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Family History

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Mr. Elladan

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Elladan).


Mr. Elladan

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Galdor).


Mr. Galdor

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Cirdan).

King of the twin cities Galadhon and Caras.
King of Mithlond of the moutntains, the grey heavens of the sea.
galdor watches armies move to attack cities
galdor see's people go to war with on another
galdor watches cities rise and cities fall
galdor watches kingdoms gather to fight
and watches kingdoms gather to make a final stand
Galdor is the watcher of this world
for he see's all

Mr. Cirdan

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Elladan) and was a member of Romanum Imperium

King of his fathers city the grey heavens of the sea
and ruler of the Land of Miar, Lord of the elven smiths in Eregion, Holder of the Undying Lands of the elves

Cirdan the shipwright takes his fathers throne, and makes the grey heavens his capital
Cirdan sends his men to remake the twin cities
Caras, and Galadhon.
Cirdan now searches for the lost city of Mithlond hidden deep in the Mountains of Edhellond by the vast oceans of this world.
Cirdan will rebuild his fathers honor
Cirdan will bring honor back to his family