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Mr. Targaryen

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Chee Cat) and was a member of Kingdom Berserk

Direct descendant of Vorima Darkqueen. It is said that the Targaryen DragonFlesh lineage began with the union of Emoria Darkqueen and Galen Dragonflesh as per custom dictated. This soon led to the birth of the infamous Vorima Dragonflesh and her Brother Alseif Dragonflesh.

After sixteen years of training and drills Alseif came to power and lead an invasion personally on the old kingdom of Manderin. After a 2 year campaign he successfully conquered the kingdom and began to settle down, his wife gave birth to her first daughter the same year.

At the daughters second nameday Alseif fell dangerously ill. He soon died a few weeks after leaving his widowed wife and deceased daughter to rule the kingdom. Soon for the sake of the kingdom they took Vorima and rose her to Steward of Ranhyn.

At the daughters 4th nameday she soon too fell ill and died leaving the daughter heir and her aunt Vorima. Soon it was suspected that Vorima was the killer and she was soon found missing. She dissapeared for years until the daughter heir whos name is lost in history entered her 16th name day.

On the eve of the daughter's heir 16th nameday came a lone man. A minor noble by his estate. After many parties and visits he soo became the Daughter heir now queens lover. Together they bore twin sons Ramius and Sorgoth. These two twins lives grew without troubles.

On the fall in the 27th year since the twins birth a dark army of orcs invaded Ranhyn. Killing and slaughtering all in their path. It was soon found to be led by a dark Sorcereress. It was soon found that this dark magi was none other than the twins great aunt Vorima Dragonflesh, now Vorima Darkqueen.

A civil war soon broke out and the end was not bright for Ramius who was slain in the defense of Elder plains. Sorgoth on the other hand had retreated to leagues yet unknown to even the Darkqueen.

As her reign of terror continued she soon gathered supporters even among her human nobility soon gaining credit as the rightful ruler of Ranhyn. She then would enslave a draconic being and consumate with it for lost lore and knowledge. Hence Targaryen Darkqueen was born

Targaryen at the age of 18 suppressed an uprising in Foul's keep and Hell's gate only to return home and be condemned by his own mother as a butcher. She soon imprisoned him and there he lay till his 21st nameday. It was then he was visited by a strange man origins unknown. Legends proclaim it was Sorgoth rightful ruler of Ranhyn. To this day Targaryen remains silent.

After 3 season's in the dungeon Targaryen dissapears. Soon after he emerges with half of the orc clans backing him and renegade soldiers holding the flag of Manderin. A civil war broke out with his mother.

Lord Targaryen Darkqueen acheived victory on the feild of battle on the eve of his uncle's nameday. In his honor he reclaimed the independence of Manderin and named himself High king of Ranhyn. In honor of the stranger his name from that day has been called Dragonflesh though he himself refers to himself as Darkqueen.

Sir Chee Cat

Lived in Era 44, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Kingdom Berserk

