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Family History

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Mr. Sally

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Sallyjr) and was a member of Luna Wolfs

The was a fight then BANG!
Sally was born from the fight

Mr. Sallyjr

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Brettly).

After the death of his father sallyjr rose to kill any unallied person in his path and would die in glory

Mr. Brettly

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Sally).


Mr. Sally

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Sally) and was a member of Predators

Since sally was younge he was a fighter always picking fights and loosing most he learned to take a punch and used his oppents strength agaimst thenself and he joined a mighty kingdom to help conqur all who opposed them!

Mr. Sally

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Lucy) and was a member of Predators

The son of the famous and fearless Sally who was a Knight in the Kingdom of the Predators looked up to his father and barly got away alive when Armageden killed all of his fathers bases now in likes of the new world he was determined to kill all who apposed the kingdom his father faithly severed the Predators!

Mr. Lucy

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Sally) and was a member of Predators

Lucky sucked
he was not strong nobel or anything

Mr. Sally

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Arby) and was a member of Predators

Predators was disband and then Peace was created. Sally knowing all the other sally's history's knew he father Lucy was gay and he wanted to surpas him and all the other know he was of ocr heritage on his mothers side he started his power under the Peace kingdom.

Mr. Arby

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Arby) and was a member of Russians

I got a job at Arby's.
It was my inspuration.
I kicked butt this era.

Mr. Arby

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Arby) and was a member of Russians


Mr. Arby

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Arby) and was a member of Russians

Arby's father did alot of jumping so Arby got to know what it was like to run for your life.
He unlike his father would not run. He would fight to the end never to give up.
He hopes his father where ever he may be one day hears his name and knows his son became a great worrior unlike himself

Mr. Arby

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Arby) and was a member of Jumpers

I just want to kick butt this era so I picked a small group of expirenced players to be in a team with.
The era went along and we gained more people and became more powerful and are still progressing making group desicions about everything taking nothing for granted.
Pretty fun era for me and it gave me a chance to show my stuff even though it was my first era being Troll they are ok.
Nearing the end of the era Arby was pleased to know he was amungst the greatest of the land making the most powerful chart off and on all era.
He felt good inside knowing kids amoungst men kid can still be victorious.

Mr. Arby

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Arbyii) and was a member of Jumpers

Started with Jumpers and suck with them all era, bouncing back and fourth on the kingdom list. Once out of protection we were at war with Consiquence and were battling them out of our core for a long while. This era i chose Mage but an Orc mage and it worked out so far wasnt very strong at the begining of the era but i progressed and got stronger.
Yeah stil at war with Consiquence but we pushed thme back and now are gethering troops to rally and kick there butts at the point my building every other large money amount and training troops the other time, I gave up on magic science I have enough now it's time for me to build and destroy becuase im sick of this stupid kingdom of 9 people being as strong as our kingdom with 20, they will burn and i will be a part of it.
They first will be ravaged out of our core, then they will attack back to try and move back in and we will slaughter all there armies then after the attack we will move in all our forces to bunr and destroy everything they love and care about and be victorious and the most powerful kingdom.
Had a talk with Duke Barzon person, he seems not so bad but I'm against him so i didnt say much but tried not to be mean.
AHHH they destroyed 2 of my cities now im pissed we need to kill every little child that ever though about being in Concequence Grrrrr i jst want to blow up everything they ever cared about.
Well CON sent an attack force and i dont know if we are going to be able to holdem' but i got 400 nazzies beging to kill plus 12K other troops willing and ready to defend there home.
Not only that but my leader SD has put a very powerful army in my base to help protect it and i think as long as i can get my army to my base as well they have no chance of taking or destroying it without very great loss which then we would strike and kill them. I got 3 more cities 2 are up and running but my new tree city hasnt be upgraded much and doesnt really produce anything yet but there coming and im getting land back.

Mr. Arbyii

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Mcdonalds) and was a member of Jumpers

Yeah they pretty much swarmed us and we lost the main core and a few of them excapted with there lives the the second core good thing too. I unfortunatly died defending the core so I just popped in the new core and imediatly started to build myself up again, this time I was smart enough not to choose magic so I can be helpful. Currently im training troops and building economy just like Bisio did at the begining of the era, but I need to work on sciences.
Ok i got an economy good with a 1mil income so now all im doing is lowering troops cost and training. We built ourselfs back up from 5th best to 2nd best and now it's us and CON all over agian but this time we have more preperation and troops.
Also we have more people at risk so we have more peopl helping. I'm sending all my troops to the battlefeild as we speak and I'm going to get an armory closer so i can train troops right from the point of the battle.

Mr. Mcdonalds

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Carrs) and was a member of Jumpers

This for me is a training era, hoping to last long on mantrax but when zeta and so on oper i hope to move to those worlds to conqure but if I can last on mantrax then i'll be fine.
I dont plan to join a kingdom but hopefully befriend one.

Mr. Carrs

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Sally) and was a member of Jumpers


Mr. Sally

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Kingdom) and was a member of Jumpers
