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Mr. Ironforge

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard).

The dwarven king Ironforge is a mighty lord. By his comands the orcish horde was crumbled at the battle of Lolosia. His wise leadership and his mastery at the arts of hand-to-hand combat have been proven many times.

Mr. Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard) and was a member of The ChubbchubbS

Bronzbeard lived in hard times. Although he was a brave warrior and wise leader his kingdom was quickly demolished by his foes. Many brave warriors fell in heroic combat thoes days, defending their lands. The battle of Storm Peak was proof for the bravery of the dwarves.

Mr. Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard).

The clouds blocked the sun rays, which once gave joy to the people. The rain was pouring for hours, as if it had always rained. Bronzbeard looked towards the enemy army, just a kilometer ahead. They were going to attack soon.
A few arrows fell near by. The muddy ground was covered with arrows and the bodies of the wounded. One of them had lost his eye in yesterday’s battle. “Oh yesterday was indeed a bloody day.” – thought Bronzbeard. He knew that this battle will be decisive. “Today we shall either die like heroes, defending our homeland or win. But no! We won’t loose! We will win! In the name of Odin, we are going to win!”
He thought about his past……..”My God have a lot of things happened…”
Bronzbeard remembered when his father was dying. He was close to him. He cried over his bed – those days he was young, about 14 years old. His father – Ironforge – was a hero. He had slain many dragons, defeated many invaders, battled many demons. But even the great can’t escape death. From that day on, Bronzbeard swore that he will kill the Archmage Valagor, Commander of the fire elements – he had killed his beloved father.
Lightning tore the sky. But Bronzbeard didn’t pay attention to it. He had sunk into his past.
At the age of twenty, he had become a mighty warrior. The time had come – he left his land to kill the murderer of his father. Many days did he travel, crossing mountains and rivers, in order to fulfill his mission.
One day he had entered a burning village. The sky couldn’t be seen by the smoke. The flames had reached high, as if they were touching the dark sky. Orcish slave traders had raided the defenseless town. Bronzbeard had thrown himself into battle. The fight had taken 2 bloody hours. The orcs outnumbered Brozbeard with a great number. After long battleing his axe-hand was aching from overuse. He was exhausted, but the grateful villagers sheltered the tired warrior. He rested in the house of the blacksmith of the village, whose wife and son were slaughtered in the raid. He realized that Bronzbeard’s mighty axe was badly damaged from the bloody fight. He told the dwarven warrior that he knows an ancient place – The Blacksmith of Ardania. There they could create an invincible weapon for him. But he first had to go to the Mountains of Sorrow to get the proper metal. Bronzbeard thought about it – he needed a good axe if he was to stand up against Valagor.
And so he traveled many moons till he got to Sorrow Mountains, only to understand that the cave with magical metal was guarded by a huge Rock Golem. The battle was long, but successful. Snow covered the lands. Wind raged through out the forests. Roads and paths were blocked by the snow, but he still managed to reach the Blacksmith of Ardania. And there it was – it stood majestically above the ancient rocks, beaten by the furious winds of eternity. Bronzbeard entered the Ancient place.
“Sir, the enemy is forming an attack-position.” - said Eric – Bronzbeard’s right-hand man.
“Form a defensive line.” – replied the dwarven lord.
He reached for his axe. Ah, yes, he will never forget that moment.
The blacksmith Madoran gave him his new fearsome weapon – it shined in the light. That was a moment that can’t be forgotten. The runes were glowing in a blue magical light. The name of the axe was Kagendar. It proved it’s might in many battles.
The orcish raids on Gondor, the Battle for Lolosia, the Fight in the Forest of Ancestors….and many more. All were won thanks to Kagendar.
“Sir, the enemy army is advancing.”
“Hold your ground and wait for my signal.”
After long traveling Bronzbeard finally found Valagor’s castle. He looked at it – it was at the top of Mount of the Seven Flames. The evil fortress as if reflected dark light and pure evil. The terrifying towers stood high above the scourged ground. Surrounded by a ditch full of flaming lava, the castle filled the minds of anyone who looked at it with horror and panic. Two Fire Elements guarded the wicked gate. The coward Valagor stood on top of the main tower, waiting someone else to do his job. He shouted with his freezing and yet flaming voice : “You found me, but you need to reach me if you ever want to get close to defeating me!” His cold laugh echoed The Dwarven lord felt enormous rage in his heart. It burnt like real flames…
He attacked with war cry. The battle continued many hours. Every time he defeated the Fire Element another two came from the body of the defeated one. The foes became numerous. The Dwarven warrior was heavily wounded. He was exhausted. He was at his end….and then he remembered.
He remembered his father. His sufferings. His agony. His death…
Rage filled the tired body of the courageous dwarf. He got back to the fearsome combat. The Archmage could see his end…….and it came. The call of Death ripped the sky. Bronzbeard had his revenge.
“Sir, is now the time?”
“Yes Eric. Now!”
The dwarves in battle formation threw their light axes towards the advancing warriors. They then took out their heavy axes. The time for battle has come. The rain didn’t stop wiping the helmets and armors of the dwarves. Death now sharpens his scythe. The two armies collide. Cries of pain and agony echo through out the valley.
“We will win.”

