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Mr. Sauron

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Mozart) and was a member of Wolves of Lithuania


Mr. Mozart

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Mozart) and was a member of Atlantis

Wise King And Loving Father
Lived in Era. 35
He Who Had Gone Before Us
To The Last Adventure
May He Rest In Peace
And May His Legacy Live On Forever

Mr. Mozart

Lived in Era 36, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Atlantis

Mozart wandered along the dark corridors art night. He felt a jolt of panic as a black cat dashed in front of hall and ran fast to the far end of the hall. Every night, every day of the last four years, since his mother passed away along with a few hundred thousand other people in a plague, he woke up at the middle of the night, having a feeling of unease. He would just lie there, and wait until he falls asleep again or till dawn comes. Some nights, occasionally, he got out of his soft, cozy bed, got dressed and made his way to the least populated part of the palace - the royal grave yard, where his parents and all the kings and queens before were buried.
Mozart walked into the great halls, the servants’ rooms, the yard, and the throne room. All these places he knew since he was a child and is as familiar with as the back of his own palm. Under the pale moonlight, in the chilly temperature of mid winter and caught sight the royal grave yard. The white washed grave stones made the entire yard seemed unreal under the pale moon light.
His parents were buried beside each other, at the south east corner of the yard. He sat between the grave stones of the former kingdom and queen and thought of his childhood, spent without the presence of his father, who spent his day traveling to lands of all sorts of strange creatures who were their allies.
His father was killed in the summer when Mozart was only eight. His army was ambushed by barbarians who lived in the mountains. All of the men died in the ambush, except a runner, who was sent by Mozart’s father, the king to report to the queen. He brought the news and foot and died soon after that of exhaustion. Since Mozart was too young to rule a kingdom, Mozart’s mother, the queen, took over the reign.
For twelve years, the queen rule, until one day she died along with hundreds of thousands of other people in a great plague. Mozart still remembers the day like it has only happened yesterday. He remembers the smell of her mother’s room as he walked in to see her alive for the last time. The room smelled of herbs gathered from the mountains.