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Viceroy Fluey

Lived in Era 11, got 1 heir(s) (Theflu) and was a member of Legion Of Doom

fluey a lonely peasnt was eating with his parents when orcs raided there colony killing everyone except him and his dog.
from that day on he vowed to kill every orc he met till they were extermenated. after that he found a sword from the after-battle and started training to be the best warrior and leader he can possably be! 17 years later here he is in his colony THE LAST KINGDOM.

Viceroy Theflu

Lived in Era 11, got 1 heir(s) (Flu) and was a member of Legion Of Doom

when Fluey was overrun by orcs of Viceroy Anna Amilia, theflu ran and hid with his trusty Sword vengence and his dads dog. Crafted with the finest gold and silver, by tthe mountian dwarves it is the finest weapon ever created he swears to use to bring down the killer of his father Anna Amalia!