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Family History

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Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson).

and after a brutal war which in the end left me in command of several armies and cities, i was too young, too stupid and too cocky to serve the role of king
i left, resigned and jumped to a place where i can not be harmed
let me share my story with you.....

my father, Peter Jackson was a brave warrior with the Black Chain, a small yet growing powerful kingdom.
the Black Chain decided to go to war against an unknown group of people known as Juganitorii
it was a small group at the start with only 5 men and fewer cities, but they felt they needed more, we began to attack them, the struck back with bigger and stronger forces which crippled our very existance.

fearing the lives of my own men i could not let this war continue, i recieved a message one day from a man known as Ragna rok Solitis who said we should have organized an alliance with them then stabbing them in the back.
this letter made me angry, i felt like sending more of my own men after him to destroy him for even threatening the existance and reputation of this kingdom.
i felt as if this man should have not been with us, she should have been dead.

This anguish came from my fathers message which has been passed down for generations. the Jackson Family code and law

Jackson Family Law:
1) loyalty before greed
2) honour before betrayal
3) death in the battlefeild is the greatest glory acheived in life
4) running is a coward's move, fighting is a hero's
5) conflict within a kingdom is a lonely reason for moving on

Jackson Family Code:
Nil Durum Volenti
(nothing is difficult for the willing)

i know how what i fight for and who i fight for, i fight for myself and my family
i fight for my rights as a dwarf and those rights will always be kept in my heart with my old members of the black chain

i not long ago read my families history which dates back to when my ancestor Peter Jackson was in service to sparta, and hes son being in service so the musketeers

here are my past family history pages as written by them:

The First was small when our name came into existance with the greatest jackson of them all:
this was my first era and started as the 9th most powerful ruler in the world

The Second:
the son of the not so legdendary Peter Jackson, me, was born
to then carry out hes families duties as ruler
still keeping the same power of hes father, peter jackson put hes power to bad, attacking other kingdoms and putting them to death

this family will always carry out its duties as cruel ass kicking machines

perhaps continue this rampage in the world of Mantrax

this was an interesting Era for me
i started as a member of the Army of Anubis, then went to join Ms. Erica Incarnate in a Kingdom Known as Heavens Vengeance, she then left the Kingdom into the hands of Yours Truly to join another larger Kingdom called holy, not long after Heavens Vengeance wqas left into my hands, it was taken from me by an unhonourable ruler known as Mr. Creater
once the Kingdom was taken from me, i was gone from them.

i was then accepted to join The Dacians, an eastern eurpean Kingdom, it was not long until i found myself in trouble with a larger surrounding Kingdom Known as the Muskuteers, so i decided that being with that Kingdom was a bad idea, so i left them, to join the Kingdom that was once a threat to me, The Muskuteers.
Only to find newer enemies, and larger wars to fight, but luckely my armies of Nazgauls were ready to engage in battle, m first enemy was a traitor known as Timmiev, it was not long until he decided to attack me, therefore it lead to a bloodthirsty war which him nd hes amries of farmers could not win against my Nazgauls.
once the traitor Timmiev was Extinguished, i found myself fighting along side my Kingdom mates
To end this era i had another personal war against a member of a kingdom which my own had napped, Mr. Haywood Jablowme, an immature player whos only role was to annoy everyone, i knew that killing him would be a favour to everyone else in the world of Mantrax, as he was an embarrasment to this world.

now that i find myself at the end of this era, i sit here deciding where my son shall be soon

The Third:
After a long line of Peter Jakcson, it was time for my father to change the name to break this line

My name is Arcadius, a greek god and a god i will stay, to previal all and defeat any enemy that attempts to stand in my way
i will never retreat, never give up and never fail
Welcome to the dawn of a completely new era, and reign of terror however the unhonour of my ancestors shall not live on

The Fourth:
a story that is unwritten, the story of the jackson ancestors, were they bad unhorourable players?
did they betray a lot of kingdoms?
only time will tell when my son (Peter Jackson)
will be next in line of the throne so the line of jacksons can continue............

