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Mr. Kayn

Lived in Era 28 and got 1 heir(s) (Kayn).

Kay'ne survived the tutorial, the natives were easy prey. Now to start his first time in Fantasia upon hearing bad things about this place.

It begins.

Now apart of a Kingdom, Kay'ne feels more confident. However, he had been attacked and lost a valuable city taken by a neighboring Kingdom. It was quite a surprise as he was led to believe they were friends.

No matter! Kay'ne has reclaimed what was his, and slaughtered the fiend who enslaved his people.

It seems a bigger surprise is in store for this young warrior. The armies approach, but he will stand firm, and never relent until his enemies destruction or his own death.

Either way will be glorious.


The battle was quick.

Kay'ne held off the enemies as long as he could with little help. Waves of armies from his enemies were directed at him, and even now Kay'ne can put up a good fight, but he has been ordered to stand down. At this moment, Kay'ne can easily crush most of his enemies armies, but he will obey his orders even if his pride get hurt. Thats what honor means.

The loss of his cities are saddening. Working hard to build them up, to be ripped away without being allowed to reclaim them is painful. But seeing how easily Kay'ne was able to dispatch those puppies makes it all the better.


The last city.

And then it came. The enemy's lines seemed endless, inspiring much fear. But Kay'ne was no ordinary leader, and his men were no ordinary soldiers. Truth to tell, many women are included in the elite guard, and every one of them could kill an experienced soldier or soul-less monster bare handed.

As the threat came, Kay'ne and his forces charged into the mass. Weapons whirling with tinted fresh cut crimson. The charge continued with heavy losses, on both sides. But it ended gloriously by turning the remaining enemy infantry back to its people. Few survived.

A celebration on the grandest scale commenced that night. All knew of inevitabilities, but they do not speak of it. They were celebrating that day! Their dead comrades! Of those they love! And to those who will sacrifice tomorrow...



Ordered to leave all cities to start over in hopes of being able to sustain. Kay'ne's pride could not let him stand down his last city, thus defending all threats by force. Of course this was against his orders resulting in banishment.

Alone, Kay'ne is surrounded by his former kinsmen, now enemies. The decisions weigh heavily, but actions must be taken.

Mr. Kayn

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Kayn) and was a member of Ritz


Mr. Kayn

Lived in Era 29 and got 1 heir(s) (Kayn).

Puttin'on the Ritz!

Ms. Kayn

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Kayn) and was a member of Flamers United

Still kickin, kung FU style!

Mr. Kayn

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Bane) and was a member of Flamers United


Mr. Bane

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Kayn).


Mr. Kayn

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Kayn).

It begins again.

Always the target, and always a threat.

Mr. Kayn

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Kayn).


Mr. Kayn

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Kayn).
