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Mr. Nalc

Lived in Era 39 and got 1 heir(s) (Nalc).


Mr. Nalc

Lived in Era 39 and got 1 heir(s) (Nalc).


Mr. Nalc

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nalc) and was a member of Insane Asylum

not much is known about Mr. Nalc. at this period and before. the only thing that was found in the history tomes is this letter written by a fellow ally in the the kingdom of "Insane Asylum" It is written as such... "another broadcast brought to you by the patients. We apoligise to you and wonder why you are still able to get thesee messages. your kingdom is in tatters. Write your history so all the ages will remember the tragic demise and suffering of our people.

We have no one to blame but ourselves. We were agressive and attacked DevAstators OOP but lost. Playing wisely we still got burned by BIO and TAK. WE persevere and get reamed by DE.

It is hard to continue. All I see is black. Take consolation in BIO and DE fighting soon and TAK and DE too. Blood will flow around us. we shall build on other worlds and our future will see us rise again. (may have to wait an era) . Anyway

Come build around Thor's hammer if you have anything left or respawn. If you are on another world build what you can and rescue us!!

Flipping insane may stand too. Let's give what we can and at least work on our reputation that we aren't push overs. A pain in their sides till the end draws near!!!

yours, in drag,"
The name of the sender was burnt, along with the sides and top borders of the letter.

Mr. Nalc

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nalc) and was a member of Insane Asylum


Mr. Nalc

Lived in Era 39, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Insane Asylum

This was the first time that there were actual records about Mr. Nalc and his great majestic cities. He had always been on the run before, escaping threats and traveling lands. He finally went crazy from the ordeal, forcing him to both take a stand, and add irony to the fact that he was a member of the Insane Asylum Kingdom. He had built three cities and one mine, with Clichintos being the greatest, towering over the smaller towns around it. We've found numerous journals from close housekeepers on the rapid change of behavior with Mr. Nalc. He never married, but was lover to Ms. Lourice Dentanie, and had one child. Mr. Nalc never saw his child, and died several days after Ms. Dentanie became impregnated. He died of poison from a disgruntaled housekeeper, whos husband had died in battle. It is known that he was an ogre, for Mr. Nalc refused to train anything but gia, nazguls, and ogres. Nazguls married royal blood, and gia were stripped of all unique thoughts and belongings upon mutation. Divorces were permanent, and they were forced to conform. The housekeeper would've forgotten of the marriage. Upon death, Mr. Nalc's advisors declared that there was no will, and the fighting began. Ms. Dentanie ran from the utter chaos, still with child. Many followed her, still loyal to the bloodline. When she had her child, she named him after her lover, even though they never married. He started rule at 18, the same day records were allowed to be recorded of him. His name was Nalc Qraenisoen II.