The Fifth:
the time of an old age i took the reign as ruler of the arcadius to revive the jackson family being ruler and commander of all armies and cities in veiw if its beastly and bossy eyes
now with the jackson family back in force and at its original race as a Dwarf
the world of Valhalla was not suprised of my short powerless rule as i am near death with only one son to carry my name, who himself is also named Peter Jackson after my early ancestors and of course myself, but as i grow old and unworthy of carrying a challenging line of duty, my son is studying and will become very powerful once my thrown is passed down to him
i write this story not for myself, but for my son, Peter Jackson

The Sixth:
a home kingdom found, a father dead and hes son on the death bed, my time on this world is nearly up and yet the only thing in this world i fear is my son not willing to carry on the duties which have stood since lenard ruled the world under the control of the great god himself ZeTa.
my son is only young but will have to take the throne earlier then my lifespan was estimated
the kingdom, The Black Chain is the road to my sons power, he will become more then anyone will ever imagine,
possibly more then my ancestor Peter Jackson in the time of Asystole.

in this time, i choose to write the law and code of the jackson family

Jackson Family Law:
1) loyalty before greed
2) honour before betrayal
3) death in the battlefeild is the greatest glory acheived in life
4) running is a coward's move, fighting is a hero's
5) conflict within a kingdom is a lonely reason for moving on

Jackson Family Code:
Nil Durum Volenti
(nothing is difficult for the willing)

The law and code is written so the family does not forget who they are and what they fight for, Freedom Respest and honour are the most important factors of not just the Jackson Family but also the Factors of life as we know it.

a Name, Master Provectus, handed to me from the high council of the Black chain so i would never forget who i was and who i was fighting with.

However in the pages states a man by the name of Arcadius, who was a Disgrace to the jackson name by changing hes own to a greek ruler, our family, not greek but Warriors from the world of Starta, it was where we began, its where we shall end.

The Dwarven Mines Burning, The Dwarvens crops burning, The Dwarven Armoury raided and useless, i have come to my whits and am dying very quicly, with no men, with no power and with no love but the love for my son

To my son, never forget who you fight for, what you stand for, and never ever Give up on the true beleifs of life and the lord, those things you take to the grave with you.
Only do something you feel is necassary and never turn your back on those who really mean something to you, like the kingdom you will be raised on, your role in that kingdom, the friends, the allies and fo the Prophecy, The Trinity Pact

The Seventh:
Jackson Family Law:
1) loyalty before greed
2) honour before betrayal
3) death in the battlefeild is the greatest glory acheived in life
4) running is a coward's move, fighting is a hero's
5) conflict within a kingdom is a lonely reason for moving on

Jackson Family Code:
Nil Durum Volenti
(nothing is difficult for the willing)

something my father told me, someting i will never forget, The Jackson Code and Law.
The rules a Jackson is to live by or not live at all, this is my destiny, this is the birth of a new era, an era of freedom, an era of trust and most importantly, an era of loyalty to the kingdom of The Black Chain

and finally the eight:
my father died.....
assasins from angels destroyed hes city of Antiskeptic and killed hes armies and a scout which just contained my father

i began me reign at only the age of 13 so i feared much but i had excellent help from my friends of the black chain

before my father left on hes crusade to discover enemy cities he left me a partchment containing these words....

My son, never forget who you are and what you stand for, so i leave you with the rules and code of our family which has been since my great grandfather and i wish to look donw on you with pride and you knowing there is somewhere better for you..

Jackson Family Law:
1) loyalty before greed
2) honour before betrayal
3) death in the battlefeild is the greatest glory acheived in life
4) running is a coward's move, fighting is a hero's
5) conflict within a kingdom is a lonely reason for moving on

Jackson Family Code:
Nil Durum Volenti
(nothing is difficult for the willing)

i love you always my only son, reign with pride and responsibilty

your father always, Peter Jackson.

and so as i read this letter and the other partchments left behind from other members of my family i know that the black chain is where i belong.

