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Mr. Barny

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Barny) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire

I started the game in era 21, but I went idle for like 7 days and I got deleted for "inactivity"

Mr. Barny

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Barny) and was a member of Jester

Well I have been in IE for 6 eras, but we have now merged into Jester. There is a really long explanation why below.

In era 24, towards the end Legacy breached our core, and many of our IE members died, than subsequently left IE. One person who left was Arzun, leader of IE for the previous 6 eras. Sigheart re-formed IE, but many players; believing IE had permanently disband, had already joined other kingdoms.

After that it was all downhill, and for the next 2 eras we went from #4 kingdom to getting massacred at the start of each era, which made more of our members quit.

In the beginning of this era we got massacred again by Mirror, the oldest kd in the game. The next day, while on the very brink of destruction, our neighbors to the East, Jester, offered to have us merge into them.

We had around 11 players left in IE, all very skilled veterans, and loyal enough to stick it out with IE. We knew that if we did join Jester, it would make it one of this strongest kingdoms in Fantasia, and we would go from being massacred each era to dominating.

So within 8 hours of the offer to merge into Jester, we accepted.

We made the right decision, as Jester has become one of the top 3 kingdoms in Fantasia.

Mr. Barny

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Barny) and was a member of ZEON

This is my 7th era... and I started it with my kingdom being disband...

Well... I have been in the same kd for around 6 eras... but it disband.

Out of confusion and an urge to start the game when the era began, I joined ZEON, and I intend to stay loyal to them.

This era I finished sort of badly, because towards the end of the era nearly all of my towns were taken, I was an elf mage, and I experimented with plague.

I found out that even 20+ era mage veterans did not know the effects of the spell plague, so I did a series of casts, and now nearly all of the information about the spell that the public knows stems from the tests that I did.

Anyways, this era was rough and boring. Next era, I don't think I'll play mage.

Mr. Barny

Lived in Era 29, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Legacy

Well, this era Zeon started by Carnage, and pretty soon we got wiped out.

Once all Zeon left Fant, I stayed. I was able to train 40k Nazgul and 250k MUs; and burnt a total of 23 Carnage and PKS cities.