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Mr. Ariakas The Brave

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Midban The Wise) and was a member of The Best Kingdom in the Universe


Mr. Midban The Wise

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Sipuae Greenleaf) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Lord Ariakas the Brave fought valiantly to get the people of Mithas through the wilderness to the friendly city of Targoth, the city of a trusted ally and other member of the Best Kingdom in the Universe. Though the journey was perilous and the road long, they made it. However, Lord Ariakas soon realized that his skills were those of war rather than peace and handed the guidance of the kingdom over to Midban the Wise.

Midban was young and inexperienced, but had already shown himself to be level-headed and clever. Only time will tell what is in store for the kingdom of Mithas.

As Midban stood on the walls and gazed out on the land around him, he felt a twinge of doubt in his abilities. "Lord Ariakas gave me the crown," he said to himself. "He wouldn't have done that if he didn't think I could get us through." Whispering a quick prayer to Mellor, goddess of order and civilization, he scanned the horizon. Seeing the fertile lands to the northeast, Midban whispered a prayer of thanks and went to rally his people. They would have a city at last.

"I proclaim thee Thorbardin," roared Midban as he placed the cornerstone of the city's great hall. "May you stand forever as a monument to our struggle." This city was just what Midban had been searching for. It was right next to mountains for easy access to stone and it had plenty of room to grow into the fertile lands all around. Midban settled in to the running of the city, ordering his men to construct vast numbers of mines, farms, and houses to pave the way for what would hopefully be a coming era of prosperity.

The town quickly grew as refugees from the old land flooded in. Luckily, the construction of housing was already underway and the refugees were more than willing to lend a hand to get a roof over their heads. Even better, one group of refugees came bearing a magic rune that had once adorned the Great Mines of Radagast. Midban immediately tasked his mages with recovering the lost powers of the rune.

The next year was a good and prosperous one. Thorbardin and Stoneguard expanded rapidly and soon there was enough of a surplus to start a farming villiage in the fertile valley between the two. This villiage, called Narbazhul, expanded quickly until it became the breadbasket of the entire Kingdom, supplying food to all three of the cities on its own. Between the influx of refugees carrying lost technologies and the magnificent efforts of the scientists, the people of Mithas quickly grew in understanding of the world, and many new and wonderful technologies became commonplace. It was the first time of prosperity the people of Mithas had had since the coming of the Great Dragons.

This era would always be known as the First Golden Age of Mithas.

"This day marks the end of Midban the Wise." As Midban lay in his bed, surrounded by his family and closest advisors, he thought back over his reign. He had always known that this day would come and he had not dreaded it. "I have always tried to rule well and live well," Midban told those around him. "Every person shall one day die. It is a blessing indeed to have done so much with my time. I have discussed this time with my sons and we have agreed that, as Ariakas The Brave appointed me, I shall appoint my successor and claim him as my adopted family, as shall all kings of Mithas until the end of time." At this some of the advisors looked at the princes in surprise, but the princes' faces held no shock or dissapointment, only resolve.

"And so at that come forward, Sipuae Greenleaf, and take your place as King." The elf came forward, stunned. He was well liked, to be sure, but he did not have the same economic sense as his King. The wizened old dwarf silenced his protests with a look. He had thought long and hard about his decision. Without another word, Sipuae knelt to recieve the crown. Midban smiled. He had made a good choice. Even though the elf was right about his economic skills, he should learn quickly. Midban had taught his sons well to help Sipue through any trouble he might have, subtly of course. Besides that, his elven skill in magic should be a great boon in the times that Midban had foreseen.

Midban looked into the setting sun, a soft smile on his face, then closed his eyes. The heralds left the room as all those assembled bent their knees in homage to their new king.