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Mr. Targaryen

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Chee Cat) and was a member of Kingdom Berserk

Direct descendant of Vorima Darkqueen. It is said that the Targaryen DragonFlesh lineage began with the union of Emoria Darkqueen and Galen Dragonflesh as per custom dictated. This soon led to the birth of the infamous Vorima Dragonflesh and her Brother Alseif Dragonflesh.

After sixteen years of training and drills Alseif came to power and lead an invasion personally on the old kingdom of Manderin. After a 2 year campaign he successfully conquered the kingdom and began to settle down, his wife gave birth to her first daughter the same year.

At the daughters second nameday Alseif fell dangerously ill. He soon died a few weeks after leaving his widowed wife and deceased daughter to rule the kingdom. Soon for the sake of the kingdom they took Vorima and rose her to Steward of Ranhyn.

At the daughters 4th nameday she soon too fell ill and died leaving the daughter heir and her aunt Vorima. Soon it was suspected that Vorima was the killer and she was soon found missing. She dissapeared for years until the daughter heir whos name is lost in history entered her 16th name day.

On the eve of the daughter's heir 16th nameday came a lone man. A minor noble by his estate. After many parties and visits he soo became the Daughter heir now queens lover. Together they bore twin sons Ramius and Sorgoth. These two twins lives grew without troubles.

On the fall in the 27th year since the twins birth a dark army of orcs invaded Ranhyn. Killing and slaughtering all in their path. It was soon found to be led by a dark Sorcereress. It was soon found that this dark magi was none other than the twins great aunt Vorima Dragonflesh, now Vorima Darkqueen.

A civil war soon broke out and the end was not bright for Ramius who was slain in the defense of Elder plains. Sorgoth on the other hand had retreated to leagues yet unknown to even the Darkqueen.

As her reign of terror continued she soon gathered supporters even among her human nobility soon gaining credit as the rightful ruler of Ranhyn. She then would enslave a draconic being and consumate with it for lost lore and knowledge. Hence Targaryen Darkqueen was born

Targaryen at the age of 18 suppressed an uprising in Foul's keep and Hell's gate only to return home and be condemned by his own mother as a butcher. She soon imprisoned him and there he lay till his 21st nameday. It was then he was visited by a strange man origins unknown. Legends proclaim it was Sorgoth rightful ruler of Ranhyn. To this day Targaryen remains silent.

After 3 season's in the dungeon Targaryen dissapears. Soon after he emerges with half of the orc clans backing him and renegade soldiers holding the flag of Manderin. A civil war broke out with his mother.

Lord Targaryen Darkqueen acheived victory on the feild of battle on the eve of his uncle's nameday. In his honor he reclaimed the independence of Manderin and named himself High king of Ranhyn. In honor of the stranger his name from that day has been called Dragonflesh though he himself refers to himself as Darkqueen.