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Family History

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Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 29 and got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson).

this was my first era and started as the 9th most powerful ruler in the world

Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 30 and got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson).

the son of the not so legdendary Peter Jackson, me, was born
to then carry out hes families duties as ruler
still keeping the same power of hes father, peter jackson put hes power to bad, attacking other kingdoms and putting them to death

this family will always carry out its duties as cruel ass kicking machines

perhaps continue this rampage in the world of Mantrax

this was an interesting Era for me
i started as a member of the Army of Anubis, then went to join Ms. Erica Incarnate in a Kingdom Known as Heavens Vengeance, she then left the Kingdom into the hands of Yours Truly to join another larger Kingdom called holy, not long after Heavens Vengeance wqas left into my hands, it was taken from me by an unhonourable ruler known as Mr. Creater
once the Kingdom was taken from me, i was gone from them.

i was then accepted to join The Dacians, an eastern eurpean Kingdom, it was not long until i found myself in trouble with a larger surrounding Kingdom Known as the Muskuteers, so i decided that being with that Kingdom was a bad idea, so i left them, to join the Kingdom that was once a threat to me, The Muskuteers.
Only to find newer enemies, and larger wars to fight, but luckely my armies of Nazgauls were ready to engage in battle, m first enemy was a traitor known as Timmiev, it was not long until he decided to attack me, therefore it lead to a bloodthirsty war which him nd hes amries of farmers could not win against my Nazgauls.
once the traitor Timmiev was Extinguished, i found myself fighting along side my Kingdom mates
To end this era i had another personal war against a member of a kingdom which my own had napped, Mr. Haywood Jablowme, an immature player whos only role was to annoy everyone, i knew that killing him would be a favour to everyone else in the world of Mantrax, as he was an embarrasment to this world.

now that i find myself at the end of this era, i sit here deciding where my son shall be soon

Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson).


Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Arcadius).


Mr. Arcadius

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Arcadius II).

After a long line of Peter Jakcson, it was time for my father to change the name to break this line

My name is Arcadius, a greek god and a god i will stay, to previal all and defeat any enemy that attempts to stand in my way
i will never retreat, never give up and never fail
Welcome to the dawn of a completely new era, and reign of terror however the unhonour of my ancestors shall not live on

Mr. Arcadius II

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson).

a story that is unwritten, the story of the jackson ancestors, were they bad unhorourable players?
did they betray a lot of kingdoms?
only time will tell when my son (Peter Jackson)
will be next in line of the throne so the line of jacksons can continue............

Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of The Black Chain

the time of an old age i took the reign as ruler of the arcadius to revive the jackson family being ruler and commander of all armies and cities in veiw if its beastly and bossy eyes
now with the jackson family back in force and at its original race as a Dwarf
the world of Valhalla was not suprised of my short powerless rule as i am near death with only one son to carry my name, who himself is also named Peter Jackson after my early ancestors and of course myself, but as i grow old and unworthy of carrying a challenging line of duty, my son is studying and will become very powerful once my thrown is passed down to him
i write this story not for myself, but for my son, Peter Jackson

Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of The Black Chain

a home kingdom found, a father dead and hes son on the death bed, my time on this world is nearly up and yet the only thing in this world i fear is my son not willing to carry on the duties which have stood since lenard ruled the world under the control of the great god himself ZeTa.
my son is only young but will have to take the throne earlier then my lifespan was estimated
the kingdom, The Black Chain is the road to my sons power, he will become more then anyone will ever imagine,
possibly more then my ancestor Peter Jackson in the time of Asystole.

in this time, i choose to write the law and code of the jackson family

Jackson Family Law:
1) loyalty before greed
2) honour before betrayal
3) death in the battlefeild is the greatest glory acheived in life
4) running is a coward's move, fighting is a hero's
5) conflict within a kingdom is a lonely reason for moving on

Jackson Family Code:
Nil Durum Volenti
(nothing is difficult for the willing)

The law and code is written so the family does not forget who they are and what they fight for, Freedom Respest and honour are the most important factors of not just the Jackson Family but also the Factors of life as we know it.

a Name, Master Provectus, handed to me from the high council of the Black chain so i would never forget who i was and who i was fighting with.

However in the pages states a man by the name of Arcadius, who was a Disgrace to the jackson name by changing hes own to a greek ruler, our family, not greek but Warriors from the world of Starta, it was where we began, its where we shall end.

The Dwarven Mines Burning, The Dwarvens crops burning, The Dwarven Armoury raided and useless, i have come to my whits and am dying very quicly, with no men, with no power and with no love but the love for my son

To my son, never forget who you fight for, what you stand for, and never ever Give up on the true beleifs of life and the lord, those things you take to the grave with you.
Only do something you feel is necassary and never turn your back on those who really mean something to you, like the kingdom you will be raised on, your role in that kingdom, the friends, the allies and fo the Prophecy, The Trinity Pact

Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of The Black Chain

Jackson Family Law:
1) loyalty before greed
2) honour before betrayal
3) death in the battlefeild is the greatest glory acheived in life
4) running is a coward's move, fighting is a hero's
5) conflict within a kingdom is a lonely reason for moving on

Jackson Family Code:
Nil Durum Volenti
(nothing is difficult for the willing)

something my father told me, someting i will never forget, The Jackson Code and Law.
The rules a Jackson is to live by or not live at all, this is my destiny, this is the birth of a new era, an era of freedom, an era of trust and most importantly, an era of loyalty to the kingdom of The Black Chain

Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of The Black Chain

my father died.....
assasins from angels destroyed hes city of Antiskeptic and killed hes armies and a scout which just contained my father

i began me reign at only the age of 13 so i feared much but i had excellent help from my friends of the black chain

before my father left on hes crusade to discover enemy cities he left me a partchment containing these words....

My son, never forget who you are and what you stand for, so i leave you with the rules and code of our family which has been since my great grandfather and i wish to look donw on you with pride and you knowing there is somewhere better for you..

Jackson Family Law:
1) loyalty before greed
2) honour before betrayal
3) death in the battlefeild is the greatest glory acheived in life
4) running is a coward's move, fighting is a hero's
5) conflict within a kingdom is a lonely reason for moving on

Jackson Family Code:
Nil Durum Volenti
(nothing is difficult for the willing)

i love you always my only son, reign with pride and responsibilty

your father always, Peter Jackson.

and so as i read this letter and the other partchments left behind from other members of my family i know that the black chain is where i belong.

Peter Jackson the Tenth