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Family History

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Mr. Tempar

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Anger) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Born in the year of 68 , a troubled boy of mixed blood who didnt seem to fit in anywhere, roaming from city to city he made a name for himself as a boy who was never to far away from trouble . As he grew he became more & more adept with his hands untill he found himself in the army. Liking the discipline he rose thru the ranks till he was made a general . At this time a chance meeting changed his life , he meet a women not any women but 1 with such beauty and fire that it took his breath away. The more & more they saw each other , she healed his troubled spirit , till 1 day he proposed with joy in his heart she accepted and they where wed. After much discussion with his wife they decided to take a posting in the untamed & totally new land called Utopia. Where they hope to start a new & prosperous life , but Tempar sees clouds on the horizon as there are forces out there who may want to stop them frm accomplishing there dream....

On the 5/1/2008 Tempar is recruited by a clan called Silicon Knights a clan that he beleives will give much needed knowledge & comraderie his 2 armys already position themselves ready 4 battle hoping that he shows his new found clan mates that there choice was a wise 1 .....

Mr. Anger

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Anger) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

With the loss of his father Tempar , Anger had to grow up quickly to protect & provide 4 his family . He found allies in the form of a group of old army buddies of his father.Who have started out on a new adventure in a new world under the banner of the Royal Order of Claidhmore. There objective to explore & conquer this new world , so on his day of leaving he was given enough resources & money that he could travel safe in the knowledge his family would never want 4 anything. So after a tearful goodbye Anger headed east to start his 1st outpost ........