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Mr. Gideon Prewett

Lived in Era 36 and got 1 heir(s) (Gideon Prewett).


Mr. Gideon Prewett

Lived in Era 37 and got 1 heir(s) (Eargit Prewett The Ugly).

Family History
Mr. Edgardo Mendoza Maldonado
Lived in Era 19, got 0 heirs and was a member of The Red Legion

Mr. Jose Lemente Orozco
Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heirs (Jose Clemente Orozco).

Mr. Jose Clemente Orozco
Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heirs (Jose Clemente Orozco).

Mr. Jose Clemente Orozco
Lived in Era 22, got 1 heirs (Cemiquiztli Yaotl) and was a member of Lords of Carnage

Mr. Cemiquiztli Yaotl
Lived in Era 22, got 1 heirs (Cloud) and was a member of Lords of Carnage

Mr. Cloud
Lived in Era 23, got 0 heirs and was a member of Lords of Carnage

Mr. Vulover
Lived in Era 23, got 1 heirs (Jos Clemente Orozco) and was a member of Flames

Yes I love Vusial-Utopia and it loves me back.
Mr. Jos Clemente Orozco
Lived in Era 24, got 1 heirs (Jose Clemente Orozco) and was a member of Carnage

Mr. Jose Clemente Orozco
Lived in Era 24, got 1 heirs (Tom From MY Space) and was a member of Carnage

Mr. Tom From MY Space
Lived in Era 25, got 1 heirs (Naked Pizza Delivery Guy) and was a member of Carnage

Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy
Lived in Era 26, got 1 heirs (Tydeus) and was a member of Carnage

I like girls,lots of girls.
I like sleep,lots of sleep.
I like pizza,lots of pizza.
And I like HAVOC,lots of HAVOC.
Mostly that.
Mr. Tydeus
Lived in Era 27, got 0 heirs and was a member of Carnage

Mr. Eargit Prewett The Ugly

Lived in Era 37, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Heaven

My name is based on characters from Harry Potter.

Eargit the Ugly – Goblin representative to the Wizard's Council in the fourteenth century.

Prewett is the last name of Molly Weasley's two dead brothers

Molly Weasley (née Prewett) – Sister of Fabian and Gideon Prewett, wife of Arthur Weasley and mother of Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ginny, Percy and Ron Weasley, grandmother of Albus Severus, James and Lily Potter and Fred, Roxanne, Hugo, Rose, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Molly, and Lucy Weasley, member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Fabian Prewett(Dead) – Brother of Molly Weasley and Gideon Prewett, member of the original Order of the Phoenix.

Gideon Prewett(Dead) – Brother of Molly Weasley and Fabian Prewett, member of the original Order of the Phoenix.

Brothers of Molly (Prewett) Weasley (JKR, OP9), they were among the "best witches and wizards of the age" who were killed during the Voldemort years (PS4). It took five Death Eaters, including Antonin Dolohov, to kill Fabian and Gideon (OP25). Moody said they died like heroes (OP9).

230. Mr. Eargit Prewett The Ugly Heaven Orc 436621