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Family History

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Mr. Leoric

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Leoric II).

Bitter for the death of his family when his former Kingdom of Khanduras was destroyed in a with the Ancient Evils whos-names-can-not-be-mentioned. Leoric has sought to rebuild in a new land, and unknown land, and hopefully free from the Scourge which almost drove him mad, not so long ago.

Mr. Leoric II

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Leoric III The Guardian) and was a member of Dark Trio

After his Father's Nation was Pillaged, Burned and its Ctizens Raped, Young Leoric II escaped with his trusted advisors to a new land, hoping to one day regain the glory his Family name once held.

Mr. Leoric III The Guardian

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Leoric IV The Conqueror) and was a member of Dark Trio

After watching his father conquer most of the world with his allies, Leoric III has the uneviable task of living up to expectations, but fate is an unpredictable thing.

Mr. Leoric IV The Conqueror

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Leoric V The Farmer) and was a member of Dark Trio

Born into a household where life has been going at a steady pace, Leoric IV seeks to uphold teh family tradition of doing better than his father, after watching his armies defeat those teh Legacy or Wolves banner.

Mr. Leoric V The Farmer

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Leoric VI The Mega Farmer) and was a member of Astra per Aspera

With his Father's Kingdom falling apart due to bureaucratic incompetence, Leoric V has started anew and hope to find more peaceful times.

Mr. Leoric VI The Mega Farmer

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Leoric VII The Lazy One) and was a member of The Musketeers

Leoric the Mega Farmer has great expectations to live up to, seeing as his father helped crush all opposition on Armageddon. As a Half-Dwarf, farming is in his blood.

He started well, before he was forced to run with Armies from the Kingdom of Predators bearing down. He would eventually resettle and repay them: with interest. And with interest he did, joining up with the armies under the Elements banner, he would sweep into their territory and grab city after city, and as his time was near its end, he could look back at his Mines and smile.

Mr. Leoric VII The Lazy One

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Leoric VIII The Inactive) and was a member of Heaven


Mr. Leoric VIII The Inactive

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (leoric ix the hotdog muncher) and was a member of Fusion Rejects

His father being extremely lazy, Leoric VIII has even less expectations to meet. Sweet!

Mr. leoric ix the hotdog muncher

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Leoric X The Monkey) and was a member of Foundation

Leoric IX is here to farm and eat, and hopefully nothing else.

Unfortunately, as 'Fate' would have it, he would be caught up in a war of many fronts, having to deal with traitors within, enemies who subcontract their work to others and lastly, being accused of being dishonourable by, of all people, a Pirate! Which is kind of ironic considering how honour has pretty been in short supply from all the major political players in the world of VU for a long time.

As his time drew to a close, Leoric pretty much ended up like how he started: In one piece, but with a few more extra cities.