[18:33] Sir Chee Cat: if you read your history books we were a turning point in both of them.
[18:33] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: that was allies and usa came in late to claim glory
[18:33] Mr. Jackdaniels: lets see well i dont think europe would be called europe with out the U.S.A
[18:33] Sir Chee Cat: mhmm, and we rebuilt it and still kicked your ass.
[18:33] Sir Sorra: lol you ddient win WWI and WWII it was a colition effort inw hitch soem countries put a lot mroe effor in then teh US
[18:33] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: turning point, no u werent u came in on the turning point
[18:33] Sir Chee Cat: ty jac
[18:33] Sir Chee Cat: itd be more idk
[18:33] Sir Chee Cat: nazi germany or something to that effect
[18:34] Mr. Orrises The Elder: Nope Usa Shows up 2 days late lost thousands upon thousands more than Canada did and Canada taken The Other Island first
[18:34] Sir Chee Cat: dude decus britian was falling apart.
[18:34] Sir Sorra: really, even with teh usa, if hitler dident attack russia....
[18:34] Sir Chee Cat: japan had NO contender in the east until we came along
[18:34] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: russia did the most atcually
[18:34] Sir Chee Cat: africa was lost till britian finally got the reinforcements to their corps down south
[18:34] Mr. Jackdaniels: yeah with out U.S europe would be called germany cause germany would have won if U.S wouldnt have sent troop to fight germany
[18:34] Lord Redragon Corpse: lol usa come to the war after everyone was weak
[18:34] * Mr. Halls has joined Lobby
[18:34] Lord Redragon Corpse: we did the same
[18:34] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: lol u guys know nothing
[18:35] Sir Chee Cat: germany was still in its most powerful state my friend. your statement is flawed
[18:35] Lord Redragon Corpse: joined the war one day before the end :P
[18:35] Mr. Orrises The Elder: USA did not win WW1 Or WW2 seriously what do they teach you in your school
[18:35] Sir Chee Cat: we came in after britian was brow beaten def. but still saved your sorry asses.
[18:35] Sir Sorra: lol, if hittler took europe, he would have taken teh USA aswell
[18:35] Mr. Jackdaniels: well lets see the victor wrights history
[18:35] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: lol usa would of never even faught if it werent for brits
[18:35] Sir Sorra: '
[18:35] Sir Chee Cat: Sry sorra not entierly true
[18:35] Sir Chee Cat: you realize hitler commanded the emperor of japan not to attack us
[18:36] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: you didnt have the tech to get equpiment on shore
[18:36] Mr. Orrises The Elder: USA Did not want to go to war .. Canada Jumped on it .. we did not had to either
[18:36] Sir Chee Cat: the emporer didnt like that or w.e
[18:36] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: and ports were unatainable
[18:36] Sir Sorra: lmao----USA came in after germany was all baat and battered. They were on the losing path already after theer failed attack on russia
[18:36] Sir Chee Cat: and they went ahead and attacked us anyway
[18:36] Mr. Jackdaniels: yeah if the uk and france wouldnt have owed america money we probably would have helped germany
[18:36] Sir Chee Cat: we didnt but you know what we did and saved alot of people.
[18:36] Sir Chee Cat: hell with how ungrateful they are now perhaps we shouldve.
[18:37] Sir Sorra: '
[18:37] Mr. Jackdaniels: i know
[18:37] Sir Sorra: LMAO
[18:37] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: usa shortned the war, BUT DIDNT win it
[18:37] Sir Chee Cat: we turned the tide def. and it was a usa victory
[18:37] Sir Chee Cat: you asked us if the usa has won any wars
[18:37] Mr. Orrises The Elder: We taken Juno ( which was More heavely fortified than The Other 1 .. i forgot the name
[18:37] Sir Chee Cat: we just told you too. if you are saying the usa lost then you are saying the allies as a whole lost which then would contradict your earlier statements as well.
[18:37] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: no u didnt chee, russia made the difference
[18:38] Mr. Orrises The Elder: USA NEVER DID
[18:38] Sir Chee Cat: we created a 2 war front.
[18:38] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: and fact brits made sure they couldent cross the channel
[18:38] Sir Sorra: USA came in when Germany was all beaten bruised and worn out
[18:38] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: germans gave up trying to take uk
[18:38] Mr. Orrises The Elder: Seriously .. patriotic crap and nonsence they teach you guys
[18:38] Sir Chee Cat: ever heard of D-day? American/British/French freedom ops forces invasion
[18:38] Sir Sorra: Thats liek kicking a dog who's already down and claiming you saved teh down
[18:38] Sir Chee Cat: god wtf do they teach you
[18:38] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: yes and american would of never got any eupiment if not for brits
[18:38] Sir Chee Cat: i really wish we didnt get involved now lol
[18:39] Mr. Orrises The Elder: all you guys did was supply guns to other countries making a ton of cash from the war
[18:39] Sir Chee Cat: .. orrises please hear me out for a second
[18:39] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: STFU sorra
[18:39] Sir Sorra: '
[18:39] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: u dont know what your talking about
[18:39] Sir Chee Cat: have you ever seen the iwo jima mem?
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[18:39] Sir Chee Cat: have you ever seen our d-day mem.
[18:39] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: and what u mean we?? u a soldier??
