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Dr. Raving Lunatic

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Raving Lunatic) and was a member of Insane Asylum


Dr. Raving Lunatic

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Raving Lunatic) and was a member of Insane Asylum

The Sanitarium is crumbling. Im not sure that I and the Nurse Stress Payne can keep the Patients under control. The Wizard has released Ghosts everywhere. They watch me. I fear for my sanity.

Dr. Raving Lunatic

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Raving Lunatic) and was a member of Insane Asylum


Dr. Raving Lunatic

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Raving Lunatic) and was a member of Insane Asylum

Yes they are everywhere watching, always watching. But I am prepared. I have my tin foil hat now to protect me.

Indeed, it works well against their thought rays! I the great and glorious Doctor Raving Lunatic will prevail.

The patients will be sedated appropriately until it is time to release them on the world.

Then I will release my homicidal maniacs, flesh eaters, father rappers and others that sit on the group W bench.

The Loony Bin is full of Crazy(s) and we are called Insane Asylum for a reason.


Oh look a butterfly..............................