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Mr. Arvious IIII

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Plato) and was a member of Silicon Knights

Arvious III lived an era fighting and running for SilK. He fought AoA and Rev. He fought with his leader, Mr. Jones. He died at the end of the era and his son took place of him. Arvious IIII (IV) fought and one day, he was asked to merge into Holy. Arvious was unable to read it before he was killed by his leader. Arvious IIII now wants to destroy his previous leader and passes his knowledge to his newly named son...

Mr. Plato

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Plato) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Will try today...

Mr. Plato

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Plato The God of Knowledge) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

[Duh, his computer worked.]

Plato returns to restore lost glory and help the order his best, and get help himself!


Several days later, Plato was brutaly murdered by Dark Immunity, an evil man (duh) bent on killing the KD. His soul finds itself in the river of worlds, and is transported to Mantrax, where he swore to master the blade and become a great leader of armies...
(BTW, he married a human, a very cute one :-), so my son's human.)

Journal of Plato's last 4 days...

Day 1 -
Just got my income up from the negatives, it's getting tough, maybe I shouldn't of built my city next to enemies. Anyway, the thought of Mantrax creeps into my mind, the memorieso of what has happened there, and of the great KD he will join.

Day 2 -
Just built up my city, it should hold up from enemy attack for now. As long as Dark Immunity ( a person, not KD) doesn't come and attack, I'm fine. ... WAAAAH!!!
Day 3 -
Ugh, Barely had anytime to do anything today, only got to check on production and all.

Day 4 -
Dark Immunity is coming, I barely have anytime to get away, I'm finished here. Well, time to fight like a spartan!