[18:39] Sir Chee Cat: Ill tell you right now, over half of america dislike our own goverment.
[18:39] Sir Sorra: U dont know what your talking about...hwo on earth can you claim teh US had a bigegr part in turning teh tide of teh war then russia
[18:40] Sir Sorra: bigger*
[18:40] Mr. Orrises The Elder: i know
[18:40] Sir Chee Cat: you can insult it all you want, but you fucking insult or fathers, well fucking fite you tooth and nail. so watch what you say
[18:40] Sir Chee Cat: i never said that sorra
[18:40] Sir Chee Cat: clean your ears out
[18:40] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i said russia had more part then usa urgh ur not even listening
[18:40] Sir Chee Cat: i said we changed the WEST front
[18:40] Sir Chee Cat: and took out japan
[18:40] Sir Chee Cat: i am ur not listening
[18:40] Sir Sorra: I was talking to teh guy who todl me to stfu
[18:40] Mr. Orrises The Elder: i am not insulting i am stating what i learned through a shit load of reaserch
[18:40] Sir Chee Cat: im not taking a dam thing away from russia. They did great indeed
[18:41] Mr. Jackdaniels: yeah with out america germany wouldnt have had to split there troops and would have stomped russia dumb fucking ass into the ground
[18:41] Sir Chee Cat: then you need to reresearch some things
[18:41] Sir Chee Cat: not necc true
[18:41] Sir Chee Cat: russia winter helped save them.
[18:41] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i suggest you research the facts
[18:41] Sir Chee Cat: though Rommel himself actually told hitler d-day was coming
[18:41] Sir Chee Cat: but hitler hated rommel told him to fuck off.
[18:41] Sir Sorra: Moveing away from WWII......
[18:41] Sir Sorra: YOU LOST VIETNAM
[18:41] Sir Chee Cat: we did.
[18:42] Sir Chee Cat: i wont deny that
[18:42] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: chee no he didnt STFU and learn the facts
[18:42] Sir Chee Cat: but the fact you have to change the war says something doesnt it
[18:42] Sir Chee Cat: yes he did.
[18:42] Sir Chee Cat: you stfu
[18:42] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: stop making things up
[18:42] Mr. Orrises The Elder: but in the end we are all friends =)
[18:42] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: were do u learn this bs info
[18:42] Mr. Jackdaniels: yeah america lost vietnam thats for sure
[18:42] Sir Chee Cat: no not really
[18:42] Mr. Jackdaniels: we got our asses kicked in vietnam
[18:42] Mr. Orrises The Elder: i have a Very long line of Military in My family
[18:43] Sir Chee Cat: i dislike foreingers tbh
[18:43] * Mr. Randy has left Lobby
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[18:43] Sir Chee Cat: hate em...
[18:43] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i hate people who dont know nothing and just make shit up chee
[18:43] Mr. Orrises The Elder: it was my bible seriously i was brought up with this every Damb day ..
[18:43] Mr. Orrises The Elder: we even talked about it at every fucking supper
[18:44] Mr. Jackdaniels: you know i hate ppl who think the know every thing decus
[18:44] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i hope thats not a slant at me jd
[18:44] Mr. Orrises The Elder: Decus who r u talking to?
[18:44] Sir Chee Cat: i aint making shit up
[18:44] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: erm chee, tis why i say chee
[18:44] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: orrises seems to know quite a bit
[18:45] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: well you not telling truth
[18:45] Sir Chee Cat: ill see if i can find some sights and show you then.
[18:45] Mr. Orrises The Elder: lol more than alot of pl
[18:45] Sir Sorra: '
[18:45] Mr. Orrises The Elder: some shit will blow your mind
[18:45] Mr. Orrises The Elder: i am highly educated in history .. ugh .. no career 4 it though
[18:45] Sir Chee Cat:
[18:45] Sir Chee Cat: look at that decus
[18:45] Sir Chee Cat: as for rommels warning
[18:46] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i aint gonna look at it
[18:46] Sir Chee Cat: then your ignorant and have no room to speak
[18:46] Sir Sorra: Next war: First and second gult wars were colitions, so they dont count as amarican victories, same with afghanstan
[18:46] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: cos i know the truth from more highly edcuated and respeted and highly ranking then you
[18:46] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i can make a website saying the world is flat does that make it true??
[18:46] Sir Chee Cat: lol really. so you assume you know all my sources
[18:46] Sir Chee Cat: why aint that ignorant and cocky of you sir decus
[18:47] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: im not a sir i work for a living
[18:47] Mr. Orrises The Elder: You piick fights with everyone don't you decus .. this isnt a compition ..
[18:47] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: only people who are wrong
[18:47] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i try to edcuate
[18:47] Sir Chee Cat: hes an ignorant fuck
[18:48] Sir Chee Cat: im trying to be civil and you slander me lft and right.
[18:48] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: well its cos ur wrong
[18:48] Sir Sorra: Well one thing is for sure, what hitler accomplished, he was a genius
[18:48] Sir Chee Cat: so then i pull up some forum discussions about it and you refuse to even read them?
[18:48] Sir Chee Cat: one thing is to read them and then tell me they are wrong.
[18:48] Mr. Jackdaniels: thank you chee stole words away from my fingertips
[18:48] Sir Chee Cat: its another to refuse to do so then say the same thing