Peter Jackson the Tenth

reading what my forefathers have written helped me in the long run, i will never fail until all enemies are no longer

i know now what i should do with my enemies, destroy them
five star effort only
i may yet re write the code and law

I cant remember anything
Cant tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now that the war is through with me
Im waking up I can not see
That there is not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god,wake me

Back in the womb its much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But cant look forward to reveal
Look to the time when Ill live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god,wake me
Now the world is gone Im just one
Oh god,help me hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God help me

Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell

welcome to the soldier side
Dead man lying on the bottom of the grave
Wondering when Savior comes
Is he gonna be saved

Maybe you're a sinner into your alternate life
Maybe you're a joker maybe you deserve to die

They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back
They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find the truth
He's never going home

Young men standing on the top of their own graves
Wondering when Jesus comes
Are they gonna be saved

Cruelty to the winner, Bishop tells the King his lies
Maybe you're a mourner, maybe you deserve to die
They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back
They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find no truth
He's never going home

Welcome to the Soldier Side
Where there's no one here but me
People all grow up to die
There is no one here but me

Welcome to the Soldier Side
Where there's no one here but me
People on the soldier's side
There is no one here but me

what we will deliver with a bang

One more goddamn day when I know what I want
And my want will be considered tonight, considered tonight
Just another day when all that I want
Will mark me as a sinner tonight, I'm a sinner tonight, yeah

People can no longer cover their eyes
If this disturbs you then walk away
You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air

Power un-restrained dead on the mark
Is what we will deliver tonight, deliver tonight
Pleasure fused with pain this triumph of the soul
will make you shiver tonight, will make you shiver tonight, yeah

We are the ones that will open your mind
Leave the weak and the haunted behind

Ten Thousand fists in the air
Ten Thousand fists in the air

required to be repeated as a new line begins reign
my son moving to another world by the name Fantasia

good luck to him

Mr. Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of Dark Trio

and so a ledgend was born.....
choosing a kingdom was hard but i found one i might enjoy, The Musketeers
one of my ancestors had served under the musketeers name once before, and now i shall do the same thing
i am hoping for some challenges, and more, spill some blood of my victims....

Sir Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Abby Jackson) and was a member of Dark Trio


Sir Peter Abby Jackson

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Abby Jackson) and was a member of Dark Trio


Sir Peter Abby Jackson

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Micheal Moore) and was a member of Dark Trio


Sir Micheal Moore

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Peter The Pumkin Eater) and was a member of Sarafan Knights


Sir Peter The Pumkin Eater

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of Sarafan Knights


Sir Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of Sarafan Knights

Early life

Born on 31 October 1961 in Pukerua Bay, a coastal town near Wellington, New Zealand, Jackson was an only child to Bill and Joan Jackson, both immigrants from England. As a child, Jackson was a keen film fan, growing up on Ray Harryhausen films as well finding inspiration in the television series Thunderbirds and Monty Python's Flying Circus. After a family friend gave the Jacksons a Super 8 cine-camera with Peter in mind, he began making short films with his friends. Jackson has long cited King Kong as his favourite film, and around the age of nine he attempted to remake it using his own stop-motion models.[3]

Jackson has had no formal training in film-making, but learnt about editing, special effects and makeup largely through his own trial and error. As a teenager Jackson discovered the work of author J. R. R. Tolkien after watching The Lord of the Rings (1978), an animated film by Ralph Bakshi that was a part-adaptation of Tolkien's fantasy trilogy.[4] After leaving school Jackson began working as a photoengraver at a newspaper company in Wellington, and shooting a feature-length vampire movie that was later abandoned before completion.

[edit] The splatter period

Over four years (from 1983 to 1987) Jackson's first feature Bad Taste grew in haphazard fashion from a short film into a 90-minute splatter comedy, with many of Jackson's friends acting and working on it for free. Shooting was normally done in the weekends since Jackson was now working full-time. Bad Taste is about aliens that come to earth with the desire of turning humans into food. Jackson created extensive special effects for the film, including one infamous alien vomit drinking scene utilising some muesli mixed with green food colouring. Jackson also takes two major acting roles, enabling him to include a scene in the film where he fights himself.

