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Family History

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Mr. Liovsk

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Arumnus) and was a member of Sparta

Liovsk Von Deustchet
He was a Military commander who was bent on controlling everything in his sight even if his target was one of his own. He plundered many native cities and treated them as animals not even as slaves. He captured many cities and was soon to be an unstopable force until the unexpected happened...after all his time making sure his soldiers would follow him to the end,, they rebelled against him for his immoral actions. Before escaping his famous words still hold many strong in his faith: " I am a warrior and I will stop at nothing to conquer all, if you're opponets are just building on democracy and not an army then they should be captured...."DEUSTCHET PREVAILS!" His followers were thrown in prision but later released as workers. After what seemed like 5 years Liovsk Von Deustchet returned with an army and once again gained controll over his colony. Since then he has been "rehabilitated" and is calm most of the time. He is now slowly rebuilding his life and colony without violence but if you mess with him he will snap.

Mr. Arumnus

Lived in Era 30 and got 1 heir(s) (Asgarth).

After the death of his father arumnus spent most of his time tring to figure out a way to avenge his father's death. He soon relized that to do so he was going to need a new colony and so with the last remnants of thr royal army he settled his first colony. Which he states: "This is only the first of my villages I will conquer in my father's name...