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Mr. Pieguy

Lived in Era 41 and got 1 heir(s) (Pieguy).


Mr. Pieguy

Lived in Era 41 and got 1 heir(s) (Pieguy).

I needed to make another account in order to go back to LD. I have landed in Mantrax in the top right corner so it will be a while until I get to Starta. I see a few people KDless and people from the PeaceKeepers KD, hopefully they wont attack since I'm not going to attack anyone until I have the resources and until I have cities on Starta. We are at war with MAD(its about time)and its still unclear on who is winning. I have sent my settlers through Valhalla, I am not sure if they will make it there. I have allowed Revelation to make a blocker just north of me, but I am not going to help if they get attacked. I am taking out Garif The Noob LOL. I have taken out his armies and now I am going for his only city. I have taken out Garif and another noob, they were both inactive. I am starting to see Rebirth scouts in my area. I thought we were actually warring PKS(people say we are)I thought they were launching an assault on me so I attempted to strike back but it was all a misunderstanding, they were going for a city up north owned by RVL. Apparantley they didnt get my message and now they are prepping on my cities and I barley have enough troops to match him but this is definately my last stand.

Mr. Pieguy

Lived in Era 41, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Kingdom of Hearts

I have restarted and I have landed on Midgard. I have joined Jelly Bean Empire and we are at war with these terrorist people. We are pushing them back as far as we can. MAD has arrived to assist us. The terrorist people have a 10k army heading south. We are so far winning the war and we have plenty of troops to take em but they just arent in the right places at the moment. We have almost wiped them off this side of the map. I have quit JellybeanEmpire and have joined Kingdom of Hearts to be with friends from LD. My KD is warring BOOM, and the terrorist people. We NAPed BOOM and JellyBean Empire is now dieing and we are getting owned in the east by HIV. The era is almost over so I dont care.