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Mr. Achilleus

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Achilleus) and was a member of The Falcons

achilleus the second named his city after his father's one athene
it growed quickly was well defende and people liked living there surrounded by ennemies he faund a friend to help him defend against the ones from behind the wall as the villagers called them
but achilleus knew better these elfs where not scary achilleus was onely overpowerd
he started another colony to put his wood and food supply safe athene coud take care of the gold
small as they where his army's woud defend his city's till the last drup of blood and he knew the people where glad with him as ruler

after he lost his main city he started taking over surrounding city's
and if he isn't done now than he is still going on

Sir Achilleus

Lived in Era 14, got 1 heir(s) (Achilleus) and was a member of The Falcons

after the destroying of his world achilleus' son achilleus started his first colony in the new world
he soon started expanding after a few weeks he hade already 4 city's and owned the brige to cross the river

after a spall triumpf of the M kingdom he and his kingdom mates mobilised some of their forces to go fight against the invadors

Sir Achilleus

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Achilleus).

achilleus ,son of achilleus came back to his grandfathers world to reclaim his lost territories after an fight with some elves achilleus knew that they woud no longer obay his commands so he did go to the dwarves to ge thier help
they did send him with 50 swordsmen to go make a collony and they gave him the blueprins to dwarf houses
his city grew fast but achilleus had some money problems so he raised the tax level
now his money problems where over he got attacked by some bandid
his armory's soon drained all willing men out of the city to attack the bandid
he decided to start a new city to be able to make even more troops
after he took 2 city's from the bandid the bandid was able to send an army of mor than 10000 men but achillleus was smart and sended another army up to take the bandit's undefended city's
the bandid with onely one strong city left woud have to retreat his troops to defend himselfe frome the attacks of achilleus's forces

when he almost finished the firs bandid off achilleus got attacked by an angry dwarf prince becaus the prince wanted the power achilleus earned killing the first bandid
achilleus quickly burned the prince' city in his area and killed his troops the prince backed off and stay at his own grounds

in the mean time achilleus main army besiged the city of the first bandid and was waiting for the right moment to attack
the bandid screamed the achilleus shoud kill him himselfe if he wanedted him dead so that is what achilleus did
he marched out at the head of his troops storming the city walls
when they did klimb over the first wall achilleus gave order to light all the building behind it
his men wanted revenge for their falen friends so this order wasn't even nessecery
the special commando's achilleus send in the city a few days before opend the gates of all other walls
when they finnaly stood befor the castle of the bandid they saw the bandid's men betraied the bantid and ad hung him out of the window with his own sword smashed trough his belly and in the castle wall achilleus hated traitors so he killed them all.

after a few day's someone started the arma spell
achilleus was verry angry cuz he was just pepearing to assuault some city's
the elves he used to live with where still angry and with the arma starting they did send one of their archmages up to achilleus' area and orderd him to attack achilleus
but achilleus and his dwarves had grown to strong to take so the archmage took other city's from other people to gain more power

Sir Achilleus

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Achilleus) and was a member of Saiyan Empire

Achilleus was, as heir of his dad, also a dwarf, but yet the battle between his father an the archmage remained undecided Achilleus woud liv in shame if he woud not serch for the archmage.

he grew up in one of the smaler colonies of his dad named new one. seeing the city of his dad tha was the most important in his area made him proud in new one he lived as mayor when the war between tha archmage and his dd begun achilleus was 15 and was prepearing to defend his nice city but already he saw the clouds gather above a city that was casting the arma spell. achilleus was verry mad about that becouse in that way the war woud never end

now achilleus and 50 dwarf swordsmen where the onely wones who survived the disaster because they where hunting in some small wood when they came out they saw a terrible sight
now one ruined and Achilleus dad half dead and half bleeded empty liying on the ground
Achilleus ended his fathers suffering and started running they ran more than 1000 miles and at the end they came at some forrest near Achilleus' dad ruined empire
there Achilleus started his city

after some days achilleus was accepted in the formal kingdom of his father witch he enjoyed verry much
he had some city's and controlled the whole forrest that was near his first city achilleus did senf out scuts to serch the area and found out that there where a lot of other player in his area
an his map it looked like there was a ring of enemy's around him. his kingdom mates where spread all over the land and he was beginning to be one of the most powerfull (at least he tought that)

after some time his kingdom got sisbanded and he joined some other one which was more concentrated in his area
while he wwas whihout king someone stole one of his bigest city's

Sir Achilleus

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Achilleus) and was a member of Saiyan Empire

achilleus, son of achilleus gerw up an a dirty city full of rats. when he cam out he was stinking as much as his lifeguard (50 swordsman) that is also a reason why the gave him command of an unlimited city in the middle of alliad territory.

as he decide everythin should be clean from now on he stood and watched his man make sewers. also he created a police force to arrest people who make dirt.

his city sonn expanded so he started buildin outer colony's to maintain more people he wanted to live under his clean rule. he became rich due to the high taxes. With his money hie builded out his armies and expanded his empire.

Sir Achilleus

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Achilleus) and was a member of Saiyan Empire

after a while with the dwarfs, achilleus started to feel lonely.
dwarfs are dum, strong and fat creatures in his view. so he made friends with the elves again.

Sir Achilleus

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Achilleus) and was a member of Saiyan Empire

achilles lived in a time of war, a time of freedom, and a time of victory.
he started the era not verry well, all but one of his city's got burned. but amazingly enough he strugled trouh.
he did send out a scout to go colonaize a valey witch wad over 80 day's marching far.his scout made it trouh the enemy's main territory and did put up 2 city's. the became verry wealthy. but the other kingdom's in the area mentiond his growing sorce of wealth so the put up a plan to colonyze them an get some of the wealth .
the plan worked out and achilleus needed to pay half of the money he made there.
in the mean time achilleus an his mate's( as in the mates of achilleus cuz achilleus was kindof trying to get some economy) drove the enemy out of there terytory and took over some of the enemy's bigest city's. as this was kindof a prestation achilleus respects them verry much and he's glad he can be is sutch great kingdom.

after a while achilleus attempted to take his city's back in the south as they where wealty enough to try that.
he did make another city and builded up troops from there .
it worked out well and achilleus got the power over 6 city's there

(end of story for this era)