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Mr. Maximus

Lived in Era 39 and got 1 heir(s) (Maximus).


Mr. Maximus

Lived in Era 39 and got 1 heir(s) (Maximus).


Mr. Maximus

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Maximus II) and was a member of Lightning Dust

I have made a city (Imaginationland) and I'm building troops already. I cant see any cities yet and its eight hours until next tick. I can now see two cities and many many scouts and I also appear to be in Rebirth's core. Their leader told me to evacuate or restart and I have decided not to because I claimed the land first and I reserve the right to my own land! I have joined Makaveli in hopes to stay alive and I have told them the location of the Rebirth core since they want to take me out I'll take them out by suprise. I have found one of my old friends, Zondervan, he is pretty awesome and he also told me a secret about how to screw Rebirth over while they take my city.

WAR!! has sprung over in my sector, battles will soon come! Twenty-Four more hours until protection ends and the battle for my life begins. I have enough to make a city now with 16 more hours of protection left. 2 more hours until protection ends and the war will wage on them.

Mr. Maximus II

Lived in Era 40, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Lightning Dust

I have had to restart in order to keep from loosing a humiliating battle that only counts for numbers for some reason. We are loosing ground fast and we cant really see much of whats going on. We can now see plenty more and I have just taken a city (Zama Two) with minimal losses and I notice that Rebirth is sending men to the west that might invade us. It seems that we are pushing as hard as we can against them and Rebirth has at least 20k troops taking a blocker owned by Makaveli. Makaveli just got a CF with Rebirth because they thought they were loosing the war. The CF with Makaveli and Rebirth only lasts 48 hours and Rebirth took Zama Two away from me. Rebirth has started to invade from the South West. I made a Blitzkreige move on the most powerful army (about 20k) against my army (about 2.5k) and my whole army died while I only killed 400 and something of theirs. I accidently fucked up and an army is marching through the blocker that I own and its my fault and I feel terrible. I have found that it's okay now and Mr.Overcome somehow made it through our blocker like WTF! Rebirth is now invading our core from the flank and taking our east and north to prevent retreat. We are pushing them away as if we now know what team work really means, hopefully it pushes us to their core and we can punish them for what they have done. While I was away for three days Rebirth pushed even further into our core and right now as we speak and army of 100,000 is trying to take our main blocker Temp. Temp has fallen and they have started to invade faster than ever.

We have taken down Rebirth's main army in our core, so we are now starting our invasion on Rebirth. We have almost comepletly taken back our core with MAD's help. I am sending my army to help with the problem in Fantasia. Soon we will have all of our land back. I have taken back three cities to push Rebirth away from our core, soon I will go to Fantasia to help destroy Middleearth's armories. Foundation has let us come to Fantasia to help them to destroy all Rebirth on Fantasia. I have made it down south enough to see Rebirth cities and a friend told me that the Rebirth blocker I want to take has 100% walls and over 100k troops so I wont be able to take it.

I have deployed my new most powerful army of 55k, it is named the Death of Rebirth and it shall serve its purpose. Temp has over 200,000 troops inside, it'll be a while before we can take it. We have broken through the block on Fant and now my troops are invading as fast as they can. Some troops are now going into Rebirth's east cities. Rebirth has most definately fallen, they have barley any troops on Starta and we invading from Fant, soon soon they will surrender. Rebirth never surrendered, they just destroyed their own cities hoping to screw us over. I have captured my trophie city(it is called War)it is an armory, so it helps me a lot. MAD and FATE helped us dearly in this war, hopefully other KDs could see the peace among us.

We are at war with BOOM and I have captured a city(called Startamining). I scared the living crap out of this dudes army when I started heading toward one of his city causing him to go to that city while he was prepping for another LOL. Hellbunnies have attacked us for no apparant reason(I think they were just bored). I have lost NirvanaBackup from the Bunny weirdies. We have lost at least five cities to Bunny people. Bunnie people are coming with an army of around 500k OMG no one is going to beable to hold out! I lost Asdfghje and Lolblock, but on the lighter side my army that was warring Rebirth has just shown up and merged into my troops on Lol but it made my income -30,000 so I am building mines like crazy. I made mines and got my income to -7,000 but then I lost a battle and my income shot up to +300,000. We are loosing ground to Phi and Bunnies. BOOM is dieing out on Starta although they do have an army of 500,000 coming out now. I have been wiped off the face of the west side of Starta by PHI. MAD wont help us with Bunny or PHI since they have relations with them and they wont help us with BOOM because they have all of their powerful armies in Fantasia and Zetamania.

MAD has been breaking the NAP agreement by leaving the blockers open to 3rd party KD's. I give up its the end of the era and I dont want to fight a lot. They have invaded our core and have taken a few cities but not enough to take us down. They have taken War, Moyles Mine, and Bronze City away from me and I have fled far away from Bunnies, but I fear that they shall soon be here.