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Ms. Astoria

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Astoria).


Lady Astoria

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Astoria) and was a member of Shadows

10 years ago

"Awake my child awake.............

You are the chosen one, one who will bring light to this world. You will save countless lives and be praised as a hero for eternity. With your mighty sword you will cut down evil with your might. Statues of you and cities will be named after you with your greatness. Are you willing to be that person?

You mush be careful my child there is another side to light. Darkness and evil can cloud judgment and change your attitude about the world. You have the potential to be the bringer of darkness, the one who will destroy the world. People will cry out and curse your name. You will be feared by the Gods and be called forth as a demon, the daughter of Hades. What shall you do?

Go forth into the Shadows and discover who you are my child. You will make friends and break friends. You will fight with your comrades and at the same time kill someone else's comrade. The choice is yours and once you make that choice my child I will be waiting.

Till then my child grow Astoria. The world is yours if you decide to wish it. I will be watching you from above the heavens".

-Prophet Dealious King of the Shadows (my father's last words to me)

"Father watch over me........"

Diaries of Astoria

* Era 40 VU Day 207*
I am excited to see the kingdom up and running again. My father would be proud. I remember his words every last one of them. They echo in my heart for eternity and I feel the big decision for me to chose will come fast. It is peaceful now and as I look towards the Garing Sea and know that there hasn't been this peace for a long time since the kingdom's downfall 10 years ago. With my father's passing away barbarians took our land and now we have taken it back. The peasants are excited and name the city after me, how thoughtful. I look forward to the future and wonder what will it bring me. War is coming I can feel it in the air just like it did 10 years ago. I'm making good relations with Iok. They may prove to be a useful ally later. I am grateful. Oh father watch over me in these harsh times coming.

*Era 40 VU Day 297*

Mr. Bartimaues Reincarnated of Tupac and I have become the best of allies. So have ROC elders and IoK but not so much IoK. Relations are getting good and at the same time with some other KD's really stiff. We are growing!! I'm am so proud of the recruiting we have made. The members here are experts! I am lucky to be able to be their leader. They will make the KD great! Bart is becoming more and more closer as we progress through the era and now I feel we could take on ALL of Talents. Only time will tell what else is to come to me.

Lady Astoria

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Astoria) and was a member of Shadows


Lady Astoria

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Astoria) and was a member of Shadows


Lady Astoria

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Astoria) and was a member of Revelation


Lady Astoria

Lived in Era 44, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Royal order of Claidmore
