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Viceroy Aloysius

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Aloysius The Wse) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire

"Sinilang sa Lupang Silangan.."

One of the most evasive figures in the Mantrax world, a general of Thermopylae-like battles, and a warrior from the Orient Seas.

With only a handful of men, Aloysius will fight and hold back any strong invading army to give ample time for his people to go to safer places, even though its a one-sided battle.

"I am surrounded by fearful odds that will overcome me and my gallant men, but I am pleased to die fighting for my beloved people".

Viceroy Aloysius The Wse

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Aloysius The Avenger) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire

the heir of the most elusive figures of Era16 in Mantrax is not a very good one. too young to command an army enough to defend his land, he only managed to make the King of Legacy to come out of the battlefield to ensure his defeat. lol

Sir Aloysius The Avenger

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Aloysius Hook) and was a member of Blitzkrieg Buccaneers

after the IE disbanded in fantasia. Sir Aloysius found a home... in RIOT kingdom. able to establish his own area and remain unharmed just before IE's defeat against Serenity. RIOT Kingdom found a force to recon in the remaining days of the era.

Mr. Aloysius Hook

Lived in Era 18 and got 0 heir(s) .

Aloysius Hook was the most powerful orc Era 18.

His early reign was during the RIOT-MDoW war. MDoW's four member near Hook's area was not enough to give a good fight. they all fell one by one under Aloysius wave of attacks. and after MDoW's presence near Aloysius territory was gone, another war was about to happen.

Abydos kingdom attacked RIOT's cities just north of Aloysius' area. I sent my armies, veterans of the previous war, to aid my friends and Viceroys. But Abydos' actions were planned that the merging place of RIOT's defending armies was attacked before merges happen.

Aloysius held a meeting with his advisors. The council decided that defection to the enemy kingdom is necessary. A detailed plan is formed for the fall of Abydos Kingdom.

Abydos accepted Aloysius Hook to fight at their side. As a spy for Abydos. The days of Abydos existence in the area were numbered.

Aloysius Hook left Abydos when enough information is gathered. Joined Zeon Kingdom, Abydos' only NAP kingdom, and days later, Zeon and Abydos, found out Hook's true motive.
Aloysius then joined NT.

The most powerful ruler Sparker of NT, knew my plan against Abydos, welcomed Aloysius.

And with more powerful allies at his back, Aloysius commanded several armies of NT in an assault to Abydos staring core. Just 3days passed, news of Abydos fall buzzed the Fantasia world, behind it, Abydos' fall and anger against Aloysius' actions is now a history to remember.

After the war, Aloysius Hook instructed the construction of his Castle deep in NT's Core.

NT's goal was to reign and own Era 18, when Arma is casted. Holy Kingdom was Aloysius next target.

Soon, Holy's starting core fell one by one under Aloysius command. with 3000 nazguls controlled and sent in the battle field, Holy is too weak to defend their starting core.

And days before Arma, Aloysius Hook, the most powerful Orc ruler in Era 18, secure his family in the Arcane realm prepared by his trusted shamans located in the dungeons of his Castle.