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Sir Crelton

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Cremisis) and was a member of Shattered Screams

I am alive!

Sir Cremisis

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus) and was a member of Shattered Screams

I lived in Mantrax during Era 16. I erected a small area of land for myself, and constructed two cities, one called Oris, the other (near the mountains) called Goldton. It is now very peaceful, I believe my 5th day from arrival (I come from Newbie World, like most people around here). I hope I survive long enough to see the end of this world!
*Day 8 or something*
I see an army from Agent Smith KD coming towards me, and I do believe it is the end of my days. I am preparing my military, or trying, however they're advancing quick.
*Day after "Day 8 or something"*
I just escaped a mass battle with only 14 companions. Both Goldton and Oris have been taken. I hope they do not follow me.
*Day after "Day after 'Day 8 or something'"*
My days, I believe, are coming to an end. I am with 100 other soldiers and have prepared defenses against the oncoming army. So have all the other cities around me. We have liitle chance however. They advance very fast.
--(same day, some time later)
The army arrives. I am in 1 of the lumbermills along with 27 friends. My other soldiers are in a mine, I believe 2 blocks to the right. The army is attacking the gates of my city. Of course, no one is their, so we might have some time before they realize
--(some time later)
It is night! They have demolished the mines, and I hear footsteps coming towards our lumbermill. Now we have 42 soldiers in here. Some escaped from the mine. We are holding the walls, but they are crushing them. Oh no, already arouynd 1000 are in here. Help! We are surrounded. There is no more walls left standing. I am forced to go down the dark shelter pit. I have reached the bottom. Soldiers are coming down. Ris is dead, and so are lots of other soldiers. I ave put Cremisis into the shaft leading out of the city. He must get away! Help! They see me. They are I have been slashed. I wzgg(writing tralis off)
I was with Crelton (see above) on the day when I nealry died. He told me to get into a wind shaft, and I had to obey. I trampled down. Soldiers came into the shelter pit. I looked back. Crelton was still writing. Suddenly a soldiers came towards him. Crelton drew his sword, but too late. He was slased. I wanted to go back, but I knew I must obey his order. I escaped out of the city, and saw 4 of our soldiers. I asked them to get the boat. They did, and we hurried toward the sea.
*Going to Fant*
We rowed a long time. YES!! We have reached Fantasia. I have made, in honor of Crelton, a city named Oris.

Sir Wizardus

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus) and was a member of Shattered Screams

