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Mr. Manwe

Lived in Era 35 and got 1 heir(s) (Manwe).

10/22 the end of era 35, the era of grumpy old star

in this journal, i, manwe the dwarf, will record the history of my life. as i write this, i and my fellow fugitives are camped in the mountains as we flee the land of my fathers. well, let me go back a bit. at the beginning of this era, my father ruled the land of the dwarves. but months ago, a strange plague hit our people, and they were all wiped out. all except me and 50 of my guards, who escaped and are now traveling to a new land, unafflicted by the plague. i hope this is not my last entry, but if it is, farewell.

Sir Manwe

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Angrod) and was a member of Odyssey

10/26 beginning of era 36, the era of elsin
i and my people have arrived in the land we were looking for, and entered an alliance called the warriors league. i am head of this small alliance, and i hope to bring it into power.

10/27 beginning of era 36, the era of elsin
my city of amon ereb is in the building, and i have requested alliances with other kingdoms, those being: military, the military, bushido, and outlawz. i hope they join us, because i think together we can defeat the larger alliances and rule this land.

10/28 beginning of era 36, the era of elsin
the warriors league has been disbanded, and i am waiting to be accepted into bushido. AoD, angels of death, have decided to get rid of me, so i hope bushido welcomes me. now, i will turn this journal over to my secretary, Waldern Gessif.

Day 10.28 of year 2008, the beginning of the 36th Era of Elsin
I, Waldern Gessif, will now take over this journal in my Lord Manwe's place. Here will the history of the dwarven clans, the Noldor, be recorded.

Day 10.29 of year 2008, the beginning of the 36th Era of Elsin
My Lord Manwe has joined the strong alliance: Guild of the Fallen, and we are now under the good guidance of Sir Sandro. However, our city of Amon Ereb, yet unguarded, is under siege by the scum of Angels of Death. Our other cities of Nargothrond and Tol Sirion are small, and our cities unprotected. My Lord's son, Angrod, is in command of Nargothrond, while he himself is at Amon Ereb and Tol Sirion is under our general, Celebrimbor.

Day 10.30 of year 2008, the beginning of the 36th Era of Elsin
The Guild of the Fallen has risen in the ranks and our people grow stronger. In less than two weeks, we will launch an attack on the small city of Southern Pass, there forming a blocker against the Angels of Death. All the Noldor under Lord Manwe dwell in the south, just north of the angels of death, while at the far north of the world, the base of GOTF stands strong. A scout has been sent to establish a city there, and within the next month or two, we will hopefully have an armoury there.

Day 10.31 of year 2008, the mid-beginning of the 36th Era of Elsin
The Guild of the Fallen has again fallen down and been passed by Vengeance and Odyssey. But no worries, we are sure that Lord Manwe and his people will triumph.My Lord is very happy, for his old friend Virah has inherited a kingdom, but he is sad because it is far away. He contemplates sending a scout to settle a city near him. Speaking of cities, the city of Southern Pass has fallen into our hands, and is being set up as a blocker. Our other three cities, Amon Ereb, Tol Sirion, and Nargothrond, are all thriving.

Day 11.1 of year 2008, the middle of The 36th Era of Elsin.
Our city of Dorlomin is already under attack by the evil Oblivion! We have little time to raise an army to defend ourselves! If we do not act soon, we will be crushed!

Day 11.2 of year 2008, the middle of The 36th Era of Elsin.
Dorlomin has fallen. It is a dark time for the people of GOTF. Our four cities still stand, but we worry about our comrades to the north.

Day 11.4 of year 2008, the middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
Our empire was just infiltrated and attacked by Lord Szalor, a traitor whom we had peace with but then betrayed our trust. He attacked our city of Tol Sirion and our empire would have been thrown into disarray had it not been for my Lord's son Angrod, who led an army and defeated the foul attackers. Now, with help from General Gokken, a nearby ruler, we launch a counter-attack in order to wipe Szalor off the face of the earth.

Day 11.5 of year 2008, the middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
Our counterattack was succesful and Szalor is dead. However, his family escaped and i would not be surprised if his son, Hiroshima, vowed to kill my lord. But for now, all goes well. Szalor's city of Ragnarok is in our hands, and General Gokken has taken Szalor's other city of Shalock. Our economy grows, and the kingdom of the Noldor strengthens.

Day 11.6 of year 2008, the middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
Shalock has fallen back into Szalor's comrade's hands, and they now demand that Lord Manwe give up Ragnarok. However, i have confidence that he will not surrender to the traitors. On a different note, my lord's friend Virah sent a scout which will soon reach us, where he will establish a city.

