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Mr. Haribi

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Superharibi) and was a member of The Immortal Guardians

In a time were mortal beings serve this planet, There was HARIBI

Haribi owns because Haribi knows Chuck Norris!

thou are in great danger to expect a roundhousekick to your facade.

Mr. Superharibi

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs Del Almanac) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Born in a war, in the just started city of Haribi, SHaribi had to fled and found a new place by Peach, later Yorim came and they won alot of battles, TILL ANCHILES disbanded GUARD and Peach attacked SuperHaribi


Finnaly after some rough days Haribi found a place were men and women helped eachother, a kingdom perfect for him and his chucknorris blood that runs trough his veins,,,, PKS

SHaribi fought hard in the war against retrobution, and tried to get a collony near the superheroes core, BUT THEY BETRAYED AND ATTACKED!
Now living with no fear against Superheroes, SHaribi SHALL FIGHT!, AOOOUH AOOOUH!

Mr. Haribs Del Almanac

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs Del Almanac) and was a member of Peacekeepers


Mr. Haribs Del Almanac

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs the Holy one) and was a member of comenius

After a brief period of being a human Haribs del almanac got burnd, BUT he shall be going to a better place!

Still ashamed of that my eldern were dwarves who only fight when they are drunk I shall be victorious and I will be soon the greatest member (good economic) of te kingdom of comenius after taking over the city of Black Fires from Predators.

Famous is my battle with Sir.Whoop to claim the city of Elf Rise. The take over meant the fall of Burnt and the morale boost was enormous, almost all members of comenius stopped making homework and started training armies, they saw what the great ORC and the skilled Troll of their kingdom could do, lazy dwarves i say.

well the war with burnt is going great, taking back cities and give them back to allies is great to do, and funny is, my trolls are getting smarter!

Now you can count me as a witch doctor lord for the trolls here in zetamania, I am very pleased to made my second liberary, allthough those pesky dwarves of my allies keep using the books as a meal..........

On the day of 16 november i find myself in the highscores of the best rulers of Zetamania, all i can say is MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
but when the long night came, some noobash guy took over hendrix and afwasborstel, from out nothing he just attacked, wtf?

Finnaly the attack on odc is comming to a great victorie! with a huge army named after my grandfather haribsIII im taking over some villages of odc, with fellow comenians and mystical and dark guys. BUT i see great danger.

Sardessa my city i took over from burnt GOT THE PLAGUE OH NOOOS, will the Gods be merci with the dead people or will they become emo?

Well the end of the era is near....
Oddysey failed, I won, Whoop is a mensies

Sir Haribs the Holy one

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs The Small One) and was a member of comenius

Sir Haribs the Holy one, a fat halfer on a pony

BOW DOWN! I can not see your face, Im to fat and small!

after joining KOH I got transfert to fantasia, because of new continent thingie, KOH is afraid and we joined with former dudes and dudettes from zetamania the kingdom of EMPIRE!\

Well except from some guys from comenius we all got in Empire.
only Artemis, she is still in foundation...

Empire was a fail, it resigned the day it was made, causing me and other guys kingdomless. They forced me to join LDK but I do not want to join them, the kingdom and all sounds gay and stuff. Now I am attacked by them...

Is this the end for the Fat halfer on a pony? Luckely I got a kid who is also a halfer .... ±/p

Sir Haribs The Small One

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs) and was a member of Dark

Member of Dark now, back in the game!
I am the only Halfer in the kingdom of Dark so I'm the dark halfer :-p

Haribs the Small One member of Dark
Aka Haribs the Dark Halfer!

Crossing the border to Fantasia feels good


Best armies:
Gemma Atkinson
Gemma Atkinson II an army for fun 400k slingers
(RoF on GAII plz :-p)

114. Sir Haribs The Small One Dark Halfling 2086969

so if you watch the points I should be in the top 10 of best players, so wtf?

Guys i want to thank everyone who helped me achieve this:
#2 on starta world most powerfull ruler
two armies in highscores (two boobs of gemma)
one city in highscore (little stable)

May Ryan the Quiet be slaughterd first next era.

Sir Haribs

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs The Godly Gummibear God) and was a member of Retribution

After joining the kingdom of Dark i wanted a better challenge, so i joined the happy folks of retribution, let us watch this for a era :-p.

Btw this will be the first oop i survive!

Well lets recap this era so far..

Kingdoms who died/failed in fantasia this era:

Rebirth died
Fraternity Died
Revelation failed
Predators, how gay to break nap, died
Luna Wolves, Failed
Brotherhood of the Wolve, Failed
Primates, died

Spagethis, nice figth against Fate
Fate, fags for fighting lower kingdoms
Dark, do not nap everybody :-0
Retribution, clearly the most powerfull kingdom this era

Btw WHOOP fails, he plays pokemon, digimon and with himself... :-p grapje hoor mensies

and if i forgot some others, i dont care, Retribution for the WIN!

Sir Haribs The Godly Gummibear God

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs of Arabia) and was a member of Retribution

Now in spagethi and being attacked by 4 kingdoms at the same time

Foundation and whoop fail hard

i am to smexy for vu but i must go on!

Most Powerful Armies

Hoh Biotches
owned by Ms. Mzzery

Eric Does Whoops Chick
owned by Ms. Billie The Hairy One

Crimson Desire
owned by Mr. Von Darkfmoor

The Angry Beavers
owned by Mr. Turnip

Indiscriminate Justice
owned by Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber

owned by Sir Feanor

Farm For Fun
owned by Mr. Hunter

Eric Does Whoops Chick II
owned by Mr. Whoopmoetikjebrilafpakken

More V
owned by Mr. Jarlaxle

owned by Sir Adakis

Sir Haribs of Arabia

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Haribs The Godly Mighty One) and was a member of Retribution
