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Mr. Evan

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Makthaka) and was a member of Dark Avatars

For ten THOUSAND years my people have lived in piece in the caves of this world, Only to be shaken up by the thunders of war. The walls and ceilings collapse around us, as I lead my people to the world above, the same bloody grounds we fought and died on one hundred centuries ago in our struggle for survival. They say history repeats itself. I'm quickly learning that as im thrown out of the sanctity of our caves into the devastation that awaits us.

There have been plenty of wars during the last ten thousand years, mostly kingdoms fighting over land, wealth, petty things my people gave up on long ago. No war has affected the land such as this since the great war those many long years ago. Stories are still told of the great and mighty warriors of that time, the Dwarves that gave their lives hoping to end the tragedy that has befallen them. We have been forced to settle an above ground city. I shall call it Garithia. My best Dwarves have accompanied me on this journey

However, i am afraid. I fear that this war will be the end of my people, and that the names of the fallen warriors of Garithia will be lost in the wind. But in the meantime i must set my fears aside, this is war!

Not far from my homeland is a mining emplacement. Most likely responsible for the collapsing of my caves. Greedy humans will do anything to fund their causes, regardless of the environment or other races. That was to be my first target, I can't let their destruction of those still in the mountians to continue.

An easy victory it was as well, A fear of death never stops true dwarven warriors. We would make ourselves known for centuries to come.

Shortly after controlling that city i was troubled to find i did not have a suitable training facility to build a great army, and it was then i had decided to settle my next city. My scouts had found an empty plain where the mass training of soldiers would soon begin without difficulties.

As the great city if Garithia had grown and as i encountered many allies in this warring world i had gained hope... hope that maybe my people will live on to see a new day. I was quickly looking for a new target, I found that with the allies i have gained i am left deep in our own territory and morale of my troops is falling as they do nothing but guard cities that have yet to be considered as a threat to the enemy.

I finally felt safe... and yet that was when the footsteps of troops once more echoed in my ears.. The city was under attack! i quickly ordered my other cities to send theyre armies my way, but it was too late... the city was captured! all my men were either killed or held prisoner with me. Every sense of hope shot from me, I was ready to die. It seemed as though that was all in my future and yet, when all hope was lossed and life darkened, a small glimmer of light saved me. More drums were heard.. but these the drums of war belonged to my allies.. ten times the troops that captured my city were now storming its walls once again, but this time to free me and my people. Atleast thirty THOUSAND of soldiers under the command of one of my dearest allies slaughtered the enemy that remained to defend the city they had taken from me! My city was returned under my command and i once again began leading my people... but this time, not a moment went by i wasn't looking over my shoulder. I knew that next time it would be my responsibility to protect my city.

However they didn't take defeat lightly and shortly after came back with even more troops, though this time i had many troops in a nearby city ready to take back whats rightfully mine. Yet when the soldiers entered our city, it was empty... completely abandoned and untouched. We quickly tore down the enemies banner and hung our own once again. The only change in our city was the loss of thousands of my peasents.. but that was a small loss in comparison to what they could have done.

Battles were going on even years later and the armies of Garithia marched to their next target. Our enemies have turned on each other and my own allies have been turning on me... noone in this world had the honor i knew thousands of years before. But i had to take advantage of the enemies disorganization. I struck down on their cities as their armies wandered with nowhere to go. As much as i had avoided the battles some where necessary and as i won battle after battle with few losses... i began to like it. I was getting hungry for battle and my men sensed it. My troops were nearing the next city and i couldn't contain the desire to kill. I was no longer fighting to protect my home.. i was fighting to kill the enemy.

Something was growing in me that i never could have foresaw... the lust for blood. The same desire to destroy that started this war and the wars thousands of years earlier. The lust that my great ancestors had after their battles to preserve peace.

It was taking hold of me and my soldiers.. 40000 of my men were marching all around the world capturing every city that didn't ally with me. Many cities with only hundreds of soldiers were shown no mercy as every last one of them were slaughtered. No remorse, and No forgiveness.

When finally half of one brigade was lost i decided to rest those troops in a city and begin replacing losses. While that happened i had a general of mine lead the other brigade to the north. Nothing and noone could halt my conquest. I finally felt what the incompetant humans that ended my peoples peace had been feeling the whole time, and i loved it.

