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Mr. Sgt Nick

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Nick).


Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Forgotten Shadow


Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Forgotten Shadow


Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Forgotten Shadow

How can one man live forever, well, he cant if he does not fight for the right things, this man is a man who fights for hope, for peace for salvation of all the people that come into contact with this man.

He slept in his cavern under the island of Atlantis where woke from his slumber of four milenia and brought damnation to the island, he sunk the island and destroyed everything that was in a 12 mile radius of his home and as the island sunk to the bottom of the ocean he finds himself drfiting for miles until he reaches the shores of Valhalla. Now as he away from his home this giant of a man has lost most of his powers and is now a commander of an army that has found him on the shores and now he must fight to try and redeem himself of what he has done in his past life.

He started off as a man, with only his comrads next to him ready to continue a war that has been raging on for over
Then he come to an unknown world called Valhalla. He starts off his campaign all alone on the shores of Valhalla only commading his small city of Miceanium while discovering the enemies that have made their homes in the shadows of the fog.

He wins his first victory over the natives that lived in Westgate and started his foothole in this era. He quickly moves his armies and men against bigger and stronger foes as he starts to take on the only member of Rebirth that decided to "grace" us with his presence on Valhalla. The Commander quickly is invited to the kingdom of the Forgotten Shadow where together they make some quick allies and even quicker enemies.

The other commanders of Forgotten Shadow make a very big impression on Valhalla until the scourge of waves after waves of armies of the War Pigs came from their homeland of Zetamania and quickly takes out three of our fellow allied cities and starts to attack our commander but they chose the wrong city to attack as he forces them back. he takes out 4 of their armies and reclaims the cities. But as he was helping out his fellow members of the kingdom the unthinkable happened when Miceanium and Westgate was taken all hiw fellow commanders helped reclaim as much as they could but everyone even our hero was no match for the massive armies that headed for the kingdoms core.

There is no hope left, all but two members of FS have given up hope and have been wiped out, they will be on the last city of our hero in 5 clicks is there no hope for a comeback only time will tell. Here is his last entry before armaggeden comes to the era
"we have made a defensive stand with three cities still standing but Abydos is on our doorstep, i hope armaggeden comes soon as it will be much better than what is to come."

It has been many a milenia since we last saw our undieing hero, he was last at the front of a war with Abydos and the fearsome rulers of War Pigs scouring over the mountain tops from whence they came from in Zetamania. As the time came closer to armaggeden this, miracle, that has been sent to defend the integrity and the kingdom of Forgotten Shadow only one other commander would stand up against their oppresers to drive them back from whence they came.

Now as Forgotten Shadow has been all but destroyed a new and more welcoming kingdom has accepted our hero into their mits. Now we see how he goes with his new allies in the kingdom of the Romanum Imperium of Rome in this new an undiscovered world of Starta.

Well we can only hope that it was better than the last time he fought in a war.

Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Insane Asylum
