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Mr. Aries

Lived in Era 39 and got 1 heir(s) (Aries).


Mr. Aries

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Aries II) and was a member of Blood Lust


Mr. Aries II

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Brain) and was a member of Blood Lust

Era 39- Era of Agent Smith

353.Mr. Aries of Blood Lust ELF
Total land: 84074 Batles won: 5 Cities captured: 1
Total killed: 1763 Science lvls: 17 Total troops: 17008
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 99% M: 0%

Met a great allie, Grimdeath, and started the KD BloodLust (Red). No big wars, started 2/3 into the era and pretty much farmed, and Defended and attacked a few cities owned by Dorian Empire (DE) and such. Now that I have a kd with a good leader and some trustworthy friends we shall see how era 40 will treat us. =)

Era 40 -
137.Mr. Aries II of Blood Lust
Total land: 187143 Battles won: 14 Cities captured: 9
Total killed: 212861 Science lvls: 23 Total troops: 241805
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 5% A: 45% T: 5% M: 43%

Didn't do to geat but we survived and made many great allies. We have many plans for next era :)

Mr. Brain

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Aries) and was a member of Blood Lust

Well due to the lack of space and manpower bloodlust decided to merge into lightningdust for the era. We created an alliance with RoC and Crazy and were reffered to as TSA (the starta alliance). Our biggest fault this era was we expanded with our vast amount of players through this world but we didn't set up any strong defences and ultimately lost our entire core. We were teamed up on by all the elite kingdoms of this era (Fate, Rebirth, MAD, and even some smaller ones like Black Flag and DE). Well, mistakes were made but they were also strong lessons that were learned.
RoC and Crazy were able to keep themselves defended maybe they will do what we couldn't and kill these invaders.