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Mr. Elvine

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Elvine).


Mr. Elvine

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Elvine) and was a member of Conjurers of Darkness

Elvine III or called Elvine was the grandson of King Elvine(was trained in a Magi city to become a battlemage) of the Elf Lords, when his father reigned the kingdom he renamed it Elf Lords the reborn after the fall of the kingdom.

Then again the Elf Lords fell again due to some traitors, the traitors who were trusted by the king called other kingdoms to eliminate the Elf Lords, and so it did, huge army from a kingdom merged and destroyed his beloved home the Magi City (once a peaceful city that was led by his father) but before the war began knowing that his army will fall, he let his wife and only baby boy to escape in a underground passage.

His Wife heard the battlecries of both army while rinning remembring what his husband said "take him to a village where his grandfather lived when he was a child there he can grow up well"

Battlecries from the outside slowly faded, when she reached the exit, she ran and searched for the village... while walking in the deep forest she heared footsteps and a sound of small trunks crushed, she was afraid and saw an Archmage wounded, it one of her soldiers, then she traveled along with him to search for the village.

While walking the Archmage told everything happened in the war, the story she heared was horrible and she fell to her knees when she heared that Elvince II was killed by one of the enemy general by Cutting his head of infront of the captured soldiers of his, then they contunued.

While walking they encountered an enemy scout, they ran as fast as they can in the thick forest evading every arrow shot by the enemy, when they think that the lost the enemy an arrow came out of no where peirced the queen's chest and slowly died... arrows flew from the skies trying to escape with the baby, the mage was hit in the shoulder and removed it quickly and casted an ennormus fireball which devoured the enemy by the flame and drained all his energy,.

After that day the mage finally reached the village and gave the baby to the head and named it after his grandfather Elvine III and the mage puked with blood died of the poisoned arrow.

And now Elvine III grew and became a knight, the head of the village told him everything about his grandfather and his father and gave Elvine III some Platoons to command and resources to create a new castle and a new kingdom...