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Mr. Marcjen

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Marcjen II) and was a member of Philippines


Mr. Marcjen II

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Marcjen) and was a member of THE GOOD SIDE


Mr. Marcjen

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Marcjen) and was a member of Philippines

-Era 17,

Marcjen,a humble traveler master in swordsmanship, searches for a KD worthy of his expertise.

After travelling far away from his homeland he found himself in country called, "Fantasia". He starts to get aquinted with his surroundings when he found out that he was in the middle of a war. He then decides to request an audience with the different Lords around the area but none of them seemed to be interested in some traveler (maybe prolly because he was way to0 much handsome than the people residing in the country.)

Disappointed, Marcjen began to rally up some neutral creatures in the area. Slowly his city/ army grew and the different Lords around the area began to notice him.

Soon, one of his request finally made it through to one of the Lords.

DM (Dragon Masters) was the first KD that accepted Marcjen.

-Era 18,

Marcjen decides to leave DM and go to a different path. A more spiritual path.

The search continues, he again travelled away from the area when he noticed a monk meditating. Curious, he followed the monk to his place and there found the KD Zeon.

Upon entering Zeon, Marcjen feels the need to change his name into a less conspicuous name, Jenmarc. He also felt like he needed a new life from all whats going on from his past life.

Hastely, Jenmarc's name rose to ranks without delay. Later he was knighted and was given command of an army from Zeon.

Much later he saw the error of his ways, and of Zeon. He left the KD by the end of the era.

-Era 19,

Carrying with himself the experiences he had learned from different Lords/KD. Marcjen decides to form his own KD, Philippines, named after his homeland.

One day, Marcjen decides to train his swords skill in the forest when he was approached by a warrior and a mage saying that Philippines was also theyre homeland before they came into the country. Theyre names was Zerocool and Mumuchan.

Soon, diplomacy was made between PHI and PHI's adjacent KD, Saiyan Empire (SE). According to the treaty PHI had to agree to have a NAP too with SE's allied KDs, They were Saiyan Knights (SK), Brotherhood of Wolf (BoW).

Things were going well with Marcjen and with PHI. One of Marcjen's general, Zerocool, formed an alliance with another KD that was made of Marcjen's former homeland, Mamamayan ayaw sa droga (MAD).

After the short time of peace, war broke out when Carnage (CARNAGE) began to invade PHI's outer defense. PHI countered when suddenly Carnage's allies moved in, Freedom Fighters (FF). After a few quarrels, PEACE was made by all KD's in the south because of the huge threat that was coming from the northern KDs.

After that things went extremely downhill for PHI and for PHI's allies. Generally every KD in the south was beggining to panic. Not to later, PHI was pawned by Kingdom of Heaven (Koh). and Marcjen was killed.

Unknown to PHI and to PHI's allies and especiialy to PHI's enemies, Marcjen had a secret lover that bore the seed of Marcjen. Yes named after his father, His name was Marcjen II.

Marcjen II was not much of his father/ warrior. He had no skill in swordsmanship but rather was mighty talented with Magic.
Marcjen II practiced magic everynight performing new spells every chance he get. When finally he came up with a spell that could revive a person back to life.

He perfected the spell and finally performed it with excellence not knowing the consequence of the spell he was about to perform.

-Era 20,

Now, Marcjen rose back to the dead and decides to help out the country riding of the people that once destroyed his home, city, KD, and not to mention his son that got killed when casting the spell to revive him.

Consumed by hatred, Marcjen quickly disposed of all EVIL in the country.

Mr. Marcjen

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Marcjen) and was a member of Phil Reborn