From time to time I'd lose a city from time to time yet no matter what I would always come back with thousands of axemen to take it back. It was always an easy victory. My control in this land was growing. My armies got bigger, My cities grew, and surrounded by my allies the threat to my people was insignificant. Though our reach was far the core of me and my allies was where I was. 3 of 5 of our borders i was helping guard. It caused my Troops to split to cover all three but when needed i moved soldiers between guardposts. The time period I'm writing of right now i had sent twelve thousand troops from the northern border down to help twenty two thousand troops with a breech at the southern-most border.
Yet before they could even reach that area the problem was quickly ending to the point i sent them back to guard one of the northern guardposts.

These southern guardposts are the easiest for me to guard. The weapons and armories I have down there make it easier to train my axemen down there and send them up then to train troops up north. Sadly however, My allies are reach past our own country began being rapidly shortened. Within days they were in sight of our borders. The comfort i had reacquired was finally brought back to worry. The enemy was approaching and I had no idea how we could stand up to their might.

But here we are now, I have told my story till now and as i write i will continue to update this as events progress. Right now is the time for all the Warriors of Garithia to unite! I've given word to send EVERY last soldier to the fort of my brother in arms Frizzle! Us together and many of our allies will make a last ditch effort to stop the enemy advance. When and If that fort falls, all hope will be lost... my people will never regain the peace we once had, My allies and I will have nothing left guarding our capitals. The Great city of Garithia lies shortly behind the walls of our Fort and will be the first plundered and razed to the ground if we cannot hold them back. The lust for blood is gone... now the only desire within me is survival. I have many cities beyond Garithia but without our capitol my people will no longer have the will to defend them, The one and only battle the remaining soldiers will fight is the battle to regain their Beloved capitol. I pray that we wont have that battle.

Now is the moment of truth.. just hours away from battle... two forts with only a bridge between us. The enemy prepares to charge us as we get ready for the assualt. My allies and i have fought bravely as our borders retreated to this point. If we can't stop them here all is lost.. This will be the battle of our lives. I would to write that our story will be told through generations but things look glum, we are outnumbered. If we lose this battle there will be no other generations to remember us. Only will we be a footnote in the enemies stories of conquest.

FOUL MAGIC!! My entire army was burned to the ground then slaughtered by them! I have no way to protect that fort!

Then it happened.. Thousands upon thousands of enemy soldiers stormed the fort, we were so vastly outnumbered and now nothing stands between them and Garithia... in fact... it's no longer under my leadership.. we've lost Garithia, Our training grounds, and a mining facility. All my northern cities are as good as lost. I myself and a few soldiers escaped near death to retreat to my southern outposts. Now i rebuild my army awaiting the moment to take my last stand againt the horde of enemy troops. I know now this is where my fears come true... We have a zero chance for survival but if we can slow the enemy progression long enough.. it may just save some of my allies. The anxiety i feel as i wait for the treacherous soldiers to capture the rest of my cities and slaughter my people may just beat them to causing my death. I have shown no fear in front of my people. That will not start now, the few soldiers that made it out with me will not speak a word of this.. i must keep the remaining troops calm. Noone yet knows of the loss of our capitol, but no matter what cities i lose i have lost something much greater. I have lost the will to fight. The need for freedom.. and everything important in my life has been destroyed! nobody that i left in the mountains years ago when i began this journey could possibly have survived what has happened.. My family, My son, All of my old friends that died in battle. All i have left in me is the few remaing remnants of a once valiant effort for freedom.

This isn't about my people anymore, this no longer has anything to do with freedom or peace. This is about life as we know it. Whoever you are reading this.. think about life, Think about the last few years of your existence.. Can you say If your community was about to be destroyed as you know it, can you honestly say you'd die to protect it? Or would you just.. move to another neighborhood? Survival is the Number 1 instinct. The will power to act against it would be enough to drive anyone insane and i truly believe i have lost my mind and my soul. My position in this war has gone from Defending my homeland with pride and honesty, to Having the deep need to destroy anything i saw in my path to greatness. Who's to say i don't deserve what's going to happen to me? what's to stop people from saying i caused the end of my people. I have failed greatly.. If i had gone forth with my original humble intentions My people may just have been able to survive in the mountains after this war as they have in the great war ten thousand years ago.

I have failed... Three words i will never utter while i wait for my death. Death would be preferable then to see the look on my men as i tell them of the tragedy.. they will die knowing in their hearts it was to save a lost city. This journal will be left in My vaults, A story unworthy of being told. Maybe one day whoever has control of This place will find this and they will know the of the fight that took plays long before.

¨b Evan, Garithian leader.

Mr. Makthaka

Lived in Era 36, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Dark Avatars