[18:48] Sir Sorra: an insane genius, but a genius none teh less
[18:48] Mr. Orrises The Elder: Well Despite our Knowleges .. this is a pointless and a war that no 1 will win
[18:48] Sir Chee Cat: yes hitler was a genious
[18:48] Sir Chee Cat: charismatic as well.
[18:49] Sir Chee Cat: tbh if he dident kill off the jews etc even to this day i bet he wouldve been considered a hero..
[18:49] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: chee i can find stuff from all points, because points of view are different i know the true facts
[18:49] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: especially britians involvment on the issue
[18:49] Sir Chee Cat: you just said all points are different but you know the "true" facts. glad to know you know everything.
[18:49] Mr. Orrises The Elder: Well Despite our Knowleges .. this is a pointless and a war that no 1 will win
[18:49] Sir Sorra: lol why does everyoen only mention jews
[18:49] Mr. Orrises The Elder: sorry 4 the repost
[18:49] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: uk will
[18:49] Sir Chee Cat: especially after you just said no one knows them.
[18:49] Mr. Jackdaniels: so how are you doing orrises
[18:49] Sir Sorra: a shitlaod of other ppl were kileld to
[18:49] Sir Chee Cat: gj decus you keep it coming along then.
[18:50] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: britania rules the waves
[18:50] Sir Chee Cat: ya
[18:50] Sir Chee Cat: gypsies and non arion if i remember right
[18:50] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: seriously look up propley
[18:50] Mr. Orrises The Elder: i need sex ppl ttyl all
[18:50] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i mean i can find a website saying the locc ness monster is real
[18:50] Mr. Orrises The Elder: girl is in the mood =)
[18:50] Sir Chee Cat: change the fact decus doesnt make it true. afteralll if i say the world is flat does it make it true? hmm no so your opinion and "facts" are invalid
[18:51] Sir Sorra: Tell your right hand to get ready then Orrises :)
[18:51] Sir Sorra: jks
[18:51] Sir Sorra: jks
[18:51] Sir Sorra: Just playin]
[18:51] Mr. Orrises The Elder: later and no offence to anyone
[18:51] Sir Sorra: '
[18:51] Sir Chee Cat: hf and gl
[18:51] Sir Sorra: twas a good convo
[18:51] Sir Chee Cat: meh
[18:52] Sir Chee Cat: i wouldnt mind talking to orrises about it or yourself
[18:52] Sir Chee Cat: though decus on the other hand
[18:52] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: lol you cant handle truth
[18:52] Sir Chee Cat: ugh w.e im done now so you can relax decus just dont insult our fathers
[18:52] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: like i said websites say yeti's exist, if you search propley
[18:52] Sir Chee Cat: show me some facts then decus
[18:53] Sir Sorra: Well Personally, I think Hitler could have taken all of teh world if he dident atatck europe
[18:53] Sir Chee Cat: until you can then stfu
[18:53] Sir Sorra: I mean russia
[18:53] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: im not insulting your fathers, im just saying usa didnt single handley win the war
[18:53] Sir Chee Cat: i think you mean russia
[18:53] Sir Chee Cat: he was kicking ass till he fucked with russia
[18:53] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: was allies NOT USA
[18:53] Sir Chee Cat: that and britian won air superiroity or we
[18:53] Sir Sorra: ya
[18:53] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: usa played there part
[18:53] Sir Chee Cat: most of it d-day and after
[18:54] Sir Chee Cat: now like i said stfu decus, i have no tolerance for you anymore.
[18:54] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: u stfu
[18:54] Sir Sorra: All his genrals advised him against wr with russia...he dident listen. Also, I believe his air force was still strong at teh start of teh invasion
[18:54] Mr. Jackdaniels: and Britian laid down and got ass raped the whole fuckin war
[18:54] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: hmm ignorant
[18:54] Sir Chee Cat: now back to hitler, he was indeed a genius. however he was also ill health and was on drugs as well during his reign of the nazi empire
[18:54] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: so many diff factors
[18:54] Sir Chee Cat: could say the same
[18:55] Sir Chee Cat: decus i said drop it. im trying to change the subject so we all can get away and remain nuetral parties.
[18:55] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: like if anyone had not been to scared to wake the furher then tanks would of stoped dday at its tracks
[18:55] Sir Chee Cat: though if you have to antagonize everyone like a child then do so. just know ill only think less of you.
[18:55] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: or mulbury harbor hadent been though up no tanks trucks or equipement wouldent of got on land
[18:56] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: chee dont say drop it then go back to it and go well we did it all
[18:56] Sir Sorra: Yes,fear fo hitler lead to his downfall
[18:56] Sir Chee Cat: i wont deny they were afraid to wake hitler.
[18:56] Sir Chee Cat: that man killed ppl for slandering... such as yourself
[18:56] * Mr. Orrises The Elder has left Lobby
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[18:56] * Lord Redragon Corpse has left Lobby
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[18:56] Sir Chee Cat: though i wont accept the fact you refuse americans their rights.
[18:56] Sir Sorra: And near teh end, when germany was slwoly losing ground and he kenw it was over, everyone including Himler attempted to fuck him over. I think only gobbles is teh one who remianed loyal
