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Sir Crom

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Sir Crom

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos

"master! master! it has begun we got to hurry." yelled the noble dressed dwarf as he runs up the steps leading into the blueish glimmering part of the cave."No need to hurry at all old Alberich,i allready have ordered the peasants to build up Sotzbach again,they at the moment are on the way to the valley where your cavers have found the veins."
"great master, now the waiting has come to an end ,i hardly could await the dawn of this new era,the gods have done well with the new face of fantasia."
"Be quiet ! what do u know about the god of creation ! Go and give the dwarfs of Sotzbach advice where to dig!"
"Yes master i am on the way,the magicians will teleport me i just wanted to inform you."
"When will u learn there is no need to inform me, i am allways at your side my simple king of darfs,i want the mines to be built as quick as posible,do not disapoint Abydos,go now,i myself will teleport you."
Crom didn t give Alberich the time to talk anymore with a beck of his hand albrich dissapeared in a blue flashlight.He knew he had found the right dwarfling in Alberich,being of royal blood his greed for fame was even bigger than his greed for riches his dwarfs would follow him and after some time they d follow the Abydonians and only them.It was a suprising start for the new era and even though Crom could hide it much better he was nearly as exited as his servant.He leaned back and waited as he did in the timeless sphere where sat between the eras.

Sir Crom

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Sir Crom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Sir Crom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Sir Crom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Sir Crom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Sir Crom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Lord Crom

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Lord Crom

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Nemesis

The mighty kingdom of Abydos is no more
From its remains the kingdom of Nemesis was formed and is facing its first era on Fantasia with mighty Seth as its king and Xuaron,Katsumoto and Crom as vices !
Nemesis has come to stay ! To take their place among the major kingdoms on fantasia.

Lord Crom

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Lord Crom

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos

After hours of marching through narrow tunnels the messenger and his guide see a blue glimse in the distance.The cave is widening and a great hall,dimly illuminated by blue shining crystals,is opening in front of them.

The floor he now steps on is made of black stone of a kind the messanger has never seen before and as even and shining as frozen lakes,not to tell if it was one or jointed plates .
When he looked up from his feet around the hall he found it to be the hugest room he had ever been in.Immense banners hung from the better illuminated other end of the halls wall one of em the mighty banner of Abydos what made the messanger feel more comfortable.
Beneath the banners is a temple or shrine,still as big as a big city house, half in the wall half outside, brighter light came out of it and sprinkling water could be heard from inside. Faint singing of elf women seemed to be in the air when you tried harder to look between the lines of pillars covering the within of the strange building. Four big gates are in the wall on each side of the temple, close as high as the temple itself and all made of a different material with lots of ornaments on them.
At the end of the backwall a deep darkness on each side suggests that where the ending wall met the natural sides two other big halls were hidden in the darkness.

The room on its flanks is filled with endless numbers of weapons, armory, banners and treasury,kinds he knew from home,others he only knew from ancient books again some he never saw before.Trophies of all cultures and races he knew of.All seeming to wisper their story through the dark hall.

Suddenly a rough hit from the old orc mages root staff brings him back to his sences "Go,go useless young linnet ! You have a mission don t you hehehehe."The first words his guide speaks since they entered the cave.The croacking voice bit in the ears and the smell of herbs and liquor had gone from constantly around to unstandable since the old fogey opened his mouth."I have to go back on my post now hehehehehe"Half laughting half couthing he spit out the words ,stomped his staff on the ground and was gone."Why did we walk here at all" the messenger thinks to himself,trying to get his confidence back.
He walks on through the hall and the wispering voices and all the mystic of the place were suddenly gone when he sees two sleeping nazgul at the closer edge of where the dark sidehalls meet the mainhall.

"I know who sent you and what your mission is, young servant of the Allseeing Eye."Says a thundering voice,coming from every angle of the giant hall. "I will give Osiris answer myself, now come and rest with us."the voice ordered in a milder voice.
One minute of silence passes as a halfnacked dwarf with a big ax jumps out of the pillarlines of the temple ."Buuuhhh!"he shouts "Hahaha! did i frighten you?Come in my master wants to talk to you hahahahaha!We are celebrating the rebirth of Abydos!"

Lord Crom

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos

The world of Fantasia is recreated
Mighty Abydos rizes from the ashes of the past era.
the allseening eye, favourite of the ancient gods is back to bring salvation to this once more new born world.
The enemies are many,their thorn is great.
We are just few but our will to prevail in battle and overcome those in the darkness is pure and rightous.
May the gods be with us and if not they shall not be with the enemy as our weapons will do it !

Lord Crom

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Abydos


Lord Crom

Lived in Era 32, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Abydos

Der Gott der Eisen wachsen liess ,wollt keine Knechte sehn !