Day ll.7 of year 2008, the middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
Our people have succesfully taken Shalock but have gained an enemy. Lucefor, head of Paradise, and his minion, Overcome, are both bent on crushing our people. However, i beleive what my lord Manwe has done was the right thing to do, although we may die for it.

Day 11.10 of year 2008, middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
Manwe has left the alliance GOTF and joined Odyssey and we are now under the rule of Lady Jasmina, with Manwe as her vassal. My Lord Virah has built cities near us and we live in a happy brother hood. However, we are caught between the armies of Military and Dealers of Death, who are at war with each other. I hope we will not be crushed between them. Our poduction rises and our armies grow. odyssey is one of the most powerful alliances in the land of Zetamania and i hope we shall triumph over the rest.

Day 11.12 of year 2008, middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
In a few days, my lord will launch an attack on the evil orcs of Overcome, a minion of the kingdom of heaven. I believe that we will crush them, for our army is strong and powerful; with the might and courage of Manwe and his son, Angrod leading the forces, there is no way we can lose.

Day 11.13 of year 2008, middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
Before we could even launch our attack, four of the orc's armies arrived and have put our city of Shalock under siege. We have defeated two, but the strongest remains at Shalock, while a small scout spies on our realm. I, for my lord Manwe, have sent out messengers to all the neighboring rulers for help against the demonic orc. But no help has come. Our people rally their strength at Shalock to try o push back Overcome's forces. I am at Ragnarok with Lord Angrod, but my lord Manwe is at Shalock and Angrod longs to join him.

Day 11.14 of year 2008, middle of the 36th era of Elsin.
The evil Overcome has deserted all his alliances and left the kingdom of heaven, just so he could violate a NAP nd attack our people. He now marches north past Shalock and towards Ragnarok. In a day or two, i fear that Lord Angrod shall be tested yet again. Tested for the defense of his homeland.

11/17 the middle of era 36
I, Manwe, have retaken this journal after recovering from being sick and finding my kingdom destroyed. in the battle of Shalock, i was wounded and lay in bed until yesterday, when i found out what had happened. while i was sick, Shalock was taken by Overcome, and my forces retreated to Salvation, taking me with them. one after the other, our cities of Ragnarok, southern pass, Tol Sirion, Nargothrond, and Amon Ereb fell, leaving me with the weak cities of New Life and Salvation. when i awoke in Salvation, i found that at the battle of Ragnarok, all had perished...including my secretary, Waldern, and my son Angrod. weeping, i surrendered myself to a lonely life; my family was gone and my people scattered. but this morning, an army was spotted approaching. as they neared, it turned out to be Angrod, Thurgon, who was wounded, and a few soldiers and townspeople who had survived the slaughter at Rangarok. Delighted that they were alive, i threw myself back into the wonder of life and have determined to grow strong and eventually get revenge on the demon who killed half my people...

11/20 middle of era 36
we, the noldor, have built four cities in the past few weeks. the cities of salvation, new life, revenge, and survival, in that order. salvation and revenge are mines, new life is a great city of farms, and survival is a military training camp. within the next few months, we will train troops, and then mount an attack on Ragnarok, although it is far away we will go there. but, i have business to attend to...

11/21 middle of era 36
Our cities grow quickly- the mines of Salvation and Revenge, the woods of Preparing, the armory of Survival, athe farms of New Life, and the magic research city of Runes. However, my allies grow weaker. The alliance of Comenius has broken into our kingdom past the city of Shred Block, and their armies range uncontained through the empire. However, the largest army the world has ever known now marches at them from my ally Turigle. I do not think they shall last in our core much longer, and when we have destroyed their armies, we will make a counter-attack. But that is in the future, it is the present that is important...

11/23 middle of era 36
Since Comenius betrayed and invaded us, many cities have fallen- the people of Odyssey worry for their brethren. Mine army grows- soon it will be 7500 axe-bearers and 7500 runemasters. So hope is not far off-- yet now i am called to dinner, and must go, for there are ambassadors here to dine with...

11/24 middle of era 36
Comenius has been pushed back!Their armies were slaughtered, and the cities they took are back in our hands. In a few days, they will be completely driven out of our core, and the counter-attack shall be mounted. My city of Salvation grows strong; it's mines produce more stone than ever. Garrisoned in Survival are twenty thousand troops awaiting my orders- but where shall i attack?