"My father had a city called Oris, growing every day. However, all good things come to an end. We learned that there were several huge LGC armies coming towards the area we were in. We prepared our defenses, but it was useless. LGC had enormous armies of 50000 peopl and more. We couldn't sustain it. My father and I attacked the orc Nazguls - I shot with my bow, my father slashed his spear at those that swooped down in an attempt to tear apart the castle. However, we were losing, and my father realized this. Don't get me wrong - he never gave up hope. He was simply retreating to fight again. He called me and we gathered an army in the town square. He told us that one army would go to the Aven Mountains, commanded by me, whilst another would go up to attack one of LGCs city, commanded by my father. I found some horses, and we rode on. Finally, we reached the valley of Aven, and settled a colony called The Escape. After 10 days, some scouts came and told me that my father had captured the city and had rode on to Elf Block. Then, LGCs army had recaptured the city and followed my father. There was a one-sided battle, and only a few escaped. They never found Cremisis's body, but they were sure, sadly, that he had died. I mourned for his death, but still moved on. And only to learn that an army was coming for us, the last of Cremisis's people. We prepared defenses. A sub-army was seen branching off towards us. They were all Nazguls. They tore apart our city, though I fought galiantly. As far as I remember, I killed 132 NazgulsIt wasn't enough. They finally penetrated our last defense, and I gathered some soldiers to a warehouse. We decided to ride horses as north as we could, away from LGC. We did, and found a area that was suitable, next to some mountains. Little did we know that cities were all around us, and when we did it was too late to demolish our city and take the remaining gold to elsewhere. However we didn't know what to expect, because the cities were of the Abydos kingdom, and I only had heard of their great strength. We spotted an army of Nazguld heading towards us. We were prepared to meet our doom, and we sent a scout towards a safe zone, but we never quite did... The army came closer and closer till we saw they were fully Nazgul. I raised my bow and prepared to shoot some, however they said they were from the great Sir Crom, and wanted to offer a NAP. We eagerily accepted. Later, scouts came back to tell us that in my grandfather's honor (and my father's), they had made a city named Oris. Oris grew, and so did Aevel. We established Riverville, blocking a bridge over a river. I decided to check out how the city was doing, and arrived with 20 of my best Archmages. We saw soldiers preparing to ride out to battle. We asked what was happening, and learned that theypreparing for attack on Solamnic Border. We waited in the city. They came back with victory, but Sir Fizban sent a scout. The scout said that we would pay. Later, our own scouts spotted a 50000 soldier army marching towards OUR new city. I ordered everything to be destroyed, and it was done, but Solamnic Border was still taken. And the army moved on. We knew they were coming to Riverville. I ordered us to go to Oris (which was near Riverville). We did so, however it was all worthless. After taking Riverville the huge army marched towards us. I ordered everone to run to Aevel, which would be safe, but first destroy every single building. Now LGC would have only ruins to take. We rode to Aevel. There we found a HUGE city, it had grown. And so we made it grow bigger, and sent out some scouts. I was with one. We rode out and scouted the whole area and were coming back (from about 15 ticks away) and nearly ran into a LGC army. Heading straight towards Aevel. I immediately took a long route home. I ordered every single building to be razed, but it was too late. They were right outside the gates. I got all the archmages to escape into an army called Speelas. They would run, and LGC... well they would PAY!!! I called for every single troop I had in command to head towards "Unattackable". There we would make our last stand against LGC. Hopefully, if all went well, it would be a win. But it wasn't. They had too many armies."
Then, Wizardus just disapeared right into thin air.

Sir Wizardus

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus) and was a member of Shattered Screams

And reappeared here... and then was about to get demolished by Arma but disappeared again

Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 17 and got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus).

