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Family History

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Mr. Nano

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Thahunter) and was a member of The Chompers


Mr. Thahunter

Lived in Era 36 and got 1 heir(s) (Mambo).

ThaHunter Son Of Nano Now back And Stronger Then Ever he comes back to Take Revenge on His Father's Death And You Know What.. Hes Now Hunting For Ya

Mr. Mambo

Lived in Era 37 and got 1 heir(s) (Mambo).


Mr. Mambo

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Baros) and was a member of Velocity

Proud Member Of Velocity, We Will Not Vanish,We Will Not Die!

1000 of nazguls flying all across the lands of Armageddon,Searching Desperate and angry for Food,Taking Out Brigades,Regiments,Battalions,Tearing Down Buildings.

Nazguls Are Screeching All Over Armageddon...
Now Everyone Knows The Battle Has Started...

Hordes of Ogres And Hammerthrowers Charging Towards The Enemy Encampent,The General Yells,

Burn The Village To The Ground!! Let None Survive!!

Hold Your Banner Up High!! So That They Will Remember The Time That Velocity Took Over This World!!

The Battle Begins...