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Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Myth


Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Fuzzy Little Man Peach

Important notes to remember about this era:

- Gallyon went on Vacation (Vianden)
- Gallyon (Woody and Old greg) eliminated the great Heaven
- Gallyon is in the most powerfull rulers list
- Gallyon's Tummy is rumbling

OMG, I just have to write an very embaressing story here, it only just happened moments ago...You should know we have this cleaning lady, she cleans the house for us. though when she normally comes we should all be out of bed all dressed and stuff. though this time it was just soooo embaressing. she found me lying in my bed with my laptop...:O just horrible gonna eat now..tummy rumbling

Continue notes:

- Project Babybottle Got Completed Succesfully
- Soul Society is causing trouble with our NAP
- Sir Dire Wolf (Vice of SS) thinks he controls everyone here
- Gallyon went on Vacation again
- Gallyon got internet connection for 24 hours during Vacation
- Mafia went towards the kingdom of Mystical (traitor)
- We declared war upon the kingdom of Soul Society
- We are winning :)
- Viper (hot lady) joined our great Kingdom :D
- we got some other persons to join our Kingdom
- I became King :)
- We killed Soul Society.. they only have one or two city's left i think..
- Mystical Broke the Nap (mafia attacked Old Greg)
- We are having war with Mystical
- Mystical accuses Woody of breaking the Nap (not true)
- We are most likely going to win the war
- OMG it's tha mafia...
- Mystical died
- Mystical lost lots of members
- We are now just fighting small wars and farming
- all waiting till the end of the era
- I'm probably going to be number 5 :( (i want number 1)
- Golcus attacked heaven..unexpted
- Heaven took the city back
- and we were both satisfied..No NAP BREAk
- still 5 days to go till the end of the era

Scores of Fuzzy:
1. Mr. Whoop Fuzzy Little Man Peach Dwarf 2756414
2. Demonic Insomaniak Fuzzy Little Man Peach Orc 2326198
3. Mr. Old Greg Fuzzy Little Man Peach Dwarf 2313307
4. Mr. Gallyon Fuzzy Little Man Peach Dwarf 1692190
5. Mr. Ruby Knight Fuzzy Little Man Peach Dwarf 1383095
7. Mr. Coaltrain Fuzzy Little Man Peach Elf 1273862
11. Mr. Hanky Panky Fuzzy Little Man Peach Orc 933600
15. Ms. Panda Fuzzy Little Man Peach Orc 827096
16. Mr. Woody Fuzzy Little Man Peach Elf 793463
17. Mr. Golcus Fuzzy Little Man Peach Human 760437
19. Mr. Debat Fuzzy Little Man Peach Dwarf 632516
20. Mr. Blake Fuzzy Little Man Peach Halfling 587168
22. Ms. Viper Fuzzy Little Man Peach Elf 448719
61. Sir Revenge Fuzzy Little Man Peach Elf 10655

continue notes:
- Fuzzy was Disbanned
- Insubordination was created!!! still needs a picture
- Stirlin Applied :D
- rest still needs to apply, I send them a message.

Sir Gallyon

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Heaven

Kingdoms Defeated by Fuzzy last era:

- Heaven
- Legion of Legends
- Soul Society
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Mystical
- Torn

Gonna make some more notes and Information lists again I think :)..
oh, And I love talking in the third person. So I'll be doing that in all my notes :D

- Insubordination Got a Picture
- Everyone except 4 old fuzzy Members joined Insubordination
- Insubordination received 5 new recruits (good ppl)
- Gallyon needs to go to the toilet
- Insubordination wanted to start on fantasia
- Something went wrong...(WOODY:@):p (ur still tha best Woody)
- Insubordination started on Mantrax
- we're doing pretty well :D
- oh yeah..I luv it!! :)
- Sir Free joined our kingdom
- General Zondervan left our kingdom without any notice
- General Zondervan is being seen as a traitor by our kingdom.
- I will make a decision what to do ab him tomorrow
- we declared war upon Kingdom of Hearts
- We killed Kingdom of Hearts
- We declared war upon The Dharan Empire
- Sir Deadordying is showing a good fight
- Dhara are finally dead after a very big merge of us past their blocker.
- We are now going to move on to our next target.
- But I trust they will be dead soon.
- We declared war upon MAD and are attacking
- They destroyed their first wave
- we are holding the blocker and destroyed their merge
- I got a Roleplaying POINT!!! yay..I'm a sir now :D
- I'm happy :D
- some MAD guy appeared to take 'Taketwo'
- we took it back and took the MAD bridge blocker
- heaven attacks MAD from the north
- things are looking up for us :D
- We broke trough MAD, these are there last moments
- we passed AoA on the Scores :D!! :D
- MAD is dead, moving on to next target
- We assed Heaven in the scores
- we are now the most powerfull kingdom on Mantrax!!
- our northern is being secured
- declared war upon IoK for pissing us off :)
- DeadOrDying has joined our kingdom
- in one day its Gallyons Birtday!!! :) (tomorrow morning at 7:30)
- Yayy!! i'm 16 ;) :p.. was very very much fun :p
- Penguin wreckaged 400k income on my Bday
- IoK Disbanned When we made our attack (they gave no reason)
- We are now entering Old IoK core, no resistance so far
- Warring Gatekeepers
- gatekeepers defeated
- IoK defeated..they kinda disbanned first
- RoC started prepping an attack
- RoC mapped AoA
- RoC/AoA are attacking us
- we are winning, though I am getting really really pissed off

