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Family History

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Ms. Matriarch

Lived in Era 36 and got 1 heir(s) (Nemesis).

Establishing a dynasty that will last forever that all shall respect and fear.

Ms. Nemesis

Lived in Era 36 and got 1 heir(s) (Distress).

I grew to watch my mother leading many, I learned from her the skill of leadership and wisdom. She asked me to choose one of her camps, and I chose her troll brigade. I loved their strength and I felt secured to lead them. Though they are so brutal but they are also very loyal, they would do my bidding without fear or hesitation. My mother taught them well and now they are mine to lead.

After my mom passed away and was buried on the mountain of the wailing, my marriage failed, my husband was caught with his mistress and I had him punished for it, and still he suffers down in my dungeons. Though I was left with a broken heart and a lot of time to spare. So I wandered into my mother's chamber and I started reviewing her diary. I read her memories, the good ones and the bad. I also saw my name several times, She was very proud of how I grew. She always saw me as wise and strong. So ironic! If only she sees me now. Broken marriage and no will to live. But later on through the pages, I found scribbles and plans for conquests. Strategies and War Plans! They were very exciting to read. My mom was very intelligent! O i miss her so much! And as i continued reading I found out that she even wrote about my marriage and that she felt it wouldn't continue! The most amazing thing I found out that she knew that those plans and strategies are not meant for her! Those were her thoughts that she left for me to follow! She knew she had not much time left and she knew that I will have all the time afterwards! She knew everything before hand. And so for her sake I took it on me to fulfill her dream and continue her legacy. I will not disappoint you mom! This is for you.

Ms. Distress

Lived in Era 36 and got 1 heir(s) (Cleopatra).

Testing my new wings of evilness and to rain terror on all those tiny races around.

Ms. Cleopatra

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Zarina) and was a member of Steel Angels

Black hair, brown eyes, tan skin and the crown of ancient egypt :)

Ms. Zarina

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Antianara The Amazon) and was a member of Velocity

The sound of my marching trolls please me as they sing with their untrained voices as they walk to battle, watching them from above as tiny as little ants makes me giggle but from down there I know they look like giants that trample my enemies.

I love making friends so f you see my troops, just say hi and join me for a friendly chat and I am sure I will do you no harm whatsoever. In my kingdom my word is a law that cannot be broken so you can feel relief if I smile to you, It's a good sign and an everlasting deal of friendship.

Ms. Antianara The Amazon

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Antianara) and was a member of Velocity


Ms. Antianara

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Sauvage) and was a member of Velocity


Ms. Sauvage

Lived in Era 38, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Velocity
