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Mr. Gravehaunter

Lived in Era 29 and got 1 heir(s) (Jumperke).

When i was a kid, i died and Satan made me his lawyer. Years later i got fired, but i would only quit the job if i could get a second life. And now i'm back. Searching 4 a new boss...

Mr. Jumperke

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Gravehaunter) and was a member of Music

kk, i didn't live long, i got born, died by a fault (mine) i deleted my acount again and.... you see nothing actually happend

Mr. Gravehaunter

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Gravehaunter II) and was a member of Music

Years later someone found my grave, his name was darkfaith, a powerfull ruler who came looking for survivors. He asked the survivors if they knew who I was, they said it was "Gravehaunter". Then he relised that he had a cousin with a name like that...

6 weeks, 6 days and 6 hours later he burned my body and asked satan (he knew me) if I could live again, he agreed Bcause I helped him a lot...

Days later I made a village inside the safety walls of the great kingdom "Music". I hope I can live an safety live here, I'm now starting to create an army, and find out who killed my grandfather...

But I didn't got that far, one of my citys got taken over and one got destroyed, when my last village was under attack I ran, together with my friends, wife and kid, I hoped I could make it to Kiekeboe, a city of Darkfaith, but I didn't reached it,
They came from everywhere and killed my friends, as fast as I could me my wife and my son ran into the forest where we fell into an ambush, we survived it but I knew we were almost dead, we ran into the mountains, we found a cave and hid in there till my son got born, I learned him how to fight and only on his 14 he was better than me before. He said he would come back one day and tell us that the kingdom was save...

Sir Gravehaunter II

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Gravehaunter III) and was a member of Safty In neighbors

Chapter 1: A normal trip...

When I came down of the hills, I went (togheter with my pals), searching for some food. When we saw a deer we sneeked around it, and jumped at it...
When we enjoyed the meal, we walked further, till I left my domain, I marched further with the words of my mother in my head, "Always wash your socks, before you go into battle"... By those thought we heard an army passing by and saw a great city called "Kiekeboe". We walked further and a few days later we found a wonderfull place, no one was there and when I fell against a rock I found pure gold, Then me and my mates though the same, "Let's steal women from "Kiekeboe""... No, really they thought it, I didn't, so we decided to stay here, and call this place "Goldminy II" like my father did to his city. I made some homes and some mines, some childeren, (from the wifes we stole from "Kiekeboe"...

Chapter 2: Coward?

This is all looking like a peace-full story, but one day, a lot of peasants came to us, and they told us that they were attacked... I was afraid of my people, to get killed so I decided to leave Sin alone, I asked to join their kingdom and I'm now waiting to join them...
Day's later a courier arived with the message I could join, I tought I was save, but betrayded my father, he asked if I could go to Music, well actually I got kicked, so I thought this was the best place I could be...

Chapter 3: An expension

Weaks later the war was over and I send 2 of my couriers to Sir Darkfaith, they kicked me from their kingdom, with thouse thoughts I wrote the letter, I would never join them again, and later they better wouldn't come and pray I would ever come to them again because I'm now save...


"Greetings Sir Darkfaith, finally when the war is done, the roads are open again, my servants Gaeane and Rvhutr, brought this to you. First I wanted to join your clan but I got kicked out of it so don't expect I'll come back and beg you for mercy, we won with this war and are now in peace, but when the time is there, I'll kill you and all of your little "soldiers" and peasants, your kingdom will never stop us,

Greetings, a cousin of you who never want to see you again...
Day's later I sond a few peasants and warriors to cross the river to find new land and search for food. After 5 days a courier came and said they found a new place to make our city. I said they could name it, and they did, they called the city: "Goldenfish II", like my father did when he found wonderfull land at the border of a river, I traveled there and helped my people building this city. Later I traveled together with some people, and after 3 days, we found ourself between a river and a mountain, we made a wall there and beyond it we made more mines, so everyone could live save... I'm now traveling together with my best warriors and friends to make a city where I would make warriors and then to pay my cousin a visit...

Chapter 4: A hole new domain...

One day a courier came by to rest, he said he was on it's way to "Snap" a city close to one of mines, we told him the way and 2 days later he took of, we heard many things about the place he lived, fresh water, clear mountain... Even more wonderfull than mine domain, so I sond an army to that mysterious, wonderfull place, I would make there my biggest city "GoldenExtreme", full of goldmines and homes, I hope their is place for over 50000 buildings...

Chapter 5: The rebellion

One day I woke up and heard a lot of people outside... as fast as I could I got dressed and went to my balcony, I heard someone saying there he is... People started to throw stuff at me, so I went back in. At the same time, one of my couriers came in... Full of blood, he said that ''Goldenfish II'' got attacked and taken over, most of the people got away but the others... Every city of mines got taken over, so I went again outside and told the people, that this ain't my foult... Everything got quiet... A guy came and said that Sin destroyed everthing, suddenly I got dizzy, no this can't be... But with my arms open, I said, we'll fight them off... I'm a coward, yes, I joined Sin because I had no other option... Doom them, curs them, everysingle one, THIS IS OUR LAST STAND, WE WILL DEFEND IT SO EVERYONE SHAL REMEMBER THIS CITY... So I put everyone on a job and went to my son, I told him that he isn't safe anymore, I gave him my armor, and told him the way to my parents cave... So their he stood, a warrior, who had to run... He took of like Hermes himself, and thought what can I do? Against an army like that... Some days later, they attacked I could ran, but I was alone, I went the other direction away from Sin, but my son, will he be safe?