11/25 middle of era 36
My economy grows to 400, 000 gold per day throughout my empire. And as mine economy grows, so do my armies. However, the war between Mystical, Dark and comenius versus Odyssey rages and my troops must go to war. Warriors and peasants alike must die- and cities must fall-- for otherwise, the war would never end. A sacrifice must be made, and it is primarily in the front lines of our troops. Elves slaughter dwarves, orcs behead trolls, halflings slay humans. Brother against brother, race against race, the war rages. A sacrifice must be made, or the world will be thrown into ruin...

11/27 middle of era 36
My cities are too numerous to name, and my economy is at 600,000 gold per day. But the war rages on, and my economy will diminish: this i know. For life is but a vision, a flash. It is wasted on war, for ambition and power. I want t---

11/30 middle of era 36
I am sorry for the interruption, but i had to rush to a war. Sandoran, one of my kingdom mates, is a traitor! He has a strange wish to die and join his freinds, so he has betrayed us and is wreaking havoc throughout our core. Taking this opportunity, Mystical, Comenius, and Dark are about to launch a huge atack on our kingdom. The traitor Sandoran may have destroyed our whole order with his foolish act.

12/1 beginning of the end
Sandoran has been killed in a dramatic battle, and his act which i thought would endanger us has actually partly been helpful! I gained two or three cities from him, and now my realm contains nine cities. My income has exceeded one million gold per turn, but a famine has struck our land and soon we will be forced t buy food from other rulers.

12/4 nearing the end
Mine cities of Revenge and Runes have fallen, and my people mourn, for maany of our brothers died there. The blocker of Dugren Newi is under attack by Mystical, and may soon fall. But there is an army there composed of all races, elf, troll, orc, human, hobbit, dwarf. There are even 50,000 of our brothers there, fighting for the defense of our core...

12/7/ the end is coming
Dugren Newi fell a few weeks ago- now all of my cities have fallen but the Wild Mines and Remembrance. Mystical's armies rage in our core, and my cities are unprotected. A famine has begun, and many people in Wild Mines starve for want of food. I feel that within the next few weeks, the noldor shall perish-- we shall all be dead.

12/8 the end begins
Wild Mines is defended by five thousand of our brothers who will die within the week. The city is under attack by Lord Ender Wiggin, an orc under the command of Kingdom Dark. The city shall fall soon, there is no chance of its survival—we at the city of Remembrance weep for our comrades there. In a month, Remembrance also shall fall, either into the hands of dark or Mystical. For the end has come. The earth is thrown into war. The great catastrophe is coming, and it cannot be stopped. With it shall come the destruction of countries, cities, empires, and fortresses. None shall survive. I even wonder if any shall survive this war to see the great catastrophe. But either way, death is coming—there is no stopping it.

12/11 the end is come
With twenty thousand troops in Remembrance, i have a small chance of survival. But that matters not, for if i survive the ravages of war, i will instead be crushed by some other catastrophe.

Sir Angrod

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Thingol) and was a member of Odyssey

Day 8
After wandering through the wilderness for days on end, without food, water, or sustenance, followed by my royal guard i awoke at the city of Mekka. I thanked Lord Mohammed for his grace in letting me stay in his city, and marched a few miles to the site of my new city-to-be. As we marched, i tried to remember what had happened. The last thing i remembered was being sent off by my father, Manwe to rebuild the kindom. Before this, he had never spoken to me of the great catastrophe, but now, he explained. "Every century or two, "he said, "ends with a great catastrophe. Few people survive it, and every nation must start anew. Sometimes it is a flood, sometimes a worldwide fire or famine. Sometimes, every one just dies, without a reason. I remember the last one just barely;" he said, "it was a plague. I woke alone, but as i walked, i met more and more waking dwarves. Everyone else was dead. So we started again. That is why i am sending you, Angrod, away. Go to the top of the mountain and stay there for a few years. Up there, you may survive a flood, food is plentiful, and quarintined up there, you will not catch a plague. Take fifty men with you; your best fighters and farmers, including Maedhros, your second." When i asked my father why all f us could not go, he simply replied that we could not all live on the mountain; there was not room. So, weeping, i departed.

Day 54
Dor-lomin adn Hithlum are still weak, and Odyssey is already emerged in a war. I do not know if we will survive in this cruel land of Fantasia. But i hope.

Day 126
My kingdom has fallen, as has Odyssey. We now know the cruelty and destruction in Fantasia, and with the reamainder of our people, we will go on a pilgrimage to a new land.

