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Mr. Ironskies

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Ironsky) and was a member of Internal Primates Forever

A man forged of Iron in mind and spirit! If any will have me I will fight for my kingdom and destroy the enemy.

Joined Internal Primates Forever 2 Jan 2008

Created the first army of Ironskies....IronHammer!

Mr. Ironsky

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Ironsky) and was a member of Internal Primates Forever

Lost my Lifegaurds and eventually my army Ironhammer due to stupidity. All armies must have at least one soldier to be active.

Chimera has told me this world Valhalla is only a tutorial can't wait ot get out and start in the real world.

Kantral or something like that killed me today....shit.

Created new city Sophia
Created new city Tree Haven
Created new Army Iron Hammer
Created new city Iron Mountian
Created new city The River

Launched fair size army !st Iron Gaurds 8000 men

Kanthor and I have agreed to be civil to each other through the war with him and the Primates.

Mr. Ironsky

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Ironsky) and was a member of Internal Primates Forever

I've been reunited with my mates in the Primate kingdom, and from the start we have waged unconditional war on our enemies. We have allies this time something that was missing last era and several new members.

Ninja and his Polish League are some of those new members and before they joined they took one of my cities. I was angry with them at first for letting them join our ranks but we gained an impressive bunch of allies.

We continue to war with AC kingdom and the battles are huge compared to last era. My fellow members have entrusted me with protecting a key entry point into our territory, and I have contributed a fair size army to western campign agianst Assasins Creed.

War has spread to the northmost regions of Primate territory and I have joined the Primate lords on a crusade to rid the world of the Trio empire. Our kingdoms were on a collision course and our leaders were smart enough to strike first.

The Northern Campaign continues and our allies have joined u s in war. The Southern Front is becoming more tense and I fear that the freedom fighters will attempt to cross the river and into Primate territory.

Mr. Ironsky

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Ironsky) and was a member of Internal Primates Forever


Mr. Ironsky

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Ironsky) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Our people have demanded a change in our alliances. The Primates waged unconditional war and neglected to coordinate properly....we were defeated at the hands of Trio and the Freedom Fighters, and humiliated by our own allies. Twice our Armies led the offensive agianst the Freedom Fighters and both times our nation was left to battle the whole empire alone.

Genral Iron Hammer Day 1 " The enemy crossed the river today and burned one of our cities. While our main body fights Trio to the north their allies the Freedom Fighters are attempting to outflank us. I have shifted three armies of the nation of Ironsky to counter attack them! Victory! we defeated them at the river and have pushed them back across whence they unsuspecting ally Lord V from Godlike has joined in the offensive and together we will bring the war to their doorstep and allow our allies time to shift resources to this new front. "

Day 20, General Iron Hammer " We have been abondoned. Our armies are outnumbered 4-1 and altough we have two of the enemies cities under our control defeat is imminent. Our empire refuses to send forces and supplies, and even worse, our allies the Predators have decided to stay on the sidelines. This insult will not be forgotten.....To the last man we will fight! "

The council has agreed to leave the Primates and join the Royal Order of Claidmore. In the words of our king " Victory be bestowed on those who will fight most fierce for it, and plauge be given to our enemies who would want the same! "

It seems in this world all the races and kingdoms have been thrown together from the start. The coward Anonymous has attacked our lands from the north and we lost Chronicle city. We made our last stand Caltrava and showed Anonymous we can still fight. His armies retreated and have now given us the opprotunity to grow quickly....we will strike at all he holds dear soon.

Just to the south of Caltrava our city Montcada has changed hands three times. Kevdwayne our noble ally has given the city back to us on two occassions, but I fear he will lose the city once again. It is not wise to build armouries on a front line city so any forces will have to come from Caltrava or our allies closer to the city. May our Gods have mercy on Montcada's inhabitants.

The Royal Order of Claidmore has succeded in strengthening its stronghold in the world. We are engaged with the empire of the Phoenix and we have set an outpost far out of the safe haven of Claidmore and directly on the borders of their territory. Our Iron Scout Corps ambused a division of Dwarfs from Phoenix just outside the city walls of Troll Olympia...we sahll seek even greater casualities in the future.

Mr. Ironsky

Lived in Era 33, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Rejoined with ROC, we pledge alliegence to the Royal Order of Claidmore and will fight fiercly with the group to achieve world domination.