Chapter 6: Whole new start

I ran as far as I could and made myself a home, some people I picked up on my way here helped me, after my house was build I made (togheter with my friends) some other houses, a scout came one day by, and said he would not say where we lived, in trade for food and a bed for the night... A few days later I made a courier ready to take of to the leader of Holy, with the message I wanted to join... A weak later he came back and said it was ok to join, my city was close to another one, so I was afraid they would attack me, but... honestly I think they wouldn't... When I went togheter, with some friends, thinking about leaving this area and ask to go to Music's core, I saw far from me an army, I toke a real good look and saw they carried the flag of Mr. Meltyface, the city next to me was under attack, I didn't stand a chance agains them, I told everyone to make them ready to leave this area, and go as fast as possible to the core of Music, I sond a courier to Mr. Inactive to ask if he could open his gates, of the city blokking the brigde, he opened them and wished me luck in their core, I walked throught the gates of "Build" and saw the wonderfull land of the core of Music, a couple of miles further I made my city called "Safty Lands", sometimes one of my couriers go to "Whole New Start" and "Marketing", to see what's going on, and still, the city "Mineres" fights back to the army of Mr. Meltyface, I hope they are well enough defended by their army's... Meanwhile, I'm safe in the core of Music and my soldiers are still there, I gave them, my best armor I got, wished them luck, and then took of... Almost no one want to come with me, only my best and most loyal soldiers came with me... But they made a mistake, the city got taken over by Mr. Ruby Knight, he's the one who stole the city from Sin, after they stole the city from Mr. Zander, I don't think we're in war with them... I sond a message to our Master, I don't know what he thinks about it and no we aren't it was a mistake, days later I heard of a massive city to the northeast of my city "Safty Lands", I prepared to attack, and won!!, it was so easy... later, a blockade of Sin to the north of 'Marketing' was under attack by a hughe army of Music, from everywhere army's came to support them... Even more news arrived!

Chapter 7: Let's fight!!!

A guy named Mr. Miller asked to fight agains Sin, I agreed, and he builded a wall to block us from them, later I heard from someone that he's the one who is the immortal slayer of doomness, I laughed at that, but when I was walking around in one of his city's I saw everyone was wearing black clothing, even more, only black houses and red... A dirty red water came from a hill in the center of the city, he said he sacrofises every day a guy or women, even childeren, when I got closer to the top, I saw houndreds of body's all of them were dead... When I came home, I was sick for over 4 days, I hate everyone who does that kind of things, I fastly made some armys and sond it to every city he got, I said it was a protection, when I arrived some of the city's already were under attack by Sin, a few days later I ordered to attack, meanwhile I was in Sin again... Because my got taken called 'Whole new start' was taken over be Mr. Ivan, and I could not lose an other city... When I got these city's: 'Marketing', 'Miller Mnes', 'Miller Wall Of' and 'The Big Red One' I thought: "well it's time for a war, I want another city... Meanwhile all of my army's returned to 'Marketing' nd I merged them, TO ONE GIANT ARMY, I never controlled an army of that, later when I was in 'West Farms' I got a message from a powerfull ruler, he wanted to merge some of his army's into mines, WOW, that was just GREAT!!, finaly a more giant army, I perpared an attack and won!!!, 'West Farm' was finally under my command!!! I also promised Prince Sprout to send the rest of the army to his blockade, I said it was ok, and I sond everyone I got to him, hopefully we'll win the war...

Sir Gravehaunter III

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Gravehaunter IV) and was a member of Safty In neighbors

Chapter 1: A Whole New Beginning

I'm the only one who could ever talk about this... When I ran away with my father, to the mountains, I saw a bunch of well dressed guys marching towards the top, me and my father took a shortcut to it and arrived their first, we hid in the cave till they passed by, suddenly some cavemen, jumped at us... Fastly the guys took their swords and killed them... Later that day I woke up and saw a light, I thought I was dead, oh no, it was the sun, I thought: oh, finally some rest! Suddenly everything flashes thru my mind, the cavemen, soldiers, MY FATHER!!!, I jumped up, and I saw some soldiers, those guys who saved us? I asked them where my father was, they said he was dead... I stayed for 5 days into the mountains, and asked then who they are... One of them said, Darkfaith, the other ones are my friends, that young guy is my son... Then I remebered a story my father told me about a mighty man named Darkfaith, wars between Sin and Music, my father against his cousin,... Suddenly he said they've got to go, they wanted a very safe place to stay when the armaggedon reaches us.

Chapter 2: The begging of an end...

I was afraid, but strong I stayed there waiting for better times, one day one of my best girlfriends ran in, hiding for the cavemen, I reconized them, killed him, and burned their body's... I kept their brains to show how evil I can be and how evil I'll be, when the armageddon was gone, we already had a son, he was only 8 years old, and I was 28, I made my house and days later some peasants came by, I helped them making homes and homes and more homes, till I got a city, a few days later, I was already under attack, not defended the army raged into my city, killed my wife, togheter with my son I traveled many days, till I thought it was safe, an arrow got stuck into my shoulder so I would die, and it wouldn't take long, goodbye cruel world, I gave my son my title and left, to better places...

Sir Gravehaunter IV

Lived in Era 30, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Safty In neighbors

Chapter 1: Running!!

I started to run, as fast as I could to a safe place, where no one would find me, I never found that kind of place, I was only 8!... I couldn't fight, I was nothing, one day, I recruited some warriors with the money my father gave me, not much, but enough, my first city started to grow fast, so I decided to start another one, some miles further near a lake, when I arrived I saw a guy running, he screamed and yelled: OUR CITY IS UNDER ATTACK!!! I was afraid all of those men died, I hoped they wouldn't find me here.... But they did, I didn't had a son, do this is where it would end, the glory of my grand-grand-grand-grand father Gravehaunter... I hoped we would win, but we didn't they rushed inside my walls and killed me, and everyone I knew, burned everything down, and destroyed my entire colony, hopefully someone will one day know that I'm the one who knows where the sacred weapons are...