Sir Thingol

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Tulkas The Strong) and was a member of Odyssey

Day 177
My father died months ago on the journey out of Fantasia. But with his death, a spell was broken and we were able to leave the land. We journeyed to Starta, where Odyssey was now settled, but we have been pursued by demonic fiends from Fantasia. I have made two new cities, named after dor-lomin and Hithlum of old, and another city is on the way. I beleive i shall name it Brethil.

Day 206
Dor-lomin grows, as does Hithlum, but their expansion goes at a snails pace. i do not have time for such a delay, for an invasion will begin soon. Brethil has not been established yet, but within a week, it will be done.

Day 324
Dorlomin, Hithlum, and Brethil have fallen into enemy hands and the east side of our core is crumbling. Fortunately, I built two cities, Helzberg and Dorthinion, on the west side of the core. However, these cities are virtually unprotected from attack, so I hope we are not betrayed.

Day 401
I have been busy with war, and therefore unable to write. Dorlomin and Brethil have been returned to me, but Hithlum was burned to the ground. Brethil is under siege but is protected by a thousand of our brothers. Help is on the way from Lady Jasmina and Lord Sky. I only hope that they will get ther in time. Brethil is on the front line of our war with Prosapia, so it is surrounded by fighting. My brothers there must be experiencing horrors unknown to most at the hands of the otherworldly demons of Prosapia.
Day 507
Dorlomin and Brethil are gone forever, but in the west, ihave Dorthinion, Helzberg, Sagor, and the new mines of Raline. Thousands of troops are in training in Sagor, but they will not be trained in time to help my brothers. Odyssey is falling to Prosapia, but i am too far away to help very much. howeever, i will soon send whatever troops i have to help my fathers friends and my father's father's friends.

Day 587
With 10,000 soldiers under my command, I am ready to attempt the capture of Mata Duitan, a city of Prosapia. with help from my friend Fireshadow, we will hopefully take the city and kill every last one of the otherworldly demons.

Day 630
Mata Duitan was returned by Fireshadow, so i moved on and returned Srednje to Lady Junona with no casualties on my side. Soon we will move north to Maleno and take that city too, hopefully. I am also in the process of blocking of Prosapia in the north with the city of Momochi. Soon, the blocker will be complete.

Day 653
My army was killed, and i moourn for Celebrimbor, one of my greatest generals. A surprise attack by Legacy shattered my confidence, but, with help from Dark, we still hold the bridge. General Eorl is in command of 10,000 axemen and will soon lead a counter attack.

Day 681
The bridge has fallen, Momochi was taken and Helzberg and Dorthinion are occupied by the enemy. I am left with Sagor and Raline, but two scouts are trying to find a new place to settle. Meanwhile, ten thousand troops march toward Dorthinoin to attempt to take it back. If we succeed, we may push the enemy back and recapture Momochi. If we fail, there is no hope.

Day 705
We have taken Dorthinion, and Momochi is occupied by our allies. My army is surrounding Helzberg, but an army snuck by and is heading toward Sagor. I hope they may be defeated.

Day 754
Legacy has been defeated and has not been heard of since we defeated their armies. But before i could rebuild my economy, Prosapia sent an army from the north. with around 30,000 troops in the blocker, i hope i can defeat their soldiers. But if they break past, i have noone to defend my other cities. This battle will be vital to my people's existence and the strength of Odyssey.

Day 772
We have held the bridge, but another army is coming. I wonder if we shall simply fight forever with no purpose but to kill...
Day 796
I gave the blocker to Dark so they could protect better, but Prosapia got through during the transaction and lsaughtered our troops. Helzberg and Dorthinion are in Mielo's hands and my only hope is an army of 9000 nazgul sent by Lord Fireshadow.

Day 837
Makuta has come to the rescue! With his help, Mielo has been forced to flee and all my cities are returned. I also mmoved east and took back the old city of Brethil i lost so long ago. I will have to rebuild many things, but my people are happy to be alive. However, yesterday, one of my magicians came to me and predicted a rain of comets that will strike the world. It shall happen in a few months and the earth will be left desolate and uncivilized.

Sir Tulkas The Strong

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Wolfe) and was a member of Odyssey

Day 4
My father, Thingol was a weak man. He ruled the small kingdom without discipline, and he let the enemy come to him. I pledge to destroy Velocity, or die. From Vigor, i will launch an attack on the vicious traitors. But i must attend to business now.

Day 32
My cities, Valor and Vigor, prepare for the war that will come in a few weeks. I am on the ffront lines against velocity, but i have no troops to support me yet. We must prepare. I fear for my people.

Day 56
Velocity has attacked, but i still hold mycities. 450 dwarves under me wait for my signal to attack. Yet i am still not strong enough.