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Mr. Opportunity

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Opportunity) and was a member of Phantom

Opportunity really was an interesting character who died more than anyone ever has while playing VU

Mr. Opportunity

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Opportunity) and was a member of Phantom

As midnight approached, the great warrior knew that he must stop for the night. The tall, dark trees around him rustled quietly as if they were whispering to him the secrets that this world holds. All things mysterious were held by nature, and the trees were the messengers of the wild. The man learned to listen to these stunning stories that varied from heroism to catastrophic defeats. From these tales, he gained much knowledge of war, death and love, yet he was not able to relate very well to the visions of a beautiful woman who engulfed the wits of a strong, stable man. He saw what these maidens did to warriors and decided to stay with the pleasure of battle and clashing forces.
He generally was ridiculed for his deep connection with his environment, but the others would never truly understand how to use all its factors to their advantage. When something was wrong, he could sense that not everything was in its correct place. There was one particular night that this proved to be a winning trait. The footsteps coming near his camp were quiet yet audible, though they were obviously not an innocent animal. No beast in this forest tried to conceal its footsteps on the stick-covered surface. This was an enemy.
Slowly drawing his sword, the warrior approached the bush and swung downward at the ground where his enemy stood, yet he oddly struck ground. His instincts were never wrong before. Adrenaline raced through his veins as he turned to face a large, cloaked figure. what seemed to surprise him more was the long, sharp dagger protruding from just below his sternum. As he lay on the ground, the elf uncovered his head to reveal his silver hair. Gazing up at his face, Opportunity took his final breath of air.

Mr. Opportunity

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Opportunity) and was a member of Phantom

At home, Opportunity's oldest son awoke abruptly. He had dreamt about the night of his father's death endlessly since it had happened. The sight of his corpse was enough to scar his memory for the rest of his lifetime. After a few days, his mother sent him to find his father, who was often gone for this long and forgot to eat for long periods of time.

Hours of walking had led Opportunity Jr. to an area in which his father often resided when not at home. Unfortunately, he found only tracks headed into the middle of the dark, wooded area that he had always known to avoid. Feeling oddly heroic, he took his first step into the unknown, and as the blackness engulfed his image, he felt uneasy yet oddly independent.

Mr. Opportunity

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Opportunity) and was a member of Phantom

His first few steps were perfectly fine until he tripped over what seemed to be a body. Frightened, he quickly stood up and pulled in out of the darkness only to see the face of his father. The look on his face was surprisingly calm as if he had died of natural causes, yet while surveying his body through the tears, his eyes fell upon a knife wound in his stomach. He knew that this was murder, but for what purpose? Why would someone kill one so peaceful?
This made him uneasy, for the murderer's tracks were visable in no part of the deserted clearing. The silent foe could still be waiting for his chance to stike. While contemplating what to do with his father's body, Opportunity heard somebody walking through the thick forest, approaching the clearing from somewhere on his right. He took position behind a large bush in the shadows and waited for whatever it was to emerge.
It was a large elf, possibly eight feet in height, yet retained an Orc-like thickness. It was obviously one of the famous half-breeds that were rumored to roam Viseconath and the surrounding kingdoms. They supposedly had the strength, temper, and brutality of an orc, and the patience, intelligence, and magical skills of an elf. He could only watch, hoping that he would not be found in his hiding spot, but before he could do anything, he was pulled backward with a hand over his mouth and knocked out with a small bat.