[18:57] Sir Chee Cat: wasnt that the assasination on hitler?
[18:57] Sir Chee Cat: with rommel and everything etc
[18:57] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i dont rufuse there helping of war, i refuse the fact u claim they won the war, no the ALLIES won the war
[18:58] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: u mean all thoes millions of men and women shouldent of died cos american could of done it all on there own
[18:58] Sir Chee Cat: which counts as a usa victory
[18:58] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: no it counts as ALLIES victory
[18:58] Sir Chee Cat: at that time we probally couldve due to our emergine industrial might
[18:58] Sir Chee Cat: at that time we probally couldve due to our emergine industrial might
[18:58] Sir Chee Cat: at that time we probally couldve due to our emergine industrial might
[18:58] Sir Chee Cat: at that time we probally couldve due to our emergine industrial might
[18:58] Sir Sorra: No teh assasination on hitler was commited by a groupe of regulars not SS, It hapepned just as teh turning point was switching in favour of teh allies
[18:58] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: yea STFU chee
[18:58] Sir Chee Cat: allies is a group of parties= each patries victory you dumbfuck
[18:59] Sir Chee Cat: you stfu you dicklicking ignorant peice of shit
[18:59] Mr. Jackdaniels: well if Germany would have came and attacked America first it wouldn't have happened the way it it did and we would have won sigle handedly
[18:59] * Mr. Halls has left Lobby
[18:59] * Sir Sorra has left Lobby
[18:59] * Lord Deno Pan has joined Lobby
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[18:59] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: ok if usa could of won it, then why dont they take over the world if they soo strong
[18:59] Sir Chee Cat: We said it ourselves.
[19:00] Sir Chee Cat: why grabbing at straws here
[19:00] Mr. Jackdaniels: well thats because we have retarded leadership
[19:00] Sir Chee Cat: we are a "falling" power
[19:00] * Mr. Essence of Magic has left Lobby
[19:00] * Lord Deno Pan has left Lobby
[19:00] * Sir Sorra has joined Lobby
[19:00] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: lol bless you, you only a young county soo cocky
[19:00] Sir Chee Cat: we didnt deny that. The simple fact is you have run out of things to say and now sound like a child.
[19:00] * Lord Deno Pan has joined Lobby
[19:00] Mr. Jackdaniels: well even so we still made britain look bad
[19:00] Sir Chee Cat: you do.
[19:00] Mr. Jackdaniels: and there pretty old
[19:00] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: im bored of repeating myself, seem you are too dumb to edcuate chee
[19:00] * Lord Deno Pan has left Lobby
[19:00] * %Mr. Gubbajabolt has joined Lobby
[19:01] Sir Chee Cat: "well if you guys are so strong, why dont you take over the world!" <---sounds like a 7 year old.
[19:01] Sir Chee Cat: and it seems your too much of an old fag decus to learn and adapt
[19:01] Sir Chee Cat: hehe, funny an old fart trying to relive his youth
[19:02] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: well you cant deny if 1 county was soo stong it was undenyable they could rule everywere, then they would
[19:02] Duke Insane XIII throws a D-1000: 402
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[19:02] * Sir Sorra has left Lobby
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[19:02] * Mr. Kearn has joined Lobby
[19:02] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: well chee have a proper history lesson
[19:02] Sir Chee Cat: decus wtf are you talking about
[19:02] Sir Chee Cat: we said we couldve taken germany out during that time because of our emergine industrial might
[19:02] Sir Chee Cat: that is taking out the allies but the italians and japanese as well.
[19:02] Sir Chee Cat: thats all we said
[19:02] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: stfu
[19:03] Sir Chee Cat: we never said we could conquer the world, that is a fool notion you put into your own dam head.
[19:03] Sir Chee Cat: why
[19:03] Sir Chee Cat: because unlike you i have a point?
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[19:03] * Mr. Kaze has left Lobby
[19:03] * Sir Criminaly Insane has joined Lobby
[19:03] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: u have a wrong point
[19:03] * %Mr. Gubbajabolt has joined Lobby
[19:03] Sir Criminaly Insane: Himler abandoned Hitler in the end, he did not come to the last national defence meeting hitler called. Noen of his minsters showed because they were all dead, captured or trying to flee from germany. The only one who showed up was The Commander of berlins defence force and gobbles.
[19:03] Sir Chee Cat: ur ignorant as well as stupid
[19:03] Sir Criminaly Insane: '
[19:03] * Mr. Essence of Magic has joined Lobby
[19:04] Sir Criminaly Insane: Himler abandoned Hitler in the end, he did not come to the last national defence meeting hitler called. Noen of his minsters showed because they were all dead, captured or trying to flee from germany. The only one who showed up was The Commander of berlins defence force and gobbles.
[19:04] Sir Chee Cat: was himler the guy in charge of the ss? cant remember
[19:04] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: criminaly insane talk truth
[19:04] * Sir Criminaly Insane has left Lobby
[19:04] * Mr. Essence of Magic has left Lobby
[19:04] * Sir Sorra has joined Lobby
[19:04] Sir Chee Cat: or an advisor or something.
[19:04] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: see my point guys, chee dont know nothing
