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Mr. Ryan

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Jericho) and was a member of Predators


A long time ago, there's was a King name Luffy he was rich and powerful. He was always respect by his kingdom and treated kindly by the villages. Then he fell in love to his childhood friend, Nami. She was beautiful, kind, and lovable to all people.
They got married and had a baby boy child, Ryan. Until then...

A bunch of Orcs attack the kingdom to take over the city. They burned down the houses, abducted the women and killed all the man in the village. The King stayed in the palace to protect his kingdom while his wife Nami escaped to protect Ryan. Nami hid herself and run away from the kingdom to protect Ryan or else the Orcs will kill Ryan. Nami gave Ryan to her sister Robin and been told to run away while Nami went back to the palace to get the king but in the end they never return. After year's have past Robin raise Ryan to become strong and powerful to avenge his parents. Then Ryan sets on a journey to find who killed his parents. And that was the start of a new era...

Ryan became the Prince of Exterminator and then starts building his own army and people for the coming of war. 2 months later Ryan receives a message from Sir Plague, leader of the Assassin's Creed and he was asking for aid to help him defeat the Godlike army’s. Ryan then joins the Assassin’s Creed to help Sir Plague and had an outrageous battle's with the Godlike's. After 2 long year's have pass Sir Plague decided to disband the Assassin's Creed for some reasons. So we all agreed to disband our group and to find a new kingdom. After we disbanded are kingdom a friend of Ryan, Prince Sprout ask him to join the Predators. So Ryan joins the Predators to continue his goal to find who killed his parents. Ryan became a first class soldier in Predators. He fight's for his kingdom to protect the villager's in his city. Until something bad happen...

A spy from Ryan's army attack the angels who was supposed to be our ally and the country thinks that Ryan's a traitor so he ask that he would return the city to them but Ryan's not sure if there's still are ally or not. It's all up to Ryan to decide that.
Ryan then had a peaceful agreement with them so the Predators and Angels won't start a war.

Then Ryan receives a message from his scout that he knows who killed Ryan's parents. It's said that it was the Element's. The Elements was one of the strongest countries that the Predators fight on. The Predators and The Elements were equal in fighting's and now there on a war. The Predators had a devastating battle with the Elements. But in the End the Predators defeated the Elements. The chaos war has now ended with the Orcs and the Predators won. Time's passes slowly and Ryan met a girl and fells in love to Hanna. Ryan met her after the war was over. They lived together and had a new baby boy child, Jericho. The next New Prince and the start of a new era...

Mr. Jericho

Lived in Era 34, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Predators