The film was finally completed thanks to a late injection of finance from Government body the New Zealand Film Commission, after the body's executive director Jim Booth became convinced of Jackson's talent (Booth would later leave the Commission, to become Jackson's producer.) In May 1987 Bad Taste was unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival, where rights to the film quickly sold to twelve countries.

Around this time Jackson began working on writing a number of movie scripts, in varied collaborative groupings with playwright Stephen Sinclair, writer Fran Walsh and writer/actor Danny Mulheron. Walsh would later become his partner, and mother of his son Billy and his daughter Katie. Some of the scripts, including a Nightmare on Elm Street sequel, were never made; two became his next films.

Jackson's second feature film would be Meet the Feebles (1989), co-written by the four writers just mentioned. An ensemble musical comedy starring Muppet-style puppets, Feebles originally began as a short film intended for television, but was rapidly expanded into a full-length script after unexpected enthusiasm from Japanese investors, and the collapse of Braindead six-weeks before filming. Begun on an unfeasibly low budget, Feebles went weeks over schedule. The film went on to win the worst reviews of Jackson's career to date, but has now established a cult following. "It's got a quality of humour that alienates a lot of people," Jackson said at the time. "It's very black, very satirical, very savage." [5] Feebles marked Jackson's first collaboration with special effects team Richard Taylor and Tania Rodger, who would subsequently work on all Jackson's movies.

Jackson's next project was the comedy Braindead (1992) (released in North America as Dead Alive), now seen as a landmark in splatter movies. Originally planned as a Spanish co-production, the film reversed the usual zombie plot - rather than keeping the zombies out of his place of refuge, the hero attempts to keep them inside, while maintaining a facade of normality. The film features extensive special effects including miniature trams, stop motion and a plethora of gory make-up effects, but also won praise for its strong performances, particularly that of lead actor Tim Balme. Balme plays the closeted young man who discovers that his domineering mother is decaying into a zombie.

[edit] Heavenly Creatures and Forgotten Silver

Released in 1994 after Jackson won a race to bring the story to the screen, Heavenly Creatures marked a major change for Jackson in terms of both style and tone. The film is based on real life events: namely the Parker-Hulme murder in which two teenage girls in 1950s Christchurch became close friends, some say lovers, and later murdered the mother of one of the girls. Jackson's partner Fran Walsh helped persuade him that the events had the makings of a movie; Jackson has been quoted saying that the film "only got made" because of her enthusiasm for the subject matter.[6] Many New Zealanders were apprehensive about how Jackson would treat the material, an apprehension that would later largely turn to relief. The film's fame coincided with the New Zealand media tracking down the real-life Juliet Hulme, who now wrote books under the name Anne Perry. Heavenly Creatures received considerable critical acclaim, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay and making top ten of the year lists in Time, The Guardian, The Sydney Morning Herald, and The New Zealand Herald.

The success of Heavenly Creatures won Jackson attention from American company Miramax, who promoted the film vigorously in America and signed him to a first look deal.

The following year, in collaboration with Wellington filmmaker Costa Botes, Jackson co-directed the 'mockumentary', Forgotten Silver (1995). This ambitious made for television piece told the story of New Zealand film pioneer Colin McKenzie who had supposedly invented colour film and 'talkies', and attempted an epic film of Salome before being forgotten by the world. The film was screened on New Zealand television as if it were fact. Many people were outraged at discovering Colin McKenzie had never existed. The number of people who believed the increasingly improbable story is testimony to Jackson and Botes' skill at playing on New Zealand's national myth of a nation of innovators and forgotten trail-blazers.[7]

In the meantime, Jackson and Walsh welcomed their children, Billy (1995) and Katie (1996) into the world.

[edit] Hollywood, Weta, the Film Commission

The success of Heavenly Creatures helped pave the way for Jackson's first big budget Hollywood movie The Frighteners (1996), starring Michael J. Fox. Thanks partly to support from American producer Robert Zemeckis, Jackson was given permission to make this part comedy, part horror movie entirely in New Zealand, even though the story is set in a town in the United States. This period was a key one of change for both Jackson and Weta, the special effects company with which he is often associated. Weta, initiated by Jackson and key collaborators, grew rapidly during this period to incorporate both digital effects (the company was born from the one man and a computer contributions of George Port to Heavenly Creatures) and physical effects, make-up and costumes (the first two areas normally commanded by Jackson collaborator Richard Taylor).