[19:04] Sir Chee Cat: decus are you a dumbfuck
[19:04] * %Mr. Gubbajabolt has left Lobby
[19:04] * Sir Sorra has left Lobby
[19:04] * Lord Redragon Corpse has joined Lobby
[19:04] * Sir Sorra has joined Lobby
[19:05] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: yet he argues with me
[19:05] Sir Chee Cat: unlike you i just admitted i have no knowledge of the last happeneings of hitlers conference
[19:05] Sir Chee Cat: if you notice i NEVER said i knew.
[19:05] Sir Chee Cat: yet again that was a fool notion you put into YOUR head.
[19:05] * Sir Sorra has left Lobby
[19:05] * Mr. Vvooiidd has joined Lobby
[19:05] Sir Chee Cat: because your a dumbfuck and a waste of space
[19:06] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: well u just proved my point, you look totally stupid now
[19:06] Mr. Vvooiidd: and thus Hitler, in his dieing days was left alone, With only 1 Commander of His once vast empire showing up and his propoganag minster and prehaps only trusted friend gobbles
[19:06] Sir Chee Cat: You said earlier that there are different veiwpoints
[19:06] Sir Chee Cat: im posting americans yet you are saying im wrong
[19:06] Sir Chee Cat: wtf are you some god?
[19:06] Mr. Vvooiidd: and thus Hitler, in his dieing days was left alone, With only 1 Commander of His once vast empire showing up and his propoganag minster and prehaps only trusted friend gobbles
[19:06] Sir Chee Cat: No your not so stfu up you mother fucking fag and sit down and get yourself a beer like all the other potbellied fags.
[19:06] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: yea and not knowing what the ss are who who the command to is like saying, what is this Sea you talk about??
[19:06] Sir Sorra: and thus Hitler, in his dieing days was left alone, With only 1 Commander of His once vast empire showing up and his propoganag minster and prehaps only trusted friend gobbles
[19:06] Sir Chee Cat: i know what the ss are
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[19:07] Sir Chee Cat: like i said yet again you dumbfuck
[19:07] Sir Chee Cat: i asked if himler was the leader because i forgot.
[19:07] Sir Chee Cat: sry for being human o mighty god.
[19:07] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: 2 secs ago u didnt
[19:07] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: yet again im not god
[19:07] Sir Chee Cat: i didnt know who the leader was yes
[19:07] Sir Chee Cat: but i know who the ss were
[19:08] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: see you know nothing, why do u persist to agrue when you know absoulte nothing
[19:08] Sir Chee Cat: then stop trying to pretend to be one, or at least act like you know all the facts.
[19:08] Sir Chee Cat: because there is an ignorant fuck telling me that he knows america's veiwpoint better than an american.
[19:08] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i dont know all the facts, im sure i never will, i just know more then u
[19:08] Sir Sorra: Hitler and gobbles then comitted suicide, leaveing everything to the Commander of Berlins Defence, who barely ahd any troops ammo or euipment left. Apprently He still forced his men 9or oens he had left) to fight to the last man and they did. He was kileld during the russian Advance
[19:08] Sir Chee Cat: not neccesarily true
[19:09] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: chee what job do you do that leads you to be soo well informed??
[19:09] Sir Chee Cat: you said their are more than one veiwpoints, our veiwpoints are just different. but i think its funny after YOU said that, now im wrong
[19:09] Sir Chee Cat: because you know just because im american i dont know american history
[19:09] Sir Chee Cat: thats right, i just dont know a goddamn thing
[19:09] Sir Chee Cat: you happy now.
[19:10] Sir Chee Cat: there we go, perhaps all mighty decus, all powerful sage
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[19:10] Sir Chee Cat: why dont you tellme what really happened
[19:10] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: no i think just because u know nothing that is correct that means you know nothing
[19:10] Sir Chee Cat: lol wrong
[19:10] Sir Chee Cat: i know plenty
[19:10] Sir Chee Cat: and im sure you know your fair share of facts as well.
[19:10] Sir Chee Cat: but for you to be telling me im wrong when you refuse to read evidence i attempted to put up
[19:10] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: so what do you do then?? you a high ranking general, or maby you teach uni level history??
[19:11] Sir Chee Cat: no that just tells me your ignorant and refuse to at least attempt to reason
[19:11] Sir Chee Cat: if i made a mistake then thats perfectly fine. im more than willing to admit it but show me some facts you old fuck.
[19:11] Sir Chee Cat: nope neither, i just know what i know from reading books, novels on history etc
[19:11] Sir Chee Cat: something i enjoy to do.
[19:11] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: im prob younger then you chee lol, well 2nd thought not cos i think your about 10 but im not old
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: im willing to admit i dont know everything but you seem you are not willing to do that.
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: and you sound like your 7
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: how about this samual
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: ill make a post in the misc forums about this
[19:12] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: erm i said many time i dont know everything, i just said ur wrong
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: ill post my veiwpoint civily