And then reappeared again. There were rocks falling all around Wizardus as the Arma showed its power and wrath. Entire cities fell, and little rocks were of no shelter. The only survival was luck. Finally, fire stopped raining from the sky, and rocks stopped getting carried away. The wind quickly died down as the arma finished its job. Wizardus finally got up and looked around. Only 50 of his enormous hordes of troops remained. His army was completely devastated. Wizardus still carried on with his army though. He marched them bravely through caves and plains. Then one day, he stopped. "I am son of Cremisis, the warrior who survived so long, the brave hero who scarred LGCs armies. I am a member of Shattered Screams, the kingdom who caused great trouble for many evil people. I am Wizardus, the wizard that survives, the wizard that was ever so fearless. I will never falter till I am killed. So kill me, conquerers, enemies of Shattered Scream. Enemies of Wizardus himself... Kill me if you can." With that, Wizardus put the SDS flag down right where he stood, in the middle of a valley. He ordered all the peasants to get to work constructing a city. Wizardus set 10 soldiers with him to scout the lands. He found out that Jezust had an army to the far north. Otherwise, the land was barren of friends. However, not barren of enemies indeed... there were many armies and cities around him. "Well... I suppose I have to survive alone." Wizardus decided to send a scout to the northewest to scout those lands. "Perhaps we will strike land as precious as gold." This meant that maybe they would find an easy to secure area. However Wizardus's thoughts were shattered when he heard a horn cry. Wizardus was about to give commands to scout but now he ran to the front gate. A group of Natives demanded their land back. Wizardus knew his power was strong, but hesitated to use it. He finally said, "I will not go, but I'll make a deal with you. If you don't attack me, I won't attack you. Also, if you help secure this area, so will I." But alas, the lands were more filled than Wizardus thought. Some Rumour soldiers appeared out of nowhere and began attacking the Natives. Then they spoke to Wizardus. "Surrender your city now. We will overcome you." Wizardus looked at all the cruel faces below him. He knew no words of peace would do. "ARACHNIVO!!!" Fire came down from the sky and all the soldiers were killed. Wizardus went back to the Town Hall to meet with his own soldiers for plans of scouting.
In the morning, there were 10 soldiers gathered for scouting. Wizardus went with them, and that was his terrible mistake. He established Oris and Aevel, not only in memory of his father and grandfather, but also in memory of a secret code. After 10 days, he learned that Rumour had taken over The City. Wizardus was not without worry, for he knew 2 things - The Natives must have gotten killed, and Rumour would probably take over his new cities. The next day, he ordered everyone to rally at Aevel. Oris was left unguarded, because Wizardus thought Aevel would first be taken. However, he found out that he was wrong. Oris was taken. Now many many troops were gathered in Aevel, all awating the obvious oncoming Rumour army. And there, in a mist, it came. It looked easy to win, and it was. Wizardus with his troops easily killed them off with just 4 injuries. There was only 100 Gaia attacking. The next day was much different. About 200 Nazguls came. Wizardus casted chain lighting and 20 fell dead to the ground. The archers shot about 50. Then, another 200 Nazguls came, making 330. The archers, warriors, and knights fought bravely, as well as Wizardus himself. He slashed about 30 as he jumped, and casted spells killing another 50. Finally the Nazguls were all killed. Then, he saw many soldiers coming towards them, of which he identified as... Rumour - again. But then, from the other side another army came. At first, Wizardus thought it was Rumour, but then he saw the SDS flag waving. He knew it was WaveCrusher. Wizardus thought they had all died, but they must have been delayed only. The WC army clashed against the Rumour army, making heavy damage already. There were currently about 500 Nazguls. The WC army clashed again, this time with many arrows flying overhead, from Wizardus's archers. The Nazgul army was down to 150 soldiers, but then another Rumour army came to aid, about 200 Nazguls. The armies were almost killed again, but then another army, this time a line of soldiers, came by 30s. After a matter of minutes, Wizardus saw about 15000 Nazguls standing before him. Wizardus casted many spells, but the army just grew stronger. The battlefield was covered in a veil of blood. Wizardus, not thinking, jumped very high, towering over everyon, slashing his sword. He went with enormous speed, and before you could sing the ABCs properly, 1K Nazguls were killed. But that still left 14K. The Nazguls shivered for a moment and stopped. However they knew that Wizardus was tired, for he was walking back to the castle. WC clashed against the Nazgul army, but alas, it wasn;t enoutgh. The Nazgul army slowly devoured the WC front lines, and the back lines poured into the central fortress of Aevel, and thus begins the Last Battle of Aevel. Rumour's Nazguls stormed into the city, knowing down walls. By now, all of Wizardus's troops were in the fortress. The archers galiantly reached for there arrows, and then Whoosh - the bows twanged and arrows flew whistling into the air, targeted at Nazguls. Again and again they shot, and again and again soldiers clashed into the flying Nazguls (Nazguls fly very low because they can only fly high for short periods of time, about 30 seconds, and only after some rest). However, Wizardus teleported the rest of his troops to a camp nearby. That was all Wizardus would know about Aevel for a long time. The next day, Wizardus got his army to go towards a PKS place, though n=ot sure if they were still allied. He got a message from Hich Commander Grottenwald that Rhovan Sleith and Galad Ram, the king of SDS, were also attacked, and that the great city of Altara was captured. Wizardus knew Rumour was esablishing a core, and that made him know what must be done. Another attack. Alas now, Wizardus sadly marched his army to a spot where he had marked as good, several years ago, before the Arma. However, when he got there there was a huge wall, looking as if made by mist, however when touched feeling solid as rock. Wizardus wondered why it was there, blocking passage to what he knew was where Cremisis build the 2nd Aevel, the 1st in Fantasia. Then he remembered a soothsayer telling something to him
"The secret of the key lies in the world's past, past all that you know, back to the ancients. Cities grow by this name of power, all over the land, though changed of name. Think of the ancient language, when you wish for a key, and alas also think of your past and the world's."