The Frighteners was regarded as a commercial failure. Though the film has always had its defenders, some critics expressed disappointment that it displayed little of the anarchistic humor of Jackson's early movies and that the script felt underdeveloped. In February 1997 Jackson launched legal proceedings against New Zealand magazine The Listener for defamation, over a review of The Frighteners which claimed that the film was "built from the rubble of other people's movies" [8] In the end, the case was not pursued further. Around this time Jackson's remake of King Kong was shelved by Universal Studios (partly because Mighty Joe Young, another giant gorilla movie, had already gone into production).

This period of transition seems not to have been entirely a happy one; it also marked one of the high points of tension between Jackson and The New Zealand Film Commission since Meet the Feebles had gone over-budget earlier in his career (Jackson has claimed the Commission considered firing him from Feebles; the NZFC went on to help fund his next three films). In 1997 the director submitted a lengthy criticism of the Commission for a magazine supplement meant to celebrate the body's 20th anniversary, criticising what he called inconsistent decision-making by inexperienced board members. The magazine felt that the material was too long and potentially defamatory to publish in that form; a shortened version of the material went on to appear in Metro magazine[9]. In the Metro article Jackson criticised the Commission over funding decisions concerning a film he was hoping to executive produce, but refused to drop a client-confidentiality clause that allowed them to publicly reply to his criticisms.

[edit] The Lord of the Rings

Main article: The Lord of the Rings film trilogy

Peter Jackson won the rights to film J. R. R. Tolkien's epic in 1997 after meeting with producer Saul Zaentz. Originally working with Miramax towards a two-film production, Jackson was later pressured to render the story as a single film, and finally overcame a tight deadline by making a last minute deal with New Line, who were keen on a trilogy.

Principal photography stretched from October 11, 1999 to December 22, 2000 with extensive location filming across New Zealand. With the benefit of extended post-production and extra shooting before each film's release, the series met huge success and sent Jackson's popularity soaring.

Jackson's mother Joan died 3 days before the release of the first movie in the trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring. There was a special showing of the film after her funeral.[10]

Following The Return of the King, Jackson lost a large amount of weight (over 50 lb/22.5 kg) to the point of being unrecognizable to some fans. In the British Daily Telegraph he attributed his weight loss to his diet. He said, "I just got tired of being overweight and unfit, so I changed my diet from hamburgers to yogurt and muesli and it seems to work."[11]

[edit] King Kong

Main article: King Kong (2005 film)

Universal Studios now returned to the fray, signing Peter Jackson for a second time to remake the 1933 classic King Kong the film that inspired him to become a film director as a boy.[12] He was reportedly being paid a fee of US$20 million upfront, the highest salary ever paid to a film director in advance of production, against a 20 percent take of the box-office rentals (the portion of the price of the ticket that goes to the film distributor, in this case Universal). The film was released on December 14, 2005, and grossed around US$550 million worldwide. [13] Its release on home video and DVD was even bigger, as it set records for a Universal Pictures DVD in sales figures .

[edit] Current and future projects

Jackson has created a lavish country estate in Wairarapa, New Zealand. The estate includes a LOTR style castle as well as numerous other buildings.[14]

Jackson is currently directing a version of Alice Sebold's bestseller, The Lovely Bones. He has said the film will be a welcome relief from his larger-scale epics. The storyline's combination of fantasy aspects and themes of murder bears some similarities to Heavenly Creatures.