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: and you can post yours
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: then let vu decide?
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: if i am wrong i will say so.
[19:12] Sir Chee Cat: if you are wrong you will say so.
[19:13] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: lol exactly my point, i know u are u said u r but what am i rofl
[19:13] Sir Chee Cat: and im telling you from the american veiwpoint i am not wrong.
[19:13] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: 2 secs chat is shit
[19:13] Sir Chee Cat: so then we have reached an accord?
[19:13] Sir Chee Cat: well?
[19:13] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: ur allowed ur viewpoint, just as im allowed to say it is wrong
[19:14] Sir Chee Cat: not entirely true
[19:14] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: urgh stfu seriously your soo annoying
[19:14] Sir Chee Cat: i will agree you are allowed yours as well as mine, but to attempt to force yours upon myself is incorrect and immoroal
[19:14] Sir Chee Cat: this entire time ive said "american veiwpoint"
[19:15] Sir Chee Cat: yet it just now gets through. that is sad decus, that tells me you havent payed one god damn second to this convo
[19:15] Sir Chee Cat: and havent even attemted to compromise.
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[19:15] Sir Chee Cat: so i ask you shall we post on forums and ask or do you wish to leave it here no hard feelings?
[19:15] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: but as you expressed intrest i will give you some correct info im sure you dont know about which doesnt conflict what you know allready
[19:16] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: or think you know should i say
[19:16] Sir Chee Cat: that is fine. if you can show me proof im willing to listen, however when i brought something up you completely blew it off.
[19:16] Sir Chee Cat: that makes you ignorant.
[19:16] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: pff not gonna post links just titles
[19:16] Sir Chee Cat: give me links
[19:16] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: mulbury harbor
[19:16] Sir Chee Cat: if you wish to show me i want to know its true
[19:16] Sir Chee Cat: afterall i could say the world is flat huh
[19:17] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: its unrelated you wont of heard of it
[19:17] Sir Chee Cat: link to mulbury harbor plz
[19:17] Sir Chee Cat: better yet
[19:17] Sir Chee Cat: link me to a novel
[19:17] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: and that links to alot of other things you will find
[19:17] * Sir Sorra has left Lobby
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[19:17] Sir Chee Cat: i want a direct link
[19:17] Sir Chee Cat: of a valid goverment approved website
[19:17] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: triamphs in africa which lead to creation to reme
[19:18] Sir Chee Cat: im just doing the same thing you did earlier
[19:18] Sir Chee Cat: triumphs
[19:18] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i never said i could spell
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[19:18] Sir Chee Cat: o and btw for future reference american won independence that does count as an american victory as well.
[19:18] Sir Chee Cat: im just correcting.
[19:18] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: well you faught against your self so not really
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: well when you can provide either goverment approved links of american, uk or german ill be happy to read
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: until then dont even speak to me.
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: we fought the british so yes really
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: trust me. the american war you have little chance of beating me.
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: we can also say the spanish war
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: american-indian war
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: etc
[19:19] Sir Chee Cat: but i wont get into those.
[19:19] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: no for your indapendence the north faught the south
[19:20] Sir Chee Cat: because like i said i find speaking to you a waste of time.
[19:20] Sir Chee Cat: dude...
[19:20] Sir Chee Cat: you are getting 2 wars mixed up big time...
[19:20] Sir Chee Cat: the civil war was fought between the north and south
[19:20] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i said that
[19:20] Sir Chee Cat: the American revolution was fought against the british.
[19:20] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: yea now ur just repeating me
[19:20] Sir Chee Cat: there last bit of pity im willing to bestow upon you
[19:20] Sir Chee Cat: enjoy and read up
[19:21] Sir Chee Cat: message me those links if you find them.
[19:21] Sir Chee Cat: You said for our independence the north fought the south
[19:21] Sir Chee Cat: wrong
[19:21] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: lol i told you there none conflicting, there purley for ur benifit
[19:21] Sir Chee Cat: the civil war the north fought the south
[19:21] Sir Chee Cat: in the revolution we fought britian
[19:21] Sir Chee Cat: look it up
[19:21] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: none conflicting but do involve conflict =)
[19:22] Sir Chee Cat: there is plenty of conflict there. trust me.
