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Family History

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Mr. Chaos

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Chaos) and was a member of The Dark Brotherhood

Born the son of a peasant, Chaos was the sole survivor amongst the ruins that had formerly been known as the Castle of Winterfell. A passing lord took the orphan in after finding him amidst the smoldering ruins and raised him as his own child.

15 years later...

The lord died from a mysterious illness that took the land by storm leaving Chaos and his own son to rule the kingdom. The trueborn son wasted no time ousting Chaos from his lands and left Chaos to live off the wilderness.

Chaos soon met a band of mercenaries who were travelling through the region and joined them. As time passed, he became an expert swordsman and his twin blades gave the band of mercenaries an unparalleled reputation in the entire northern world.

Kingdoms fought over their services and destruction ruled the northern lands for years and through it all, Chaos slowly rose through the ranks and became the leader of the band of mercenaries transforming them from the rebels they used to be into an elite fighting force.

However, his half brother finally brought a halt to the fighting and banished Chaos from the northern lands. This did not stop Chaos from meeting him on the battlefield and, amidst the fighting, slew him. Chaos then brought his men with him south towards freedom from vengeance...towards Mantrax.

His time in Mantrax was shortlived however and despite joining the ranks in the Dark Brotherhood, his nearby neighbours showed no mercy to him soon after his arrival. He was driven away from Mantrax and once again found him and his men in a strange land with a strange name - Zetamania.

Mr. Chaos

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Caius) and was a member of Eternity

After arriving in Zetamania with the few remaining men that he had left to him, he found that the remaining members of the Dark Brotherhood had abandoned him to stay alone in the wilderness. He preservered however once again building another mountain stronghold - Caer Cadarn.

There he waited to see if any of his friends would arrive on the foreign lands of Zetamania. But as months passed, no sign of them passed and Chaos began to tire of waiting.

Surrounded by unknown lords who ruled the lands long before he arrived, Chaos decided it was time for him to move towards lands which would allow his kingdom room and space to grow.

As the days turned to months, the horizon remained barren of any of his old kingdom mates. But there appeared a few bordering lords who offered their friendship to Chaos and his new, fledling kingdom. There came a time of peace, as crops grew plentiful and the cities expanded ever larger.

Minor incidents were few and far between, but alas, the peace was not to be so for beyond the borders of Chaos' small kingdom, loomed the dark clouds of war.

Soon darkness came and war arrived finally at his doorsteps. The defeat was swift and final but Chaos had long foreseen such tragedy and had moved his kingdom across the lands to the far east. There in the mysterious and foreign land, he established new borders and flourished once more.

Finally one morning, a single rider appeared on the horizon coming from the leader of Chaos' kingdom to which he had proved his loyalty.

Alas, it seemed that the gods had created havoc amongst his fellow kingdom mates and forbade them from claiming their birthrights until the next era.

Once again left alone in this world, Chaos did what he could to strengthen his kingdom against the coming armageddon hoping against hope that his was the kingdom that would survive it...

Mr. Caius

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Faius) and was a member of Eternity

Caius arrived in Mantrax in the wake of the devestating armaggeddon that had shaken the world. Left to fend for himself after his father's kingdom was once more destroyed by the gods before the start of the new age.

Caius soon found a new kingdom to serve. One with dignity, pride and honor. Eternity.

However, that was not to be, for the gods did not will it. On the stormy night when the age began, the gods came. Caius was stripped of everything. His fledgling country was left leaderless and soon conquered by neighboring countries.

However, the gods granted him a favor. For his obedience, they granted his son, the chance to serve Eternity in the next era when he was full grown so that he could continue his family's honor. Something that Caius himself could not do.

With that agreement set in stone with the gods themselves, Caius allowed himself to be taken by fate into mysterious places until the task given to him by the gods was complete. Then, he could join his father and his forebears and watch over his only heir and the generations that would follow..

Mr. Faius

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Faros) and was a member of Eternity

Not much is said about Faius. He was the last survivor of his once proud family. Banned into the wilderness, at birth, he finally came back to claim his inheritance.

However, that soon came to an abrupt end. He was never meant to be a ruler, but a warrior. He soon left to seek his fortunes as a mercenary.

He did leave a son though. In hope of keeping his legacy alive, his son was sent to a trusted friend's castle, to be schooled and educated.

Hoping that one day his family would return to power, he disappeared into the wilderness, back to the land of his birth.

Mr. Faros

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Faros) and was a member of Eternity

Left to defend for himself at a young age, Faros was immediately vulnerable to other lords planning to take advantage of his vulnerability.

He resisted to the very end, but ultimately to no avail. The last battle fought over his final city, Storm's End, left him unconscious on the battlefield.

There is no doubt that he survived the battle, but to this date, there has been no record as to what happened to him. One can only assume, he was saved by one of his knights and then hid in the shadows awaiting his chance to return...

Mr. Faros

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Sargas) and was a member of Eternity


Mr. Sargas

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Sargas) and was a member of Eternity

His father died alone, and it would be a fate that would be shared by his son. Sargas was isolated in a hostile land when his entire kingdom was destroyed scattering his former allies.

Like his father, he never had a chance to build up his power before catastrophe, and like his father, he had to hide in the shadows, awaiting for his chance to return. Hopefully, his luck would be better than that of his father. He would have a chance to return and restore the glory of his predecessors.

But for now...he waits...

Mr. Sargas

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Sargas) and was a member of Eternity

Sargas once again followed his kingdom on to another world... hoping that the misfortune that continues to follow his family will some day dissipate.

But for now...he waits...

Mr. Sargas

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Sargonnas) and was a member of Heaven

Not much was known about him, his kingdom was constantly at war with others throughout his time but near the end, they were finally overrun by numerous foes and so Sargas fell under the overwhelming odds.

Mr. Sargonnas

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Sargonnas) and was a member of Heaven
