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Mr. Landric

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Fifii The Sloress) and was a member of Mystical

After a calm upbringing he was dumped in a world of chaos. Legends say he has troll blood in his line. Surrounded by pretators some fools began digging only to find gold. Others continued southward after promises of greater treasure.

We aganoldged the Vampire Queen as our leader and tried to follow her orders but with so many others from Mystical and even Comenius we just began erecting cities where we could. Mountains of course were prime but as those spots dwindled we decided to settle where we could and grow. Our kingdom grew and with guidance from Hellishholly we retook Hall and held it from Burnt. Our next target of conquest was Elf Fall. It fell.

Our victory spread throughout the era. we expand and took Qe2 from Vengence. Oddessy attacked and declared war against us but we held Elf fall from them and turned them away from qe2. We hope our allies in Mystical grow strong and the NAP with Comenus stands firm.

The Fallen failed to defend Arnor. Watchit lead by Mr. Sandoran The Gifted attacked and plundered Arnor. VICTORY!
Ms. Loz from the Kingdom:Vengeance surrendered. Near Elf Fall. Our forces Diamond deuce split off from the heroes of hall led by Sir Ryan.

defended qe2 from odessy imperial guards 50 thousand troops and took 600 as slaves. put to work down south. Killed Mr. Turigle III The Axe Master's army trying to escape from Noordhorn. When Noordhorn fell to ruble we attacked and crushed the Axe master again. In his place though was Zumps Scout and what a scout it was.50,000 strong. We flee back to qe2 and pray we make it to the walls before this giant awares.

We for us if no more messages come. In a battle against Shuttle III ordered by Mr. Armator Our Topez Travellers lost. Our Topez Travellers successfully defend Extern. First Part of Destruction lead by Mr. Sandoran The Gifted attempted to put Extern under siege. Our Garnish Garnets failed to defend Que II. Anthra Chevalle lead by Sir Mingan attacked and took over Que II

with help from Hellish Holly we retook the mines and decided to join Mystical. We took Sir ryan the quiets lands and trimmed his holdings down so he was able to train many more units. We accepted the rule of Mr Resistance and obey greyfish's orders to send troops and are trying to break the blockers of Oddessy.

ady Hellish Holly cast a spell upon us... Casting Happiness from Vicious Weavers upon Topez Travellers. Coke Zero won a battle against Tent City from Endless Dillyrias. Army of The Southern Cros lead by Sir Ryan The Quiet attacked and took over Sporting Tops B. Bronze Boys lost a battle against Aha from Mr. Sky. The army escaped to Lands End.

The plague in Idle Hands killed 531 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters and 0 Cavemasters.
# 00:06:44: Our city, Que II has been liberated! Mr. Lord V has freed our people. Bronze Boys lost a battle against Just Stuff II from Mr. Deadordying. In an attack on Mithril Mines lead by Lady Hellish Holly Our Topez Travellers lost 9 Swordsmen, 133 Hammerthrowers, 21 Axemen, 5 Runemasters

Pimps Pissd of all their resources. They had 146787 gold, 455608 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city.
The cavemasters blew up 3200 mines and took aditional 1600000 gold. We have plundered Juggalo City of all their resources. They had 21227483 gold, 10292295 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city. The cavemasters blew up 1900 mines and took aditional 1330000 gold. Insignificant lead by Mr. Dan Our Amber Aces lost 3 Swordsmen.

Job well done.

Ms. Fifii The Sloress

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Tuff Nuff) and was a member of Mystical

Hey what's up peeps? Daddy did well but I'm screwed. Started with Dark like he said but we got short sticked. landing beside noobgods and retribution. They took all our cities and made us into slaves. I've escaped the empire and travelled North with some hobgoblins.

Everything seems lost. Even the scout I sent to the end of the world died on the damn bridge before being able to cross. At least I razed everything so Daddy will be proud. They got nothing off me but skid marks.