[19:22] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: no we owned america, and north faught the south to get us out
[19:22] Sir Chee Cat: from someone that got two wars mixed up go read something then come back and contact me.
[19:22] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: u faught us previously but to no point usa stil part of our empire
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[19:22] Sir Chee Cat: wrong, most americans wanted independence, it just so happened those states were british controlled.
[19:23] Sir Chee Cat: go ahead read read read! its good for a developing brian
[19:23] Sir Chee Cat: brain
[19:23] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: lol u copying my insluts now
[19:23] Sir Chee Cat: we fought for you till you guys started to impose unfair taxes on us
[19:23] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: wow i really am waisting my time here
[19:23] Sir Chee Cat: i could say the same
[19:23] Sir Chee Cat: a 7 year old should be getting ready to head to bed in about an hour.
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[19:24] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: my time is worth money, your hmm headake
[19:24] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: see soo stupid
[19:24] Sir Chee Cat: its headache
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[19:24] Sir Chee Cat: learn to spell. especially if your suppose to be british dear god. American is a form of slang from it. at least learn to properly speak your own native tongue
[19:24] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: hmm a brit fighting an american, so surely that means they have same time as us dont it??
[19:25] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: chee every city in uk speaks and spells diff
[19:25] Sir Chee Cat: .. we live in two completely different time zones...
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[19:25] Sir Chee Cat: doesnt make it proper.
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[19:25] Sir Chee Cat: doesnt make it proper
[19:26] Sir Chee Cat: btw what kd you in?
[19:26] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: no but its english and british so makes it right
[19:26] Sir Chee Cat: itd be horrid if i had to nap a pain such as yourself
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[19:26] Sir Chee Cat: no it doesnt
[19:26] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: what kd r u
[19:26] Sir Chee Cat: "PROPER" english
[19:26] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: how not its our language
[19:26] Sir Chee Cat: american slang is a deprivation of it.
[19:26] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: not your
[19:27] Sir Chee Cat: it is our national language as well.
[19:27] Sir Chee Cat: plus in school we are forced to learn PROPER ENGLISH
[19:27] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: ur national language that u stoal from us like u stoal ur flag from our eitc
[19:27] Sir Chee Cat: you know how much of a bitch it is to learn vocab we dont even use
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[19:27] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: like i explained to kearn earlier on
[19:27] Sir Chee Cat: lol we didnt take our flag from you
[19:27] Sir Chee Cat: you are ignorant indeed.
[19:28] Sir Chee Cat: look up the history of our flag
[19:28] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: urgh search eitc flag
[19:28] Sir Chee Cat: Youll know why the stars are on it etc.
[19:28] Sir Chee Cat: what the stripes mean
[19:28] Sir Chee Cat: and as our langauge of course we took it. It was the language we spoke
[19:28] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: yes for the states well done, u took stripes and blue bit from us
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[19:28] Sir Chee Cat: perhaps but to sink so low as to grab at straws.
[19:28] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: or possibly took stars from austrilia
[19:28] Sir Chee Cat: this is pathetic on your part
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[19:29] Sir Chee Cat: we were a country before australia
[19:29] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: dont know about were u got stars from
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[19:29] Sir Chee Cat: and im sure australia has their own reasons for it as well.
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[19:29] Sir Chee Cat: Its for our states
[19:29] Sir Chee Cat: 1 for each state of the "UNITED STATES"
[19:29] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: i know its for ur states like i said, u dont listen do u
[19:29] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: but were u stoal idea from i have no idea
[19:30] Sir Chee Cat: where did you say that
[19:30] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: urgh i have better things to do
[19:30] Sir Chee Cat: we didnt steal it
[19:30] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: urgh blind and dumb
[19:30] Sir Chee Cat: Our flag was made in a basement lol
[19:30] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: ur soo annoying
[19:30] Mr. Decus Vires Honorque: cya
[19:30] Sir Chee Cat: look whos talking
[19:30] * Mr. Proeliator has left Lobby
[19:30] * Mr. Halls has left Lobby
[19:30] * Mr. Decus Vires Honorque has left Lobby
[19:30] Sir Chee Cat: gbye
[19:30] Sir Chee Cat: have fun running away
[19:30] Sir Chee Cat: stupid bitch
[19:30] Mr. Jackdaniels: was waiting for that
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[19:31] Sir Chee Cat: ya wasnt going to let him have last word.
[19:32] Mr. Jackdaniels: lol