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Family History

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Mr. Rambo

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Rambo) and was a member of English Alliance


Mr. Rambo

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Dingrambo) and was a member of English Alliance


Mr. Dingrambo

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Ding) and was a member of G O D L I K E

I fought many battles against many rulers, the kingdom of GODLIKE supported me well and caught me when i fell. against the opposite kingdoms we killed all kingdoms and won all battles and wars against them.

Mr. Ding

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Ding) and was a member of G O D L I K E


Mr. Ding

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Ding) and was a member of Predators

Ding got burnt in the realm of Fantasia but his past was behind him so he travelled to the realm of Valhalla and was a member of the mighty PREDATORS. He landed near the kingdom of Soldiers Of Faith but he stood strong and fought many battles but soon after the battle of nasrath an army thrashed through his land crushing evrything in its path. All reinforcements were called for but still they were not strong enough. Ding sat and thought hard and long... Until... He got up out of his diamond encrusted throne and slowly walked to his study and started to write a letter, soon to be delivered to the armies king.
The Letter Included:

Dear leaders of Soldiers of Faith,
I wish to propose a trade agreement and an offer of a nap between our kingdoms, i wish for us to live together back to back killing and fighting off whoever may come to destroy us.

Yours faithfully,
Ding, Member of Predators.

The letter was instantly accepted which suprised Ding as they were obviously much more powerful. This alliance lasted till one day they broke all agreements and declared war on us. Now Predators were much more powerful than them and Ding was in the middle of the battles so he Built walls around his land and plotted his plans with Sir mars the leader of predators, These plans were accepted so he roamed around the battles and suprised Soldiers of Faith by lauching a full army attack on there back and he took 2/3 of their cities, While he was doing this Mars was preparring an attack back on there front as all their armies were sent on Ding. Sir Mars successfully took out the other 1/3 of their cities and now they were goldless so there armies slowly died out and that was that.

Later that era Ding was counting his gold, food, tree, stone and slaves when a messanger busted through his gates and shouted, "The Demons are coming tell the king!" Ding got off his throne and went to see the messanger who explained what happened. "prepare for war!" shouted Ding as he went to get his Armour, get his horse and royal cavalry. Ding was now ready for a battle and waiting for the Demons to arrive, but they didn't. Ding went to find the messanger and found out now that they are smart and kept their armies in cities and blocked them up with 100% walls. "onwards" called Ding, so they marched across the realm of Valhalla and found an enemy camp full off heavy cavalry. He waited till night when he oredered to form a wedge formation and charge the enemy camp who was sleeping with one guard! they were easily slaughtered and he moved on to take out their core. He met many more camps and armies on his adventure which were also slaughtered to death! He reached the core of Demonic uprising and formed a circle around it slowly his divisions charged from different directions. Demonic uprising paniced and quickly ran into traps, now they were defenseless all was left to do was to take the cities and get more slaves and gold.

Mr. Ding

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Zeus Ding I) and was a member of Predators

We got slaughtered by the Kingdom of Holy so i sent my son in a basket on a river to our southern relations.