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Family History

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Mr. Isaac

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Isaac) and was a member of SiN

It started off rough in my world, the day many people started I was preparing for war, with an kingdom far greater my size, before I knew it I was now ubder attack, as I fought them off, I won a battle, but knew I still didn't win the war. Then as I turned toward the enemy he feared me, but fear is the only thing people fear in playing this game. so I took off on a day break, the enemy took advantage and killed me, but I will never go down, revenge is lovely. LOL
I have many more eras to kill...People watch out I may come for you next :)

Mr. Isaac

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (The Killer).


Mr. The Killer

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Kingdom Killer) and was a member of War Gods

"?Its time to kill those who killed my father, soon this game will look different, its time for a new leader in this game, its time to think new. I will teach people how to play the right way, not the wrong way, I live by a three codes.
1. Never break a treaty or any acts with a person
2. Trust your self and never run from a war, even if they are much stronger, because once they got you they take everyone out make a stand.
3. Have fun and enjoy this great game, and never take 24 hours off the game. hahaha
Its time to build better and smarter. Its war from now on