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Mr. Arthur Pendragon

Lived in Era 30 and got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon).


Sir Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Drug Lords

Uther comes from a strong bloodline of Celtic overlords, who owned the Kingdm of Cambria. He grew up and was raised in Cambria and when he came of age he went to war with his Father and Grandfather (Arther and Uric). In this battle Uther is knocked unconscious by a swinging flail and wakes four years later in the company of his guard to find that there is no longer any kingdom for him to be heired to, and that his father and grandfather deied fighting side by side in the oncoming waves of the Saxon Hordes. Cambria fought hard but it fell to it's knees and collapsed. With nowhere else to go he roamed the lands to find companions.
He then met Sanoh, a feirce enemy and a reliable companion and join him in the northern fleet of the Drug Lords in hope of one day rebuilding his on Cambria.

Sir Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Uric Pendragon) and was a member of Drug Lords

As a Member of the Drug Lords Uther had promised to back out and help and old friend. Little did he know that helping this friend would change his life and restore the old alliance of Elf and Man. Eventually Uther had to pose as his own Son (who doesn't exsist) in order to hide from the Saxon hordes from the North.

Now the time has come to defeat the ghosts of his pasts, and even time in it's self to finish his race to reach mortality as his Elven friend Transet is.

The Alliance has been finalized and the Beacons are lit and the horns are blazed....

A sunrise of blood aproaches

Sir Uric Pendragon

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Drug Lords

In the Short rise of the Black Chain Uther Pendragon and Transet ruled well and made good allies in the process.

Though this was done, people tend to back stab at the sight of growing power...

One allied kingdom split up and moved to another allied kingdom, who mereged with a friendly kingdom...

This kingdom stayed friendly for a day or so and was called by, The Alliance.

3 kingdoms formed into one.

Another alliance planned our demise all the way through, and they attacked. When this happened The Alliance joined in. All but two major defence cities were left one held my my father, Uther Pendragon and the other my my comrad Transet. Transet fought off many men with archmages but soon fell. As this happened Uther stayed behind to help our one honorable alliance, the Mafia to get a foothold in the west. Then 15K men at Mediobogdums gates left Uther Nervous, he attempted numerous time to break their seige but failed each time, but dwindled their numbers more. The final strike came and those Brave Twothousand left defeated the remaining eightthousand men.

Uther's men ran for protection as he stayed with Mafia to honor his friendship and Loyalty, and there.... he very well may have died.

I am Uric Pendragon, son of this honorable war lord and heir to his throne of Cambria. Though this kingdom may long be in ruins you can never take the courage of a people from thier leader. He promised to return and come on the dawn of our needs, for this i will always look to the skys for the Great Uther Pendragon, Knight of the Black. One day he will come back and lead as he has before...




and Valor

The way of the Warrior