Kingdoms Defeated by Insubordination this era:

- Kingdom Hearts
- The Dharan Empire
- Mad Against Drugs
- Imperium Of Knights
- Gatekeepers

Sir Gallyon

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Heaven


- Insubordination merged inside Heaven, and we continue as one kingdom
- we started on Fantasia, because we wanted training against the best
- We warred Felix Legions, Kingdom very close to us. at this point we have defeated them, and we are the third most powerfull kingdom with only 19 members. We are doing absolutely Marvelous
- We are attacking Cease to Exist now, Perhaps they will eventually CEASE to exist.
- Felix Legions died
- Cease to Exist died
- I got quite alot of income already..Heaven has 20 members now and we are the second most powerfull kingdom.. Ofcourse the number one (foundation) has like 150% compared to us..but they have 27 members..and their % might change soon once we start doing really really good :D
- I've climbed to the second spot in the most powerful rulers list. It is very likely that I will be the most powerful ruler soon ;) I am already looking forward to winning this era .. it has a nice ring to it.. 'Era of Gallyon' . Perhaps people will stop ignoring me on the forums :D. but ofcourse it is very likely that i will drop from the HoH list again during the coming 39 days..and that I won't win the era..:p
- I have been around the third/second/fourth spot in the most powerfull HoH for a while..I've even been number one for a day :p I think I need to take some city's to climb to the number one spot again :D
- we are fighting against Ret and Lgc, but we aren't making much improvements because of their stupidious magic and the big ret merge..I wanna take their magic city :D
- My income is like three times as high as the rest of the people inside Heaven, I really really really hope it will make me win the era :D
- hmmm, I might not win the era.. I am 5th most powerfull ruler at this moment, I am transferring Cavers into all my mining city's but training takes time, in the mean time I am building up my mining city's that aren't full yet and looking at the fight between Heaven and Ret/Lgc.
- Perhaps If another war was started and I would be able to take alot of city's I would become the number one most powerfull again. I noticed that it is all about the amount of buildings.. I got almost the same as sir Free, but since he took city's from ret he got more buildings now, and is above me on the HoH.. I hope to get more than him soon though..
- I need more slaves, I do not like people that don't sell slaves, I know I already have around 200k slaves, but I need more.. I got too much city's soo I really really much need slaves to keep my production on 100% and get a very nice income ;D, not to mention my income hasnt been this high in a very long time..

Sir Gallyon
Member of: Heaven.
Prince Heavensfrontdoor
Member of: Heaven.
Duke Vytautas Claus
Member of: Foundation.
Mr. Acerf
Member of: Foundation.
Mr. Einskaldir Reinderslayer
Member of: Foundation.
Mr. Kobuskan
Member of: Aurora.
Sir Brancaleone Norcia
Member of: Foundation.
Mr. Zmonve
Member of: Heaven.
Mr. Elon III
Member of: Heaven.
Mr. Eddano
Member of: Foundation.

I'm number one ::D...for now ;)

Kingdoms Defeated by Heaven this era:
- Felix Legions
- Cease to Exist
- Legacy (Not alone)
- Retribution (Not alone)

Sir Gallyon

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Heaven


Sir Gallyon

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Heaven

well, lets say something about myself this era before I forget.

In the start, I wasn't planning to be playing this era, I wanted to quit and focus on my exams, these are unfortunately coming in a few months, but I'll think i'll pass 'em... I shouldn't worry too much =D

Anyway, Again I started with Heaven, one of my favourite Kingdoms I've ever joined. So we started out in fantasia, and we were doing okay. But I was kinda inactive, more farming then actually doing anything. so when we got attacked, I still had to train troops.

I kinda lasted out very long, but it comes down to something very simple, we died. we got killed, I don't know who killed us anymore, but we got killed.. I thought it was rebirth or someone named like that.

So, after that we were all dead for a while, waiting before we could all start in Valhalla again. eventually we started out there.
this was around halfway Era 37.

Anyway, I was still kinda inactive, but I became a bit more inactive. I made some horrible mistakes, When I settled my first colony it turned out to be a mini one, and didn't even had a possibility for 1k buildings, my second colony was exactly the same.