Jackson also announced that he would produce and direct a Tintin movie along with Steven Spielberg. The project will use 3-D animation combined with motion capture to bring the project to the silver screen, likely in 2009.[15]

Jackson had talked of producing films for others as early as 1995, but a number of factors slowed developments in this regard, including the failure of Jack Brown Genius (1995). After Jackson became a force in Hollywood, he was set to produce a $128 million movie version of the sci-fi video game Halo, but the project went on hold when fiscal backers withdrew their support.[16][17] Additionally, Jackson will produce a remake of The Dam Busters in 2008, to be directed by longtime Weta designer Christian Rivers. [18] Jackson has also earned the rights to a film adaptation of the fantasy novel series Temeraire, a novel about dragons being used in combat in the Napoleonic Wars and the story of a dragon named Temeraire and his captain, Will Laurence, during that time period, written by Naomi Novik. It remains to be seen if he will direct it.[19] Also he will produce District 9, a sci-fi project which Neill Blomkamp will direct, likely after the adaptions for Halo has finally been completed. The script is written by Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell, Sony Pictures will distribute the film.[20]

Jackson recently directed a short film entitled "Crossing the Line" to test a new model of digital Cinema camera RED ONE. The film takes place during World War I, and was shot in two days. "Crossing the Line" was shown at NAB 2007 (the USA National Association of Broadcasters). Clips of the film can be found at

[edit] The Hobbit

Jackson's involvement in the making of a film version of The Hobbit, along with another possible The Lord of the Rings prequel, has a long and chequered history. In November 2006, a letter from Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh stated that due to an ongoing legal dispute between Wingnut Films (Jackson's production company) and New Line Cinema, Jackson would likely not be directing the film.[21] However, in response, MGM spokesman Jeff Pryor stated that "we still believe this matter of Peter Jackson directing The Hobbit is far from closed." ( MGM owns the distribution rights to The Hobbit film). New Line Cinema's head, Robert Shaye said that Jackson "will never make any movie with New Line Cinema again while I'm still working for the company."[22] An online boycott of New Line Cinema was begun in the hopes of compelling New Line Cinema to renegotiate with Peter Jackson.[23]

Shaye's comments marked the first time a New Line executive had commented publicly on the franchise since Jackson announced that he was pulled out of the project. In August 2007 though Shaye was trying to repair his working relationship with Jackson. "I really respect and admire Peter and would love for him to be creatively involved in some way in The Hobbit," Shaye said."[24] On December 18, 2007, it was announced that Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema had reached agreement to make two prequels, one based on The Hobbit which will be released in 2011 and 2012. Jackson will serve as a writer and executive producer. Guillermo del Toro has been selected to direct.

Sir Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Chucky) and was a member of Sarafan Knights


Sir Chucky

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Peter Jackson) and was a member of Army of Anubis

My Favourite songs =]

Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen
So unsure but it seems, cause weve been waiting for you
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right
Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be
Arrived too early

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear
Escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain
Can leave this place but refrain, cause we've been waiting for you
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall)
No pain or sign of time (Im much too young to fall)
So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign
I've made up my mind

Give me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
far away from here

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and Id hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

Loved ones back home all crying cause they're already missing me
I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening
Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be
(I am unbroken; Im choking on this ecstasy)
Oh Lord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live)

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
far away from here

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and Id hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

Seemed to stop my breath
My head on your chest
Waiting to cave in
From the bottom of my...
Hear your voice again
Could we dim the sun
And wonder where we've been
Maybe you and me
So kiss me like you did
My heart stopped beating
Such a softer sin

(I'm melting, I'm melting)
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while

And I'm melting
In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me
Lay with me

Never caught my breath
Every second I'm without you I'm a mess
Ever know each other
Trust these words are stones
Why cuts aren't healing
Learning how to love

I'm melting (I'm melting)
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while
And I'm melting
In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me
Lay with me
(Stay with me lay with me now)

You could stay and watch me fall
And of course I'll ask for help
Just stay with me now
Take my hand
We could take our heads off
Stay in bed just make love that's all
Just stay with me now

I'm melting (I'm melting)
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while
And I'm melting

In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me
Lay with me
In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while
And I'm melting
In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me lay with me
(Stay with me, lay with me)

In your eyes
Let's sleep till the sun burns out
I'm melting in your eyes (I'm melting in your eyes)
Let's sleep till the sun burns out
I'm melting in your eyes

Sir Peter Jackson

Lived in Era 35 and got 0 heir(s) .
