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Family History

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Mr. Helios

Lived in Era 37 and got 1 heir(s) (Omega).


Mr. Omega

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Inquisitor) and was a member of BioHazard

The only son of the dwarven king, Helios, Omega is concerned only in building his cities and expanding into unexplored lands just as his late father has once done, and he would accomplish all of that through the might of his soon-to-be magnificent army composed of humble peasants and soldiers alike searching not for fame or glory, but for the trust and approval of their leader. Although Omega is not even half as great as his father, he wishes to become just like him and, maybe, even better. He is already loved by all he rules and has many loyal followers, some who were even generals in Helios' army.

Mr. Inquisitor

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Marceus) and was a member of BioHazard

After the unfortunate defeat of his father, Inquisitor, a name he has chosen to go with, decided to continue his father's kingdom somewhere far away from all the bloodshed and destruction. As the youngest of the family and also the only elf in it, apart from his mother, he has wild ambitions and great visions of glory and power and is determined not to be defeated like his father. His brothers and sisters laugh at him whenever he states that he would become a great ruler, though deep down in their hearts, they all know that he will truly succeed.