Mr. Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard) and was a member of Expirence


Sir Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs


Sir Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs


Sir Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs


Sir Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard).


Sir Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Bronzbeard) and was a member of Ironfist

Sir Bronzbeard united forces with his old friend, Kobra. A powerful kingdom rised from the ashes of war - Ironfist. Many noble warriors joined as well - Lord Ajax, Lord Meydin, and many more, all worthy and loyal. A lot of greedy Barons and Warlords saw a threat in the mighty kingdom, and because of that, there has been war ever since the formation of it.

Sir Bronzbeard

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr The Wolf) and was a member of Mirror

Sir Bronzbeard lived a heroic and short life. He built a great city Stormpeak, but nearby warlords noticed its wealth and attacked with neverending armies. The Kingdom of Ironfist was surrounded by hordes of troops. Bronzbeard rallied the Lords in a last battle, the Battle of Stormpeak. As heroic as it was, they all died in combat. The only two survivors were the Dragonlord, who escaped to save his own people, and Sir Ragnarr the Wolf, who fighted along side with Bronzbead untill the dwarven warrior died. Sir Ragnarr was captured, but he managed to escape with the Wolf Banner.
The clan of the Bronzbeards ended in that battle, or so they say - it is unclear if there are any other heirs to the Throne of Ironfist.

Sir Ragnarr The Wolf

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Mirror

Sir Ragnarr the Wolf was a man of honor and justice, a man respected by many – both enemies and friends. He mastered the ways of war in his home city Stormguard, the main city of the Northern Lands, ruled by his father, King Stormrage. Since he was heir to the throne, but his brother, Sir Valagour, he left the city to protect the realm, as the traditions of the North state. He settled in castle Windrage, a strategic point on the borders of the realm. After time, he became a close friend to the dwarven lord, Sir Bronzbeard, Lord of Ironfist. A day came when Bronzbeard raised the war banners to protect his city Stormpeak against the uprising threat of enemy hordes. Sir Ragnarr came to help in the fierce battle, but in the end the battle was lost, Sir Bronzbeard – killed and Ironfist – destroyed. Sir Ragnarr rallied the warriors and saved the Wolven Banner from the foes. He was captured by them several times in his escape, but he gave an oath he could not break – to protect the banner at all costs. He returned to his lands and crushed the uprising threat with fresh forces.
Sir Ragnarr was a great warrior, skilled in tactics and swordplay. He had a wolf he named Greyjoy. He was very attached to his wolf and took it to battle many times. Greyjoy had saved him many times from the clutches of death. For his great swordfight, as well as his companion Greyjoy, he was given the title “The Wolf”.
Sir Ragnarr protected the realm and helped his brother rule it. He was said to be a cold and stonehearted person, but all this was proven to be wrong when Sir Ragnarr was enchanted with love by Lady Addella, daughter of Lord Stormworth, ruler of the mighty northern port-town of Kalendia. They secretly met several times on the sea shore of Kalendia. Once Lord Stormworth was told of this he immediately sent his daughter away in the Mountain Castle of Davos. But that was no barrier for Sir Ragnarr the Wolf – he traveled long and hard just to see his lady once more. He broke into Davos secretly and took his love back to Kalendia to ask her hand in front of her Lord Father. Touched by the love the two shared, he blessed them into holy bondage. Both of them married and had a child, who they named as the father – Ragnarr.

Sir Ragnarr

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr Stormguard) and was a member of Carnage


Sir Ragnarr Stormguard

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr Stormguard) and was a member of Carnage


Lord Ragnarr Stormguard

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr The Wolf) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs


Lord Ragnarr The Wolf

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Holy


Lord Ragnarr

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Holy


Lord Ragnarr

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Holy


Lord Ragnarr

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr).


Lord Ragnarr

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Sarafan Knights


Lord Ragnarr

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Duke Ragnarr

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Duke Ragnarr

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarr) and was a member of Glory


Duke Ragnarr

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Seif al Din) and was a member of Glory


Duke Seif al Din

Lived in Era 39 and got 1 heir(s) (Ashraf Alrakin Alsharif).
