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Mr. Skinnyvinny II

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Skinny Vinny II) and was a member of Rebirth


Mr. Skinny Vinny II

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Skinnyvinny) and was a member of Rebirth


Mr. Skinnyvinny

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Skinny Vinny) and was a member of Rebirth

son of Skinny Vinny II
Life started out good. My father had got our family into a great Kingdom called Rebirth that has very great potential. When i gained the throne from my father it was a very exiting time for me. I started my first city and expanded as fast as i could. Rebirth's first war was against a small Kingdom to our north. We started very slow but soon our war machien picked up speed. I unfortunatly was unable to participate as much as i wished because i had got off to a slow start and was still building my economy. When we attacked Lightning Dust i though "this is my chance". I sent my armies north to prove themselves. My first attacks were failures but when i used the world of Fantasia to get around their blockers i had much more luck. I broke through and took a couple cities but that is when things started to go south. We got attacked the the Kingdom Mad Against Drugs and they were just as strong as us. We were just finishing off Lightning Dust so we were ready for this war but our allies Jucy got into a war with the 2 very large Kingdoms of Chocolate and Foundation. Jucy was begining to lose the war so Foundation turned it's attention on us. We fought them to a stale mate for a while.. Our strongest players were holding Foundation back so it was up to a couple good players and the rest jsut decent players to face MAD's fury. To make matters worse, many of the players in Rebirth decided to just give up and stop fighting or building so with a heavy heart we kicked them out of the Kingdom and took their cities to fuel our starving war machien. With our Kingdom weak and split in half we began to lose ground fast. we lost many blockers on our borders and had to retreat to our second line of defence. We held for a while but there numbers were too great. They broke our walls with magic and stormed through our defences. We rushed to try to stop them but it was too late. City after city fell the the MAD and Foundation onslought. Me and a few brave men are currently holed up in my last armory. We plan to make the biggest stand we can. (Banging on the door) "This is it men! Charge!"

Mr. Skinny Vinny

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Skinny Vinny II) and was a member of Rebirth
