vassal city. We lost 407 Farmers, 72 Slingers, 73 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 30 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
06:56:41: All troops in DA Bmu Scouter have died!
Your Highness. The city of City of IE is now under our command!
They had 61962 gold, 75633 stone, 469870 tree and 84145 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 2 troops.

Our troops gained +9 extra experience.
--15:01:43: Section A lead by Sir Pascov have turned City of IE into a vassal city. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
15:01:43: Our Bmu Killers failed to defend City of IE. Section A lead by Sir Pascov have turned City of IE into a vassal city. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 100 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 102 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
15:01:43: All troops in Bmu Killers have died!
16:49:34: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Bradwardine Cruel of Black Tower all across our lands.
--02:00:48: Our adventurers found a secret dwarf mining tool; increasing our mining science.
03:00:59: Bmu Explring Ppl gained 1 experience from adventuring.
04:11:43: Our Bmu Explring Ppl army have surrendered to the army of Remove Yaself from Bradwardine Cruel. We lost 625 Farmers, 197 Slingers, 190 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 446 Adventurers in the battle and 1647 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to City of IE.

_-_-_-_-_-_$$<^>People i will never attack<^>$$_-_-_-_-_-_-_
These people have shown me great kindness, and i will never do harm unto them
Sage Bill thomas killman
Lord Soraban
Sir Cali
Sir Arssehole
King Greyye
Mr. Otize

I'm a king now, and I swer to uphold everything I think is honest

Armegedam is now Approaching
I'm trying to get my Kingdom, small as it is, into the best possible position for next ERA. Gonna make some friends, ike BB, and see where I can go from there.

My Son was born Today
By the time the next Era comes, he will be of Age to lead our people, and our Kingdom, into the New Era
Long Live Crown Prince Jonny Bacardi