This made it possible for all my kingdom m8's to have higher incoems then me. At the moment, I almost have the highest income, Ruby is the only one that has a higher one than me :D. I must say he is very good at what he does (just like me ofcourse ;) ).

but, lets continue, On valhalla, Heaven became bigger and bigger and more mightier, we attacked lots of kingdoms, and almost took them all out. in the end it turned out that we won everything, and now we are the most powerfull kingdom alive in valhalla.

I myself have even been in the most powerfull rulers as number 4, didn't really expect that because of my bad start this era. anyway, It was a pleasant suprise, and I am hoping to get a little bit higher before the end of this era (still a few days to go).

So, it turns out that we lost our first chance, but we won our second chance, I'm really much looking forward to next era. I will most likely get much more active then this era, and I hope that I will become even more succesfull than now.

But well, I shouln't hope too much, because as always we mostly get killed in the last few days of an era (we're lucky that it didn't happen this time :D)

Yours Sincerely,
Sir Gallyon
Knight of Heaven

Loyal to the end!

Sir Gallyon

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Xtard) and was a member of Heaven

hmmm, that was a long story which I wrote last era, I only noticed it now.

Anyway, Lets talk about this era, it has started like 1 day ago or something. And I have already started writing stuff in my history. This might be because I am waiting till the tick comes and I have nothing else to do. Or it might be because I am just some stupid prick.

Perhaps I should be changing the subject again. Instead of talking about Vu and the era I could be talking about real life. Normally I wouldn't do that, coz I would be utterly embaressed if someone were to read stuff like this.

well, Let me see.. There is this girl, which is a friend of mine (nothing more). anyway, she has to do a presentation infront of the class. Before I continue my story about the girl I will explain what the presentation should be about just to make this a bit more understandable for everyone who is gonna read this.

So, The presentation (which I did 2 weeks ago) has to last for about 20 minutes. the first 8 minutes need to be about a poem. explaining what it means and stuff like that. and the second part is the hardest part, it is about 3 books that you have read.

In total we read 8 books. and During ur presentation the teacher is gonna choose 3 books. and u need to do a presentation about those 3 books (4 minutes per book). There are all kinds of questions as well.. and u need to pick one question out of a box, and answer that question for the book.

well, since I have explained what the presentation should be about I can start talking about the girl again. this friend of mine that follows the same classes as me. Anyway, she has been preparring for her presentation for days now, and she's completely nervous, she is shaking all day, and suddenly became very quiet, its just awkward. I really feel srry for her. Its just very sad to see..

She has to do her presentation tomorrow afternoon, I hope shes gonna do great! ;) and I really hope she isn't gonna get some kind of everlasting trauma.

well, I think that was enough about the girl, and since I still gotta wait another 19 minutes before the tick comes I've decided to typ something about this era.

as you know (coz I told you at the start of this story). this era started yesterday (i think). well, I kinda left protection today, I got an armory, a mining city and a few army's.. and personally I think I'm doing awesome :).

I've started killing off some guys inside Bio, well not actually inside Bio, coz they kicked him out.. But I am killing him.. I just took one city 2 ticks ago or something, and I am waiting for next tick because I can take another damn city then ;)..

So, now u know the reason why I have decided to stay up late in the evening instead of sleeping.. because I want to take this stupidious city before I go to sleep. In reality its just stupid..

I mean, this is supposed to be just a game, isn't it? but still it appears to affect my life more then I know or want. I played a long time ago, and I was completely addicted, I lost my addiction now though, and I learned that my life goes infront of VU.. so I'm not really sure why I am staying up late.. perhaps because U want both things to go very well.. the game, and my life.. so whenever my life has time for the game, I can play it.. but whenever my life doesn't have time, I shouldn't play it, and I wont.

I think Argyle and the rest of the guys know about this, this is prolly why they do not expect too much from me. I mean, I got exams and lots of other shit. This world is very complicated ange, and sometimes very stupid.

Some days I would wish I was in a different and peacefull world. Perhaps some day that will happen, but for now, I live in this world. and I gotta deal with it. I would want to fix this world and make it more peacefull, the only thing is, Nobody knows how.. n' either do I..

So, because nobody knows how, nobody does anything, and thats the main reason why we aren't changing this world.

Anyway, I think this is enough for now, I still have 11 minutes left till the tick comes, but I'll be doing something else till the tick comes.. ByeBye ;)

Sir Xtard

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Xtard) and was a member of Heaven

Okay ;)
I was kinda very inactive the end of last era :D.. and I am most likely going to be even more inactive this era.. but well I can always try.. right??..

settled my mining city and an armoury already :D.. went pretty fast, perhaps we'll be able to do our thing again this era...still got 35 ticks of protection left ;p

Sir Xtard

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Xtard) and was a member of Heaven


Sir Xtard

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Xtardious) and was a member of Heaven