Wizardus said "Aevel". Nothing happened. Then, he remembered more. The Ancients had made the key for all, that opened almost any of the ancient walls. And so Wizardus said "Aeuvaiol-ransvail" The mist disapeared at once. With his troops, Wizardus moved on. And what he saw was a small city, indeed surrounded by walls, however after that a layer of burned buildings. He knew this was Aevel. Wizaruds thought, 'It must have been attacked by... Legacy or.. Rumour.' The last word he said with great hostility, for he now hated Rumour. Alas now he forgot his troubles and headed on to the long forgotten city, now naming it Wizard's City. And then, with his sodier helping, they rebuilt from the shambles. Wizardus knew that once this city had 50 thousand buildings, but now many pieces had blown away... and remaining 50 buildings, though 400 made from pieces by Wizardus and the soldiers. And yet still the city galiantly stood, now unprotected by the mist. After another day, Wizardus saw that Rumour - Rumour! - had 2 huge armies, 1 heading for him, one heading elsewhere. Also, he learned that his king and some other SDS people had settled some cities. Wizardus knew he must get revenge upon Rumour, but now he must save his body. And so Wizardus strode away to the armories, and asked the head over there,
"How many soldiers do we have under our command"
The head said, "Only 50 archmages and 150 ghosts."
Wizardus asked for the number of peasants. 2000 was the number "Every single one of them must be trained into a soldier, though some should still help make walls. We must hurry, for there is just 10 days till the army gets here. Send two scouts in different ways, both going away. I will organize a small ranged strike to weaken and slow the army. Then, I need a team to poison their food. We must be careful, though quick. Go!"
Wizardus then went to the archery ranges in search of good archers. Hastily, he picked 30 ghosts to join him.They came upon Cieve Mikos, a sheer cliff where they would attack the Rumourians, a part of Mount Cieve Rejok. They saw the army.
Wizardus whispered to everyone to duck down. The Rumour army was coming. 5 minute later, Wizardus said sofly, "Attack." The archers jumped up, pulled their bows, and let go. The bows twanged, and all hit their mark, leaving 30 dwarves dead. Wizardus shot a bolt of lightning, leaving another 20 dead. Again and again they struck, till the Rumourian army started getting their hammers and hammerthrowers out then Wizardus shot a last arrow of fire, causing 60 to lie dead. The archers ran without a single casualty.
The next day, Wizardus got a report of the poisoners job. They had poisoned (without casualties) 286 bags of food, and estimating 1000 will die. Wizardus got a report of his own armies job, saying there were 700 deaths. Together 1700 dead. Wizardus knew he still must o more. There were 10000 dwarves, now down to 8300, still to much to handle. Wizardus now ordered all his archmages and his new spellweavers to cast RoF. It was casted with success the next day, leaving 500 dead, and casted again, leaving 700 dead. Now there were about 7100 left. Still more was to be done. Now just 6 days away. At night, he did. He knew they were more prepared, and so knew he must think of something else. Magic-fire was the answer, also known as Metal made of Fire. It was not magical, though required skill to make. In store from the old days of Aevel, the first one, there were, because of heaviness, at least 2000 pieces of Magic-fire there. Wizardus used just 100. They had to be either thrown or shot from a bow. Sinice the guards were watching any shooting spots, Wizardus got every single ghost to just drop it down from the Cieve Mikois, another sheer cliff, though leaving only 1 meter of walking space to attack from above. The Magic-fire burned once it touched things, and 3500 died. Now, just 3600 remained, and this time they were slowed, being more careful. All the time, peasants built more and more walls. Wizardus asked how many soldiers were trained, and got a report:
Ghosts - 400
Archers (ghosts trained as archers) - 200/400
Riders - 50
Archmages - 100
Total soldiers - 550
550 versus 3600 did not leave good odds, but they must fight.In a last attempt to weaken the enemy, Wizardus got a horse and galiantly rushed through, along with 20 riders, the Rumourian soldiers. They swinged their swords. The Rumourians were surprised, and another 600 died, leaving 3000. They might just win. 4 days later, Wizardus got this report
Ghosts - 600
Archers - 350/600
Riders - 100
Archmages - 300
Total Soldiers - 1000
Wizardus, for once, smiled. They would win. He knew it. Also, there were 7 rows of walls.The soldiers piled on top, preparing toget down (there were ladders engraved on the walls - soldiers would climb down, and fast). The army came upon them, having now, as Wizardus looked, 5000 soldiers - 5 times their size. Wizardus yelled fire. Many arrows came down, and again and again. Then WIzardus yelled to continue firing and attack!!! The soldiers climbed down and surprised the enemy. They slashed the Rumourians, killing many. The archmages began making bolts of electricity, and the spellweavers began casting RoF many times. Wizardus then jumped down, and using unimaginable and unseeable speed, killed at least 200. Now about 4000 fearful soldiers remained. They charged the wall. Arrows did not come down on them, for Wizardus had a BIG surprise. Wizardus's soldiers ran to the next wall and the wall masters pulled on a rope and ran too. The wall slowly fell, and then BOOM! All the soldiers that were under the wall died. Still, dwarves piled on top of the walls to meet their doom. Wizardus ordered some catapults to fire. The horde on top of the wall got crushed, and people now climbed the rocks made from the catapults. But right when the enemies climbed to the top of the rocks, whoosssssshhhh: Arrows came from the archers and killed them. Only 50 soldiers were dead on Wizardus's dies, but already the Rumourians had about just 2000 left. Again and again arrows, rocks, lightning, and... soldiers came down. Slowly, Wizardus gained a victory. Finally, 70 SDS soldiers were laid dead on the floor, though 5K Rumourians. 1000 beat 13000! (Wizardus realized that there were 13000, not 10000, soldiers coming at first). An amzaing and glorious victory. Revenge enough for some, but not Wizardus. He learned as he was digging through books, that indeed Rumour had killed his grandfather and the troops, as well as his father's troops. Though Wizardus didn't see anything about Cremisis dying, nor anything about his great brother, Cremisis II, dying. Wizardus soon had 2 cities under his control: this one, and the one his scouts made: a second Riverville. Now Wizardus built up his cities. He sent a scout away from the terror of Rumour as a backup, very, very far. After more Rumour attacks Wizardus was forced to do something. Wizarzadus was interupted by another army - this time at least 40000 soldiers. They were all Nazguls, and flying creatures swept down from the sky, demolishing the city. Wizardus ran. As soon as he was at the peak of his power, he was at an all time low. Wizardus found 100 troops still alive, and he found some scouts, 50 of them, nearby. They said that all the other cities had been taken. Wizardus still trudged on with 150 troops. He took a route that went near Rumoured Superi, one of the hearts of the Rumourian empire. It was dangerous for they could be seen, and if seen they WOULD be dead. Still, it was the only way across the Fiery mountains. Alas, Wizardus and the soldiers took some of the Magic-fire, so they were still sort of powerful. Still, this would be difficult. Alas, he passed unharmed. Wizardus continues down to a place guarded by PKS. This city would grow huge. Then, scouts told Wizardus that they had recaptured some cities they had lost to Rumour, and that they were doing well. Wizardus came back and found peace, something he had yearned for for a long time.

Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 18 and got 0 heir(s) .

One year passed. Today was Era 18, Day One. but nevermind that, there were more important matters to be addressed. For example, the problem that his newly founded city, that didn't really have a name, was about to be decimated by the evil forces quite close by. The very ones he had made peace with. The were from the kingdom of Abydos, but they were not like Crom - they were cruel this time, to his eyes at least. He woud now be decimated by them... Wizardus was thinking of a strategy to evade the Abydos people as a messenger was allowed into the city. "The Blitzkrieg Buccaneers would like to recruit you to our kingdom! We hope you join. Note that this message is from Blackwell." Wizardus let the messenger stay for a while then ushered him out - he had to think. Blackwell... where have I heard that name before. AHA! It was the very Viceroy that was friend tomy previous king. Wizardus remembered. He took heed to the message and joined, though he would have to recreate Shattered Screams soon...

One week passed. Wizardus was worried. He had heard rumours that the outer cities had been decimated, but by whom? He had ordered his troops to assemble. But it was no use - the Abydos people were to strong. Perhaps he could defeat the first few, but none more. He had to run... but where. The BB core, of course. He would get revenge in time. "Burn down the rest of the mills and mines. Try to make it look like nothing was here. We will travel through the Zike tunnel and get as far as possible, and ASAP too." The plan worked. The Abydos people passed right over the city. He had to lead his army somewhere... but where?