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Mr. Dragon

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Dragon The II) and was a member of crazy apple

We my people and our kingdom wish to have peace with other kingdoms but some have shown to be hostile. We fought and run but in the next generation for sure our kingdom would be at peace and there would be peace to all kindoms

Mr. Dragon The II

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Dragon) and was a member of crazy apple


Mr. Dragon

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Dragon II) and was a member of crazy apple

In our new gurney we seek for glory. We have all been eliminated by hall and we seek revenge and will avenge our past ancestor and will try to let our kingdom grow. In the last era our ancestors seek for peace and no war.In a few years our lives have change when one of our allies betrayed on us.Fear grew in every city we tried to build.Cities that we have build with our sweet and blood! Captured!! and Destroyed by the evil emperors!. We my kingdom shall prevail and reveal our selves out of the mountain and redeem our banner in this era. For it is I and my fellow people will help me gain peace and order to this world again if there is to be an obstacle in our path will try to demolish it and erase it from its coexistence in this era. For now our kingdom is recovering from its past lives we hope more will join our cause.

Mr. Dragon II

Lived in Era 34, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of crazy apple
